
22 Post – 1602 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I use Arch btw

If bitwarden is too complicated, keepass is out of the picture

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Using Bitwarden must be too complicated for these guys or something.

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Just picked up battlefield 1 cause my friend wanted to play. Wonder if I should get the other battlefield games

I installed Bazzite on a sibling's thinkpad and it was amazing. Chose KDE, out of the box, it was amazing. Fingerprint fprint was pre installed, just had to scan them in settings. Battery management and power level settings (power save or performance) were also already installed. Everything has been flawless. Even full disk encryption works amazingly well without hiccups. I remember trying it on Ubuntu and it bricked itself or something and gave up on it.

Dual booting it and installation was a walk in the park.

I wouldn't have it any other way

Diane Morgan

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Democratic party would crush it if only they replaced Biden with a younger candidate. I'm telling you, even republicans might switch over and vote democrat if this happens.

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Mrwhosetheboss. Dude seems like he sniffs a line before every video. I'll probably need to watch one of his videos right now to explain more reasons but it's just not something I would like to watch now.

Safety Torch was my childhood

Went hiking and one of my buddies collapsed from heat exhaustion. Had to call a heli.

Before that, when Trump was elected and all the outcomes that came afterwards like roe v wade, school shootings, attacks on racial minorities, oh yeah and denial of covid 19 and vaccines.

Edit: I can probably list more but I would have to keep on editing this post so ima stop it at that.

Who do you watch now? I thought Breaking Points was ok.

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And Louisiana with the 11 commandments in school right?

Audit the audit did a cool video on this


But like you could run games on Linux. https://protondb.com

Reminds me, I should donate to Fossify

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Celeste is amazing. Still need to beat it

For bank stuff and government documents I use a prepaid number I got on ebay on an old flip phone I remove the battery from.

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How do you "squash" it?

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How the fuck is this not illegal?

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I wonder if anybody at my uni uses lemmy

Edit: Anybody from cal poly pomona feel free to comment below

You're pretty much famous bro. Can I get your autograph?

Any important conversation I like recording it. I know you can do this on Android, idk about iphones.

Does Bazzite count? I recommend Bazzite

Funny and very disappointing at the same time how he got actual politicians to endorse training for 4 year olds to shoot bad guys.

Somebody give this person a Pulitzer. People are threatened because they are being threatened.

Works fine on Eternity

I believe it also violates California Privacy Protection laws as well


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The child should've also carried a gun to protect themselves from bad wedding officiants.

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Imo Reddit has been the winner of the 3rd party apps and fuck spez protests. The users came crawling back. A few of us went to lemmy and formed quality communities, but for the most part, a large majority are on there.

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Although the general education classes like psychology and sociology are annoying, they're all essential knowledge for being an educated human being. It's a shame Florida wants their population to be ignorant conservatives.

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From u/fablegrimoire,

"Gamedev here. This is NOT normal. I suspect a bug happened on Valve's side.

EDIT: checked our Steam email again: "If you do not add a USD price to these columns for your game before November 20th, we will default to the standard USD pricing you already have in Steamworks.", seems like manual input was explicitly needed after all, but I'm not the only dev who missed it apparently.

Here's a summary of what happened:

Last month, Steam notified all devs and publishers of the price change
Steam automatically suggested prices for LATAM and MENA (mostly half the USA price)
Through the Steam pricing tool, devs can manually override the suggestion with another price
We manually lowered the price to our 2nd game, but let Steam decide for our 1st game ($12.49)
Come today, and through Steamdb, we see that Steam did NOT apply its own suggested price for our 1st game. Instead it applied USA price (24.99). We still see the halved, Steam-suggested $12.49 price in our pricing tool.

Game developers are now discovering this and are hurriedly manually changing the prices to make it fairer to LATAM and MENA regions. We just did that and are waiting for Valve to approve the change.

I promise that outside of AAA publishers like EA, almost no game developer wanted this to happen. We're aware that this is counter-intuitive and we know it won't help with sales (or our reputation) at all."

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And on Tuesday, 37 Members of Parliament signed an open letter to the Council of Europe urging legislators to reject Chat Control.

"We explicitly warn that the obligation to systematically scan encrypted communication, whether called 'upload-moderation' or 'client-side scanning,' would not only break secure end-to-end encryption, but will to a high probability also not withstand the case law of the European Court of Justice," the MEPs said. "Rather, such an attack would be in complete contrast to the European commitment to secure communication and digital privacy, as well as human rights in the digital space."

I hope to fuck this shit won't get passed

I hear this all the time. I have this conversation on the regular.

Them: "Oh you think Tik Tok is spyware?"

Me: "yes"

Them: "I'll have you know so is Google, Apple, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Microsoft, and all the big American companies too"

Me: "Yeah, that's why I don't use them"

Them: gasp "you're just paranoid bro are you a drug dealer or something?"

Me: "no, I just like my privacy. You probably wouldn't like it if some guy was following you keeping tabs about everything you do either."

Them: "well I've got nothing to hide"

Me: "maybe the next person in power might see your current and past beliefs illegal"

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lemm.ee already made the decision, based off of the voice of the community to defederate from Threads

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On android when you go to the wifi settings you're currently connected to there should be a setting for randomizing mac address per connection or per network. If you change it to per connection, once you disconnect and reconnect your mac address should change. On per network, it will randomly generate the mac address for the first connection and keep that address for that wifi forever.

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Ah yes to make your lights work, we need all your data. Stuff like this is why I don't have "smart" anything.

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Skill issue tbh

I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

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Didn't know Lemmy was written in Rust.

Edit: yep, it is https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy

Yoo it uses AGPL v3 too. That's pretty cool. Love to see it