14 Post – 282 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A/S/L: Old enough 2 ASL/;3/Pits of despair

Pronouns: :3 / >:3

Mental Health: Dangerously unstable

Spoken languages: Cringe / Acadian French / English

Yeah I really hope other car makers follow because I fucking hate touch controls in cars with a burning passion. It's idiotic and not safe at all.

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"This man has got to face his maker and explain why he can't say 'Jesus Christ' is my Lord and savior and I will run my country under his guidelines," he said during a Newsmax interview at the time.

This line sent shivers down my spine. Fucking religious zealots.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

How about this for a reason?

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I knew this skill would come in handy one day.

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I'm sure one day they're going to be selling those user created levels back to the users who originally created them.

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Damn, lotta people here are thirsty for drama. Who cares if they defederated, no one in here is actually a member, how about you let the users from that instance complain about it if they want to? I find it kinda weird that you're all jumping on the admin for not wanting to be associated with that instance when it doesn't concern you at all.

Isn't that the beauty of the fediverse? None of you are affected by this. What is it that you want? For all instances to be the same? What's even the point of making your own instance then?

Y'all are fucking weirdos fr. OP doth protest too much.

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Jesus Christ. Students now have debts before they even leave high school? Cool.

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I think "Only half the time." is actually the correct answer here.

That's a bit shitty but hopefully they don't just use it as a trap to deny any warranty coverage on an overclocked CPU.

Meanwhile Intel will void your warranty if you've enabled XMP. I don't know if they have a way of telling if you did so or not but they will try to trick you into admitting it when you're asking for an RMA.

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However, some Republicans have characterized Biden's effort as a "bailout for the wealthy."


Do these people think that having an education means you're wealthy?

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Has technology gone too far??

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I'm ashamed to say I've never watched Star Trek but I intend to do so at some point. He was the captain in The Next Jeaneration, right?

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Don't get scammed with audiophile rocks. I've done my research and found out that audiophile rock salt does the exact same thing and it is MUCH cheaper! Feel free to copy this and spread the word!

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On the internet, everybody is 14.

Also, chill. This is Lemmy Shitpost.

Yeah and then they go and blame the victim for their stupidity.

Damn, haven't seen Parasite and did not know who he was but that is messed up.

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I hope he's got a stew going in heaven.

Aw jamn, I've just spent the last hour in gimp trying to learn how to make a denim pattern and apply it to beans so I could make this full circle jeme 😭

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I'm not crying you're... nah I'm crying.

I really don't care what it takes for people to finally open their eyes and minds as long as it happens. This father could've very easily not accepted his daughter, but he did. Not only did he accept his daughter, he admitted to himself that he was wrong his entire life. It doesn't matter how he was in the past, we should not judge him for it. He knows what he did and who he was, he will beat himself up over it enough and doesn't need anyone else to help him with that. We should celebrate this man.

People who have awakenings like that later in life are very valuable allies. They can speak to segments of the population that we can't and I am very happy to have someone like him on our side.

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Oof I'll never forget getting the first Ranma 1/2 manga as a kid. It was my first egg moment. All I could think was how I'd never touch hot water again.

I don't even know why I got that manga, had never heard of it but it was on a list of manga that my local book store could order and I just randomly picked it. It took over 25 years after that for my egg to break but Ranma 1/2 awoke something in me. Growing up when and where I did I couldn't really explore those feelings and ideas but I never stopped thinking about it.

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You mean the jemes?

Jorty got low low low low low low low low 🎶

..... Jesus fucking christ. My research is invalid. I'm going to have to start all over again. 🤬

Hiii! Happy International Women's Day! Transwoman here.

I never understood why some people are so weird online. I've gotten tons of creepy messages. I have an Instagram account where I only post my nail art and I get tons of creepy DMs on there. It happened when I posted pics on nail subreddits as well but I didn't post there as much.

I really don't know if I'm going to be able to treat myself today as I have been feeling very low energy for the past couple days but I've been able to take a nice long shower and do some self-care and I still have some energy left so that's promising.

Since I have to leave the house to go to the drug store today, I might pick up some new skincare products while I'm there. I've been meaning to get a new exfoliating face mask for a long time, maybe today will be the day!

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Troubleshooting is all about asking the right questions, the right way. You should never fully trust what someone thinks the problem is, even if that person is you 😅

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Fuuuckin' hell. I don't know if I can keep up with this. We're gonna need a highly trained squad of elite jeaners.

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Or you could just find yourself freaking out at 7am with your arm up your ass all the way to the elbow trying to grab that cute heart shaped buttplug that was way too small and somehow just kept crawling further and further up your ass while praying that you won't have to go to the ER. That's cool too.

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Absolute trash. This is fucking terrifying.

Hai :3

If I recall correctly, long long ago, in the before time, people were posting screenshots of screenshots of screenshots of memes that had already been completely annihilated previously. Something like that, it was so long ago and I'm not a historian.

Personally I think this is progress.

It's ok. Here, I made us one :3

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For a second I actually thought the thumbnail picture was Dog the Bounty Hunter.

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It had to be done.

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I'm a bit of a bundle of sticks myself

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Yo me too!!! 🥰

3 more... is your friend

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The town council is pushing back through a law firm it hired, Pender & Coward, which said its own investigation found many allegations “simply not true.”

Lol, imagine having Coward as a family name.

Right?? It's crunchy! That's what all audiophiles want. Crunchiness.

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