1 Post – 749 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

For starters they keep making mostly the same game over and over. They're essentially doing the Bethesda shtick except their end results are better. Sticking to stuff that can mostly be made in the same engine as the thing you finished 15 minutes ago is going to shave off a lot of time compared to making a new game.

Of course that's not to shit on incremental improvements or engine reuse or anything. That is just sound thinking as long as the games are good.

27 more...

Not trying to be a contrarian (it just happens!) but boredom will not kill you. In fact, I challenge you to sit and be bored for a good few minutes. It's good for you. I'm terrible at it myself, but that's what being a dopamine crack addict will do, I guess.

If you're out of ideas for things to do, try mindfulness meditation (Waking Up is an app with a bunch of free lessons to get you started) - very little woowoo, just pay cursory attention to something, then when your mind inevitably wanders off, just "notice" and be, well, mindful. It's like an antidote for boredom, in a weird way, and studies have shown that for whatever reason, it's good for you.

Myself, I read books for any "random short term downtime".

16 more...

You think C# is a Unity thing?

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Unless it's from the Kaijuu region of Japan, it's only sparkling beast.

What was the point of spending years as a productive administrator, making tens of thousands of edits and logging thousands of actions, to implode the whole thing over a pointless argument on an RfA talk page?

People do weird things. Mood disorders, (develop-/)mental disorders, personality disorders, extreme cases of having a shitty day, or just being a twat.

What is really fucked up isn't just the meltdown, but the insinuation they did this to fuck with someone else, this Beeblebrox guy. That's not very hoopy.

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Many of them will find some way to rationalize it. There was a documentary about an infamous series of experiments some of these geniuses set up - they were obviously consistent with a round Earth, so they dismissed it and started mumbling about mistakes in the experimental design and so on.

You can lead a horse to water, but horses can be intensely moronic animals.

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Wouldn't surprise me. If you're not into ragebait, tankieism, linux smugness, the painful minutiae of corporations fucking everyone, US bullshit, or all of the above... this place is really pretty slow.

I only really browse "all" on this site and it does seem like fresh content trickles in at a fairly slow rate. At least part of that is that it needs to squeeze by what is now pages and pages of blocked communities just trying to avoid the doomposting.

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These guys are getting harder and harder to take seriously. As disappointing as the game itself is, what the fuck is this? Defensively and passive-aggressively trying to argue with reviewers? Long ramblings on how unfair it is that one of the world's most significant game studios, freshly taken over by enormous capital... gets a little criticism for the flaws it its products? Do you need to be an expert Twinkie mass manufacturing engineer, really, if a new product is, let's say, a tenth of the size and tastes of sawdust?

If they're gonna insinuate it's not the obvious reasons, maybe they should've served up some less obvious reasons - I'm sure they would've been convincing.

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Well at least this surely will be easily disabled and then not keep re-enabling itself when Windows forgets its own settings every couple weeks(!)

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"Angst". Quite a choice of words.

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Give some JS dev about fifteen minutes

People who are bored all the time could be depressed. Depression being stigmatized, people won't necessarily want to talk about it more directly, or "bother" other people with it. It could also just be expressing a desire to do something without knowing what.

The people basically encouraging chores (wtf?) or implying they're a manipulative emotional vampire should consider being a little less judgmental.

Because if you don't keep a close eye on mental patients, some of them might hurt or kill themselves or other people - sometimes in extraordinarily resourceful and unexpected ways. It's rare and overhyped, but the fact that it does happen means the system needs to account for it. Then add the usual amount of greed, incompetence, stigma etc., and suddenly the only way of accounting for that is, well, prison style.

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This place is noticeably more anticorporate - which makes sense because corporations tend to be dicks - and leftist. Enshittification is a fairly apt term for what goes on.

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Usually it's shit advice anyway, so it's not like you're actually missing out. Of course they want you to think so, wanting your money, but back in the day when this was "expertsexchange" (snrk) evading the paywall was... easy, but still not worth it. That is how shit it was.

Just find better sources: Google has recently been even more blatant about pushing "good for us"-results above "actually good" results, so trying another engine might help, too.

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Basically the same drink? How?

Cup of black coffee and a cup of cola look similar, I guess..

In the EU, they certainly aren't allowed to "assume consent".

It doesn't necessarily mean that. It can mean that.

As conspiracy theory bullshit goes, this is a true classic - almost up there with the Moon landing. Some Infowars-regurgitating twat was spamming about HAARP on an IRC channel I was on like 15+ years ago.

No, C# is a general purpose language that Unity has a botched, outdated version of.

Basically all of them. Lemmy etc. are basically 90%+ techies, Facebook is pretty much going to be widely hated here no matter where you go.

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Yeah, well, no fucking shit, what'd they think was the point of the campaign?

These guys...

they really only have themselves to blame [...] research your vendor’s financial strategy - that’s basic due diligence

Really? They really only have themselves to blame for Unity suddenly making a drastic and poorly thought out change to their pricing policies? Researching with what, a crystal ball?

Ooooh! No, my bad, I'll have that fixed in a jiff now that you've pointed it out. Thanks!

You want an alternative to "motherfucker" that can't be offensive in any way?

Yeah no. Do you even realize what you are asking?

So... don't give them views by linking them all over, then?

That's the neat part - you don't.

The idea that there could be a truly neutral source is not really realistic, human minds do not work that way and there are many other reasons why it's even harder than that.

As long as you stay away from the blatant extremes, partisans, people with some other stake in the game, etc., all you can do is evaluate relative bias, and try to adjust for it. It is inevitable that your take isn't going to be unbiased, either, but this way you'll have had a decent shot at minimizing wrongness.

[chuckles evilly in Norwegian]

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Also, as long as it links there, it serves the completely ass-backwards purpose of actually providing Reddit with extra traffic. Probably not a lot though, I guesss.

That's because unless they get rid of the first-past-the-post system, it's 100% wasted.

Unfortunately, FPTP also keeps the existing dominant parties complacent in only having one enemy, so they don't actually have to try very hard. So changing it is unlikely to gather a lot of steam, either. "Lesser evil" sucks, but is ironically a lesser evil than just throwing away the vote entirely.

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Getting infuriated over this stupid prick's bullshit, mildly or otherwise, just isn't worth it.

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Was it really? How?

They are heavy-handed but are upfront about that fact, and their reason for it - wanting a safe space, since a lot of people go out of their way to make the rest of the internet as unwelcoming as they can. If that's not acceptable to you, you're just not in the target audience. If it's any sort of threat to the fediverse I am really not seeing how. If they want to be a bubble and deal with the "recruitment" issues that causes on an already miniscule platform, they absolutely can.

Reputation-wise for Lemmy instances and the FV in general, I would think we have significantly larger issues.

It's a hack - unsanctioned third party extensions are inherently pretty hackish and just work however they can. They frequently depend on things that can change in unpredictable ways, so breaking with updates is just business as usual.

Assuming the project is actively maintained, there should be a fix available at some point.

Edit: this is assuming they have their own infrastructure, I have no idea if that's true. If things were really relying on hidden but "deprecated" API stuff, like some people ITT say, you could be SoL - they can just remove that at their leisure and it's odd they haven't.

Bumper stickers are... incredibly weird to me. Why? Literally.

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(Disclaimer: armchair expert here, admittedly with some personal experience)

Poor guy. Rejection sensitivity is a thing, and it sounds like this guy's got it bad. Some people essentially walk around with the emotional equivalent of a bad sunburn - even a casual touch can be pretty nasty.

If he's as socially awkward as this suggests, the whole "setting boundaries" thing is likely hard for him to deal with, and his reaction suggests that he's never learned to handle feedback very well. I'm assuming there's no hint of malice, just childishness and being oblivious of social norms. 46 years' worth of subtle or overt feedback along the lines of "you're not pulling this social thing off" can make people do some weird and counterproductive things in order to try to fit in. It can also sensitize them extremely to criticism no matter how accurate, necessary and well-intentioned.

If you can make sure he knows you're on his side, and are very careful to not make things sound like an attack, you have a reasonable chance of getting through. He is distinct from his fart jokes, and people don't dislike him but specific bits of inappropriate behavior. Since any hint of rejection tilts him, help him be secure in the ways he's valued. If he's got the classic "bad with subtext" thing then you need to be prepared to spell things out, while keeping it inoffensive. As a hunch, I'd stay well away from anything that sounds like a judgment either on your part or anyone else's - stick to the facts. This is what happens when people get distracted, humor is important in the workplace but there's a time and place, etc.

That being said, you don't need to coddle him too much (particularly if he's either guilty about needing it, or suspects it's not genuine) but it's ideal if it works - he's happier and stops setting himself up for "rejection", everyone else is happy due to less friction in general, you're happy, your boss is happy.

If that doesn't work, it might be time for brass tacks: "this specifically doesn't work, it doesn't mean people hate you, but it does need to stop." In the extreme, he could dig in and then you might want to call backup from e.g. your superior or someone less hands-on.

"You're welcome" was always taught to me as the proper thing, but sounds slightly stilted. They express the same sentiment, roughly, but "[it was] no problem" is arguably clearer about it. I personally just think it's a slightly "nicer" nuance.

Of course, sometimes maybe it actually was a problem, and then I'd only say it if going out of my way to be nice about it.

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Antivaxxers are literally dangerous, if platformed - I personally and indirectly know people who very nearly accidentally killed themselves with that stupid bullshit - still might, actually. "Here to be contradicted" is a nice, optimistic thought. It doesn't work though: this is not reasoned debate with reasonable people. They are the pigeon on the chessboard.

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Starfield was definitely one of my worst purchases in a long, long time. Full price for nothing.

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EDIT: OK, it's ackchually not technically "resolution" per se, I get it. :p

That's because the graphics were tailored to CRT resolution - which is to say, [things that just so happened to have] low/outright bad resolution.

CRTs have advantages over more modern stuff but that's mostly about latency.

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Have you considered maybe your "participation" is just insufferable even if it weren't blatantly bad faith?

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