Jean Memes

/home/ to Out of the – 38 points –

Alright. What's the lore behind all the jean memes?


This shit just sometimes happen. Someone posts a meme, sometimes relevant to current events sometimes not, and it picks up traction and becomes a meta meme.

I was under the impression this related to Best Jeanist^1 in MHA. At least that is the context in which my kid and I joke about it. Not sure exactly what memez jemes you're looking at. I'll ask my kid. She's the jexpert on this stuff.

1 jreatest superhero in the jistory of the jeaniverse

Would you have a link, I can't find them

Somebody started one and people jumped on the bandwagon, why would there be more to it? It was already so old it uses crutches and false teeth.