
1 Post – 312 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That works too. I thought the first and the second sighn are switched. "Your carped only for 99$"

Edit: Mine doesn't work forgot the "whole".

I hoped so.

Is it ironic and not just the most normal thing in the world that people don't play a game forever?

I can see that. But that wouldn't be "negrophobic" either. Not everything negativ in the context of a group is phobia.

I really don't get why people don't start shooting police. As I understand it guns are allowed to "defend yourself against the government". Police is the government and they clearly are out of control shooting people.

So either use your weapons against the government or make guns illegal if you don't use them anyway.

So in the end there are less cops which in return means less people shot dead by cops or cops are less scared because people don't have guns and so they also don't get shot by cops.

What I am saying is: either use your guns or make them illegal if you don't use them anyway.

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This whole exchange could be more productive if you could explain your opinions.

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I used to be an kneeslapper like them. Then I got shot by a toddler.

It sounds so dirty, doesn't it?

But people get cats so they don't have to interact with them.

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Cleaning with water is objectively superior then cleaning without, no?

How is it not transphile?

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Hmm okay. But the I still don't understand how it is transphobic.

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Edit: as phobic means you want to get away from something or don't want it to exist. Fetishising is the exact opposite.

If someone is arachnophobic that doesn't mean he wants to fuck a spider or undermine the identity of the spider. That someone wants the spider be gone because it is a spider.

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Good, you shouldn't.

I don't get it.

How is it undermining that and not affirming? I mean to fetishise a group is wrong, I get that and that is also my opinion but if they want to fuck a transwoman they want that because she is a woman which affirms the womanhood?

And the point is how is it transhate if you like the trans aspect specifically. Doesn't make sense to me.

It is not a wordplay it is what those words mean. Phobic means something like hate or fear and phile means something like love or attraction.

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Okay so why have guns then for the average person when they don't get used to defend themselves against the governing forces at hand? Shooting at random adults and children is okay but shooting cops is over the line?

Shoot governing forces or ban guns is my point. And everybody replaying just ignores the ban guns part.

The lesson we learn here is that you don't take money from the mob.

Don't go public with youre company.

Don't get involved with the devil.

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Hacking aside it is funny to me that the anti-cheat made it possible to enable cheats.

I don't need to know why it is the way it is. For AAA titles it doesn't matter. Finish the game or fuck off. If you can't do that your Company should sink and make room for those that can.

Indies proving left and right that it is possible with a lot less.

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Guess he could make reporting on tech giants pulling this shit his new lifework.

Are you serious?

You can't see how lesser bullets per second is helpful when you goal is to lessen the amount of people dying in a timespan?

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Does this in return mean that LGBTQ+ couples win the right to discriminate against christian photographers?

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Must be weird for him that someone tries to fuck him voluntarily.

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"Bad god!" hits god with a rolled up newspaper

I don't forgive you.


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But for multiplayer?

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Bass = Low

Mid = mid

Treble = high

see here

If you have a right to live then you have a right to die. It shouldn't be taboo to talk about suicide in a not negative way.

"When I beat a game, there are some that just leave me in awe of how amazing the experience was. At the end of the game, I've often thought 'I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn't try to nickel and dime me every second.'"

Telling that he doesn't think that paying higher wages is an option.

In my opinion, everybody who is over 13 and hasn't grasped that AAA-gaming is not about good games anymore, is a fool.

Just play indie games.

Dinosaurs must die.

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I feel kinda bad for wills children. Imagine you are in front of the whole world while growing up. Plus you get groomed to be a "star" so from the start your values and worldview are skewed.

All of us did and sad stupid shit while growing up. That's part of the process. But it wasn't broadcasted.

That said I still think being that rich is a crime against humanity and those people should give away most of their money.

First rule is, I can't talk about it. Second rule is, I can't talk about it.

I have lost count of how many times I watched that movie. So many great details.

And I think most people take away the wrong message. It is critic and not encouragement.

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You shouldn't have done that Dave.

He should deeply regret that haircut. What the fuck is going on up there?

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Are you also critical of independent media?

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Why is he poking that old man with is sugercane dick?

It means doing the stupid shit I am known for and aware that I should change that.

I am still doing the same bullshit = I am still on my bullshit.

Sucking your dick for fortnite-bucks.

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Corporations would hang you on a tree if it was accepted and profitable.

You learn by using it.

Which means you want to do something on Linux. You don't know how to do it, then you ask or search for the answer and then you know.

Just be patient and it will come naturally.

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