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Joined 1 years ago

These debates are only there for Biden to lose 🤷

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Microsoft already knows that people keep windows around either because they want multiplayer games or are scared of linux.

Trump can do wtf he wants, the bar is always much higher for Biden to clear.

The solution for a toddler with a gun is an adult with a gun. Or something. Idk, I'm not american.

People considering Trump already know he’s a dumb criminal that satisfies their bias against politicians and paying taxes. He can do no wrong, bonus points if he makes them laugh.

Take your money and spend it somewhere else. That’s the only sound corporations can hear.

Given how much the CCP controls China, you’re always a bit suspicious that any cool content from there is actually state-sponsored (TikTok seems to have a lot of channels like that). That was the first impression I got from the first video I saw of sexycyborg and I’m sure that a lot people dismissed her for similar reasons. But if you learn about her story, it all seems legit and she’s a very inspiring hacker.

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Thank you for your furvice o7

Response from dropbox in that post: "Jumping in to clarify some confusion. The AI third-party toggle is only visible to users who have access to our AI features. If you don’t see the AI third-party toggle, then you can’t view or use Dropbox AI features. To reiterate, neither this nor any other setting automatically or passively sends any Dropbox customer data to a third-party AI service. Please see our Help Center article for a list of those with access to Dropbox AI features."

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Accelerate towards UBI, you cowards.

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The internet will always have many niche places, but overall it can’t escape late stage capitalism.

We need some kind of multi-account that loads up according to what password gets used. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is something that already exists in rooted androids.

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If maga-country is paying for it, might as well get that money again and again.

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time to leave Idaho

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Google funds most of Mozilla, unfortunately.

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PAC sending funds as we speak. Why just vote for a dumb criminal when you can pay to keep him out of jail?

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please seed

Make all posts require mod aproval to make sure you comply with not allowing anything NSFW.

So… frontloading?

Apple is doing this thing where legislation applies to them and they just try not following it anyway. Trump is truly influential.

The only thing that still might save printers is competition.

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Feels like a nice symptom of Valve's flat structure.

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solid feature

Orange man needs an orange suit.

hide yo checks, hide yo likes

whataboutism over 9000

When you’ve convinced yourself that the only thing you might get out of your vote is some weird entertainment.

Worst case for him is house arrest, so actual golfing.

Best case, he’s back to fumbling as a non-convicted criminal, so still golfing.

They kind of loud, though

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“Tim didn’t even ask me about Grok”

They need to incorporate ambient sounds as an app feature (no ads) and then ban content that simply recreates that default feature.

For a moment, I thought republicans wouldn’t stand behind a loser.

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So far, I’ve moved to Kagi.

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Even if you magically host video, the real challenge is discoverability.

It’s a bit like how easy it is to replace google maps, but the secret sauce is google places.

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I’m surprised at how the republicans still almost had a normal candidate.

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When I give my kids a box of chocolates and tell them to take it easy.

Navalny’s death was probably decided years ago by Putin. For him, Trump is just an useful idiot.

Guess he wasn’t open after all.

Add another ticking time bomb to the pile of proceedings Trump has been managing for decades. I hear that karma eventually catches up to you, but he certainly hasn't.

literally become ungovernable

Notice that neither twitter nor meta want to put in the work to moderate a political social network.