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Shout out to the neoliberal dipshits who thought we needed another right-of-center incrementalist to beat Trump.

That one really fucking worked out...

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Its more that the smartest crooks are busy running our society and a justice system that actually tries to enact justice would get in the way of that.

And has anyone who's actually written any of those laws used a computer for more than basic day-to-day office/home tasks?

I'd love to see how they plan on enforcing that. What are they gonna do, send in a fucking swat team to take anything that doesn't have hardware level DRM?

I can't imagine we'll get to a world where the only chips that don't have shit like that are horribly obsolete. Though I could totally see one in which all high-end chipsets do unfortunately.

This is why I hope RISC-V takes off. The more we can free our hardware/software the better.

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Unix Surrealist Tech Mage Webcomics are not supposed to be a documentary lol.

I think that's hardly an immediate worry, though. Various services already scan for illegal content or suspicious activity. It wouldn't take much to get ISPs to snitch on their customers.

Stop using proprietary platforms and services, start bouncing your traffic off of foreign VPNs.

The internet was literally built to tear down borders, not help enforce them. Technologists will find a way around the red tape set up by bitter old men in suits.

What an awful and terrifying thought.

At least it would be if internet regulation was practically enforceable for anyone other than commercial businesses operating out in the open.

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It can't. Simply put. I mean it's not even a question of whether we should, its you're fucking not going to.

I have a raid array in my basement containing literally terabytes of illegally pirated media. Most people have at least consumed one or two pirated pieces of media.

How's the enforcement for those illegal files going?

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The only way to really do that would be to essentially make it impossible to have easy, private, secure, and anonymous access to the internet and freedom respecting computing.

Those things are, as far as I'm concerned, inalienable human rights.

If that's your goal please never touch any regulation involving the internet ever.

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Vince deserved that. Apex should have stayed a meme.


Neat, how about actually making some sweeping regulations tackling corporate EULA-washed malware?

Why do companies get to keep injecting spyware and even rootkits into their OS/software without ever explaining the consequences in a way a lay person can understand?

Used to be when companies did that they got punished. Anyone remember that Sony BMG case with rootkit enabled DRM, or BonziBuddy who's EULA allowed developers to sell your information to advertisers?

Remember the fucking stink people threw over them? Remember the fucking lawsuits? This shit is just a normal Tuesday for MFAANG. Shit even fucking video games are pushing rootkits down your throat these days. They need to be spanked BAD.

Copyright Infringement. Interesting that one of the few forms of it that's actually a criminal offense instead of a civil liability, is also one of the few forms practiced by normal people.

This is especially heinous in cases where no one makes money. You shouldn't be treated like a fucking criminal for sharing art or information (unless it's nuclear launch codes, CSAM, or some other obscenely illegal/immoral shit.)

Because at its base form that's all "piracy" is. An attempt to turn sharing into a bad word.

No ones will to pay for good programmers and if they are they're not willing to give them the resources or time.

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Yes please tell me more about how cops never get anything wrong...

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Yeah lotta homegrown bedroom hackers will outdo any churned out bootcamp programmers, and absolutely compete with college graduates. Though for everyone of those there's 100 claiming to be one.

That just sounds like an advertisement for the armed gay agenda...


I'm partial to the wrist-mounted trebuchet.

No but there should be "Malicious by Design" stickers for:

  • non-optional/on by default telemetry
  • non-optional/on by default advertising
  • vendor lock in
  • DRM (Digital "Rights Management"/Digital Restriction Malware)
  • Rootkits/root lockout
  • premanantly locked bootloaders

Im aware this would pretty much require all commercial tech products to carry one of these labels. To that I say good. Large tech firms have been weaponizing the computer illiteracy of the average smartphone user so they can normalize corporate malware. It's so bad they've even made up new names for types of malware to make it sound okay:

  • spyware became telemetry

  • adware became targeted advertisements

  • vendor lock-in became walled-gardens

  • bootloaders and root permissions were perminantly locked "for security"

  • Rootkits where pushed under the guise of DRM, or even Anti-Cheat. Including google pushing rootkits installed by default to the most popular OS on the planet (Android/Google Play)

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Wait are there two taints? Which one is the greater one?

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Tbf they did say shitty, none of the ones built into Lemmy exist to feed you advertisements in the most efficient manner, as far as I know.

Regardless of how you feel about gun control, guns don't actively work against the people who buy them.

They can certainly be used or kept in dangerous ways that lead to tragedy, but they do exactly what you tell them. They even come with a manual full of warnings, and a big giant label that says something to the effect of "READ MANUAL BRFORE OPERATING." Many of them even have it etched into the firearm itself.

That is not the case with EULA washed legal malware.

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To add on to this, it wouldn't be nearly as violent a trade as it is if we had some sane drug laws.

I'm not saying we should just sell crack at Walmart. However, if you give already existing addicts a prescription to a clean, state provided supply they'll have no reason to go to dealers.

The illicit drug trade will fucking collapse. There's no way you can sustain that business without addicts.

Until dad starts cheering for the kid you're playing against.

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Why would you stream a game that mobile devices have been playably emulating for over a decade?

Have they ported retroarch over for you iOS guys yet?

Edit: Yes.

It isn't about feelings. School shootings happen more in the US

I never said they didn't, and that wasn't the point of what I was saying? Those warnings are for the user, not those around them. How the fuck is the warning printed on a gun/gun box going to help victims?

You're just attaching bad faith arguments to a completely unrelated statement which is bad for both free software and the anti-gun violence movement.

And? So does cocaine.

Recreational drugs should be legalized, with sensible regulations for each specific drug/category. Certain things should probably only be sold to people who are already addicted. But they should still be legal. Shitty point.

That's good. As a former IT guy I know that the natural urge of humans is always to read the manual first.

You, me, and half of this site, platform, Fediverse? Point being is that the warning labels on guns are much louder, much more obvious, and much more present then the EULA most corporate software pushes.

That's sounds bad. You probably shouldn't use it then. Notice how it doesn't work for guns? No? Let me explain it to you.

You can choose not to be on Instagram, you can not choose to not be shot dead. The state requires me to send my kids to school but does nothing to require that they are safe at school from gun owners.

No shit, but making a bad faith argument that does nothing to actually solve the issue is just sticking a spoke in your wheel. Please tell me how putting "Warning: potential school shooter." on a gun is going to actually prevent violent gun crime?

If anything that sounds like a fucking advertisement for the sort of people who go commit school shootings.

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Yeah I probably wouldn't have said anything if it was just the emails..

"I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing."

Admittedly calling him a pedophile was a mistake. There's no proof, and no ones ever come out against him.

That being said he's made comments in the past sympathising with pedophiles, and only rescinded it after it publicly became an issue.

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Arguably though, if you give them those hormones its just fucking weird and not immoral.

Plus its not like chickens don't eat their own eggs, any one who's owned then can tell you what happens the moment one of them gets cracked.

Arguably the whole act of eating is yicky. As long as the food is good for you and doesn't taste bad does it matter how weird the source is? Especially when not everyone has enough to eat?

That logic only works out if you think "consensual" sex between minors and adults (eww) is a thing.

If you fuck kids, or want to, congrats. You're a pedophile.

If you defend the position of such pedophiles, by "attacking the definition" you are, by definition, sympathising with pedophiles.

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Damn, looks like I'll have to find somewhere else to print out random paperwork.

I've seen it done, can be a PITA to manage but worth it for the lack of stupid shit from custies IMO.

If you work for DARPA and send anything near sensitive materials over iMessage, and something happens over it, that's on you for being dumb.

People who work with sensitive information should know better than to use personal communication methods. If they don't that's their fault.

Any workplace where this is a worry, this should and probably will be drilled into your head from day one.

Yet another fake currency for drug dealers.

Well yeah you don't wanna make illegal online transactions with a fake currency the government owns.

Plus that ones got an encrypted ledger so its got a real use case there.

That being said if you got a problem with drug dealers, where the fuck do you get your drugs?

I like how you both completely ignored my points and went off on an unrelated tangent again. What makes you think I give a shit what some fuckin tools made the state gun?

if anything, I find it to be a tasteless display of reactionary bullshit. Adults acting as children. Basically in the same ballpark as putting warning labels on guns/manuals that read: "Warning: Potential School Shooter"

Neither your nor they have presented an actual solution to an issue. You're just suggesting unrelated, reactionary bullshit meant to push buttons.

Its not that I'm pro-gun, or anti-gun. Its that you don't have any meaningful suggestions, and you have no idea how to present a solution. You don't even seem to be able to accurately identify other peoples political beliefs or the ideas they're trying to express.

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Yeah that doesn't mean they're not fucking cops, and thinking "they don't raid innocent peoples houses" is pretty fucked imo. Regardless of what's going on with this lady.

Not only are they human, they're cops of course they fuck up.

I mean its not as cheap as weed but both are some of the safest drugs physically speaking. Also not really comparable to opiates.

Yes to both.

Did you not read the comment you originally replied to? Here's the statement I posted, with the link, again:

Yeah I probably wouldn't have said anything if it was just the emails..

"I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing."

I am fully aware he's likely on the spectrum , I've read plenty about Richard Stallman. I've read both his biography "Free as in Freedom", as well as his book "Free Software, Free Society".

His work has had a profound effect on how I view free software, copyright, and even art/creation itself.

That being said, he's said some inexcusably disgusting shit. To deny that is a disservice to the FLOSS community at large. Not only for the members who've suffered through childhood abuse, but also because the FLOSS community shouldn't be associated with defending pedophiles or their sympathisers.

It's not to say he's not made steps towards correcting himself, but I don't think that's something you just get to brush off either. This article is intended to bring new people into the FLOSS community, maybe Richard Stallman isn't the best starting point in hindsight.

Not that he should be forgotten, just that maybe peoples introduction to FLOSS shouldn't be "RMS was right."




The fact that you're tying an unrelated position made in bad faith to a legitimate conversation about corporate malware and free software. That is what pisses me off. That is what this is about. That's what this entire fucking thing is about.

I mean if you had at least talked about red flag laws, or limiting credit card-based purchases of weapons for buyers under 30 we could talk. Even then its unrelated and completely derails the conversation, but its at least an interesting talking point.

Its not about my beliefs about gun control. Its the fact you don't fucking read what your responding to. Why should any one give a shit about what you post when you refuse to read anything other than what you've written yourself?

Fuck off with the bad faith arguments, half-baked replies, and strawman bullshit.

Not sure what in your broken fucking head makes you think I'm a conservative, or why it makes sense to compare me to them. You deserve a medal for reading comprehension.

Go back to eating crayons.

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You're probably politically closer to them than I am, you pseudo-conservative, milquetoast, incrementalist , neo-liberal fuck.

Where do you think you are?

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Same way it will stop kids from social media. You know not fucking at all.

Its almost like those warnings are intended to prevent accidental misuse and instill caution among its users. Obviously its not there to magically instill you with a working moral compass. Just as malware warning wouldn't. There's nothing new you're adding, and again you've missed the point entirely.

Also what's with the focus on kids and social media? My comment was specifically about the state of the commercial software/computing industry as a whole.

Didn't address what I wrote. La La la

How not? Humans don't always listen to warnings, the warning labels on guns are some of the loudest/most obvious out there, and for good reason. I don't know if you knew this but people ARE MORE LIKELY TO READ OBVIOUS LABELS. Here's an idea, next time you accuse me of missing the point, how about you actually show how? if you need an example look at the first paragraph of this comment.

The same way it will stop the communist plot of social media to contaminate and unpurify our precious bodily fluids.

Lmao, what the fuck are you on about? This isn't about thinking of the children, this is about don't attatch your unrelated bad faith arguments to my free software evangialism. I'm here to spread the good word of the AGPLv3.

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Well that's the fucked part of it. There's more of them than people. I hate to be that asshole who says "you're only hurting the bad guys with gun control" because theres issues with that argument, but in a lot of ways it applies to the US just because theres so fucking many. You can't get rid of them.

Take away them away and these two groups will still have them:

  1. Criminals (both violent and, many newly created, non-violent criminals)
  2. Cops (violent state-sanctioned gang with badges)

Not sure that's really a good outcome either.

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