2 Post – 348 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I just installed Win11 on a work computer last week, and there were at least 3 screens of the installer trying to push o365 or one drive.

Then you have the start menu where if you look for a software, 90% of the menu is an ad trying to push you a software. At the bottom, you have your search results.

And then there is the pop ups on the bottom right of the screen trying to sell you Candy Crush or another bullshit software.

That's awful and I'm glad it wasn't my computer

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The horror of the human body. Hide it, seal it and be ashamed of it.

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Every small outdoors place I grew up playing in have been razed to build more detached homes.

The city is originally small, with 2 main roads crossing each other. With all the new influx of people, it is impossible to get out of there in a timely manner by car or bus.

If you mix lemon and milk and press it, you get a simple indian cheese (paneer)

I genuinely didn't know all that. Thanks for bringing that up. I've been lazy and told myself countless times I should switch to LibreWolf. Now's the time.

They bundle teams with o365. The cost to integrate another messaging client is more than simply adding Teams to your already expensive bundle.

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Gsuite workflow is terrible. You can't copy paste files in drive because fuck you.

Gmail chat takes forever to load. And when it loads, it defaults to search contact. So if in the meantime, you pressed the contact you want already because it takes 5 seconds to load, it goes back to the search contact.

You need to have 5 different tabs to work within the ecosystem.

Google docs is dogshit. At this point, I prefer markdown with a latex converter over Google docs.

No desktop clients for their services.

The Gdrive shared with me vs your drive is terrible.

Might be time for some anti-trust lawsuits to make them pipe down.

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I feel dumber having read that.

It sucks because it should be a good thing that it replaces labor. We could have more time to be humans.

But instead, less labor = more money for the rich and more misery for the rest

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I was watching a long video on chromecast today and I had ads every three minutes or so. That's a two hours video. The amount of ads is disgusting.

YouTube is unwatchable without an ad blocker.

You missed another point : companies shedding employees and replacing them by "AI" bots.

As always, the technology is a great start in what's to come, but it has been appropriated by the worst actors to fuck us over.

Always assume that corporate decisions benefits the corporation. If decisions somehow align with customers needs and wants, it's a positive side effect.


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I spoke with virtually all of the workers, and none of them want to pay rent. Yet here we are.

CEOs can get bent through a videocall

Let's say he really only had a 28 000$ loan (which I doubt), he could still fail monumentally and not be destitute.

Then, when your parents are filthy rich, they usually have a lot of influencial people in their network.

If he really only had 28k in a vacuum, maybe that would be a different story. But he had the backing of the gem mine money + the network of his parents.

Let's take Bill Gates. When he grew up, he went to a school that had a computer, that he was able to use. It is a big fucking deal at that time. Very few schools had computers, much less gave access to their students.

Because judgment on previous similar cases must be researched (jurisprudence) and then each charge refers to a law that has a specific range of sentence length.

Then, the judgement usually also accounts for different factors(good or bad) to determine the length of the sentence for each charge within the range determined by the laws.

There is also determining if the sentences are concurrent or not. And there is probably a lot of other stuff.

This is what I can think of from the top of my head.

The judge must also write the judgement in legalese, referencing all that was taken into account for the judgement.

And this isn't the only case that the judge has to complete. They have multiple going on at the same time.

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Apple has made a lot of anti-consumer decisions. And since Apple is a big market force, other companies follow suite when they pull off shit like that. There is a legitimate reason to not like Apple.

Monopolies are the natural, direct result of unbrindled capitalism. So yeah, capitalism at work.

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Are you a true American if you don't shaft your employees for every penny that you can though?

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Everything is politics, especially the mega corpos that lobbies the governments of the world.

The only problem is that many people can't afford to be fired because of them.

That's an overly complicated procedure to opt out.

You gotta opt in, then send a fucking letter with a bazillion nitty gritty information.

First of all, shit like this should be made an example of, and it should as easy to opt out than to opt in. Otherwise, it is predatory

He sold 500 000 shares for a big fat paycheck. It's not 100 millions of fictional dollars, but he still made out like a bandit.

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The world is due for a big round of anti-trust break ups.

The US needs to get rid of the electoral college as well. This is dumb as fuck the weight of a vote differs between states.

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I spent 2 days cooking my first ramen broth, the tare, the marinated eggs and the garlic oil. It's definitely a case of tripling the batch and freeze it because it takes a lot of work regardless of the quantity.

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This baffles me. We've seen time and time again that for-profit will fuck you over any chance they get over a dollar if they must, and people still volunteers for them.

It's only 16-18k death, I almost got outraged there. Anything over 20k makes me mad.

Thanks for clarifying.

Because some guys try to use the "oops I didn't bring any condom" to try and rawdog it.

If it's a genuine mistake, then the gal can still have safe fun. Otherwise, if the guy is combative about the condom, it's a big red flag. Win/Win for her.

I am on parental leave right now and doing chores around the house never have been more fun and fulfilling.

I don't have to think about work, we have enough money to not worry about being short at the end of the parental leave. I can concentrate on what is important right now (my family) and not worry about the rest.

If you don't have to worry about basic things of life, you will find a fullfilling purpose. But the system as set up right now is a scam and people are increasingly squeezed for basic necessities, so they can't afford to have a purpose.

The only thing that changed is that they brazenly say out loud what they were thinking before.

People want to work if:

  • it is meaningful to them
  • their work is a mean to do something meaningful to them.

If you work to survive, there is no prospect to advance or do something fun/meaningful, then why the fuck should people want to work?

And Ramsey is kidding himself, is work is not that hard. So it's fucking rich coming from someone that peddle his shit to make money.

The US add engineer to everything to sound most prestigious than they are. If you sell your service as a AI prompt writer, you get paid peanuts. If you sell the same service as AI prompt engineer, the C-Suites cream their pants.

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What works for me :

  1. I remove myself from the situation that caused the anger.

  2. I let myself live the anger for a minute or two, or a bit more if needed.

  3. When the anger is gone, I identify what emotion is the cause of anger. Anger is 99% a reaction to a negative emotion.

  4. I say outloud to myself the reason of my anger. Otherwise, I feel like the anger is pent-up.

  5. If my anger was directed at someone, I apologize and explain why I was angry.

  6. Finally, I reflect on the situation and the emotions I experienced. Sometimes it's 30 seconds, sometimes it's a few days, depending on the gravity of the situation. By understanding what caused the negative emotions, I can handle it better in the future.

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Funny because HR doesn't know either and its their job. In the US, you just need to slap engineer at the end and you are golden.

Not at all. Instances are free to ask other instances to not federate with Threads. And the other instances can tell the original instance to fuck off or agree with it.

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But it seems that when religion is intermixed with politics, it inevitably leads to dictatorships or regressive government.

At one point, where is the separation? I get that dictatorships also happen without religion, but it seems that religious parties in power inevitably bring a regressive agenda with them.

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Because Meta has a long track record of being outright an evil corporation(not figuratively, literally).

Meta has already shown its hand multiple times, why would it be different this time?

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Imagine spending all that money and time to get crushed and fold like a piece of paper.

Sack of shit.

That is naive to think that companies will take your shit for free and give you something back in return.

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If that can make you feel better, I wasn't homeschooled, and I still needed to adjust myself as an adult (and still do every day).

You are a product of your environment and you shouldn't feel ashamed sbout things you didn't know any better.

Be proud of the fact that you embraced the culture shock and opened to the world to become a better person.

That's a lot more than many people that had "normal" childhood (what is normal anyways?).