
13 Post – 111 Comments
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I am a person online.

Can't download binaries, must compile everything from source... But then it also becomes binaries, aaaaaaah

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As a French tho, do watch the debate between Gabriel Attal, Merdella and Manuel Bombard. See how Bompard (the left wing candidate) politely wipes the floor with both shitbags.

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Yeah, I think going toe to toe with the far right once again was always Macron's plan. This is the foe he's familiar with, against whom he won before. The short deadline for the anticipated election was probably to keep the left from organizing, as to not disturb their duel. But it backfired when the left immediately formed the Front Populaire. Now he's nervous. The polls give his party third place, so he's playing for second. He thinks if it's the centrist against the far right, the "barrage vote" will save him once more.

What's shocking is the extent to which they go to demean the left, and the amount of media that help spread his baseless accusation. Everyone knows at this point that the center will lose, so they're choosing who they'll lose too. They maybe think it'll erase the left and let Macron's clan be seen as the alternative to fascism during the next presidential elections...

And her name is Maggie Simpson.

I have an iron but no ironing board so I used to do it on my desks when trousers were really too wrinkled, but it's been over a year since my desk has had enough room for it, I just don't know where to put the stuff and don't have time for that.

Nowhere to take a walk

I think it's possible to walk between the trees.

Imagine if she caught someone like this simplistic drawing of the long armed woman grabbing someone from behond with her armes wrapped twice around them

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Four of them, the galilean moons would be. The others would be dwarf planets [EDIT not all moons, many would be asteroids].

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  • Spit on that thING
  • Tiger kING
  • LemmING
  • The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Only the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth has no ing.

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One must imagine Pluto happy.

Everybody everybody everybody living now

Everybody everybody everybody sucks

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I love olives. Olives are great.

I will die on this hill.

Then perish.

There was an evolutionary trend among carnivorous theropods that the larger they grew the less they used their arms to grab the prey: If you can either inflict a deadly bite or grab the whole neck in your jaw, grabbing with claws becomes unnecessary. Two lineages took it particularly far: in abelisaurids, such as carnitaurus, the arms became vestigial and in some cases completely disappeared.

In a separate theropod lineage, T-Rexes, while much bigger than any abelisaurid and with a bigger head, did not have vestigial arms. Their arms, tho tiny, still had bones that locked into each-other and seemed to have muscle attachments. There's been several theories as to why: This certainly meant that T-Rexes still used their arms, but how? The main theory is that juvenile T-Rexes had a different morphology as their adult counterpart. They already hunted, but much smaller preys, and with a different technique, so they would've still used their arms. On top of that, there's the idea that adult T-Rexes might've slept on their bellies and their arms would've been useful to bush themselves back up.

Another reason for T-Rex's large heads, in addition to their big jaws being terribly efficient, is that it may help with placing their center of gravity over the knees, which is useful to keep balance while walking or running.

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Soon we'll be debating whether we call it systemd/linux or gnu/systemd.

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I would like to hear!

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I paused this video to go delete my Reddit account. It is done.

Would depend how it's achieved. The most realistic way would be through mass automation, but the question is now "who owns the machines that produce everything?" A minority controlling these means of production would mean the rest of the world is at their mercy. If they manage to maintain their ownership (though a fully automated defense force, I guess), they can have the rest of the world doing whatever they want... But what do they need these people for then? All they are is a threat, as they are prone to revolt. Genocide seems like a handy option if the elites are sufficiently ruthless, but it would be hard to put in place; there are many people in the world and they can be inventive when fighting for their lives. Beside, there would probably be several such elite groups, still divided in different country; one who starts building large armies and stacking weapons might attract hostility from their neighbors. Providing the people with their needs to pacify them? Sure, but what if they want more? Or what if they make their own automated armies with the free time they have not worrying about starvation? Keeping them occupied seems safer. Why not invent some bogus job that doesn't actually need to be done and have them believe they still need to earn their living? That could solve the problem from the elite's point of view. So basically, no change for the people.

With collective ownership of the means of production and an egalitarian spread of wealth, it could be cool tho. People would just do whatever they want, many would still probably undertake collective project, either to further better life of for the fun of it. There could still be forms of conflicts about how some things are managed and by whom, tho...

I think what leads one to hold onto their religion and to support the social status quo are the same things: Attachement to what is familiar and reassuring and rejection of what is new and scary. Conservatives often try to appropriate religion to appear as the side of comfy, reassuring tradition, and represent progressives as the side of scary disrupters.

There's that, and also their short lifespan (1 to 5 years). And the fact that the mother only cares for their offspring while they're in eggs.

Forms of transmission of behaviors by imitation or communication mostly emerge in species that care for their young, like birds or mammals, because the young learns from their parents, which complements instinct. It gets stronger when they're a social species, because they also learn from every other individual. That's when culture begins to emerge (like how some "accents" or "dialects" can be identified in the songs of birds or whales of a same species). But a specie that isn't social and doesn't care for it's young, whatever an individual learnt in its lifetime dies with it, behaviors can only be transmitted genetically edit: ^inexact,^ ^see^ ^below^ , so they're slower to evolve.

[EDIT : I looked up some things online to make sure I wasn't spreading disinformation (should've been the other way around, sorry...) and it seems some nuance needs to be added to two things;

  1. Despite being usually asocial and sometimes confrontational, octopuses can occasionally display social behaviors such as signal, so they're not devoid of inter-individual communication source

  2. They seem to be able to learn from each-other to a certain extent. Source

I still think my point mostly stands, but it's a bit shakier than I thought.]

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I personally hope it will die more than Tumblr did. More like Myspace. But that doesn't seem likely. In fact, the Facebook case seems closer to it's situation: Biggest social network of the world at one point, struggling simultaneously with scandals, legal issues and new competition; slowly losing it's hegemony but remaining relevant in some places...


New copypasta just dropped

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How about systemd-windows?

Manager: "So, welcome to our office, you'll be working her..." Arrows flies between him and his interlocutor

New hire: "WHAT THE..."

Manager:"Oh right, watch out for Stimmy Jimmy, he shoots arrows all over the place, helps him focus."

Yes, I think there's some of that! Not just the Fediverse, but the fact that many of the leading social media platforms aee struggling and people are looking for alternatives is a return to a stage with many social media existing and developping their own culture, without an all-powerful central one. I also feel like I'ce been seing more individual websites, even some small ones without much content, and some young people, myself included, have recently discovered RSS and started using it. I fear that only applies to a minority of people so far. I think too many have gotten used the convenience of letting a company do everything for them, they're not embracing freedom, but already looking for a new overlord or still sticking with the last one.

First off, Wojacks ⊂ Rage faces. Rage faces are a wider and more diverse set, that includes the original wojack (and all the wojacks by extension) so they offer more possibilities; both cringe and non-cringe. Beside, they were more often than wojacks used in comics with several pannels and characters. More wojacks are used in single pannels constituting reaction pics or criticisms of a type of people.

In a way, wojacks are the heirs to Rage Comics, but they've adapted to a web in which we consume memes more quickly and in greater amounts, hence why they're suited to smaller templates.

Given that git was invented before the word "blockchain" started being used, shouldn't we call blockchain applications "git-like" rather than retroactively calling Git a blockchain?

It's relatively easy for recent things related to big technological advances (first phone call, first man in space...); but it's nearly impossible for really old thing, because while you can find out one really old thing existed at one time, it's always merely the oldest known occurence. An earlier one might've not left surviving traces, or it's traces might've not been found yet...

I had both Dawkin's definition and internet memes in mind as I wrote this, since I don't think they're so different in the end. A meme (even in the modern sense) doesn't have to be a funny image: In can be a practice, like rickrolling; a text like copypastas, a story -true or fictional, like "operation baja-blast" or creepypastas. Some combine several of these things, like the meme "loss.jpg" contains the comic's story, it's pannels, and the behaviour of hiding the loss symbol or finding it. All of these things are also what religions are made off!

Giant space laser to destroy military infrastructure and aircrafts. All of them. Bring peace on earth through terror.

Yeah, I'm french, I just assumed it was the same everywere.

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My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

Tbf, the problem in terms of kpop celebrities isn't that they're asians, but how they adhere to pretty strict beauty standards and often use cosmetic surgery for this, so they do, in fact, look pretty similar to one-another. I definitely can't recognize any K-Pop or J-pop idol's face, but I've never had this problem with any asian I've known irl. So maybe don't think too deeply into it, I don't think there's anything wrong or racist about what you describe. Maybe try watching some asian movies with a less "spotless" aesthetic, stuff not necessarily for a young audience or where everyone is supposed to look beautiful, and see if you still have the same problem.

I would not recommend Arch for beginners. I like it, but it's best for someone a bit familiar with Linux already. Yeah, the install is pretty simple now that Archinstall is a thing, but it's not the method recommended in the Arch Wiki and if there's something wrong with your install and you complain on the Arch Forum they might not be super helpful.

More generally, the mood on the Arch forum and Arch communities at large isn't super beginner friendly, and thay's understandable: In a distro meant to be user friendly and aimed at general user, if the user does what seems natural to them and the system break, the community will feel a responsibility towards them, because the system wasn't stable and user-friendly enough. In a distro primarily aimed at power users and devs, if the user does what seems natural to them and the system breaks, then the user is a fool and should've read the wiki.

Because it is a very fast rolling release, some updates can break stuff. It doesn't happen often, but it can happen at a bad time and be a big problem for someone who doesn't know how to deal with it.

Debian is more stable, and easier if you go with a D.E, but you still have to make several choices during the install, which might be a bit complicated for a beginner who doesn't know what any of these options mean... Tho of course, it's possible to go with all the defaults and it'll be alright.

But my prime recommendation would be Linux Mint.

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The forces within an atom are very strong and complex. We can create fission chain reactions in some very radioactive elements, and we can fuse some small elements, but the amounts of such reactions we can produce is pretty restricted. Beside, a particule that exits an atom will leave at a high speed, and it's impossible to reliably know where it goes because of the rules of quantum physics, so it's not like you can just take a proton and leave it in a box to reuse later. What we can use is the energy produced by the fission, and that's what nuclear plants do.

That's a nice story! Very cool of you to stream these movies online.

What you're describing kinda just sounds like ID cards or passwords... I mean, these can be stolen, falsified ot lost, but even assuming the "falsified" part is and remains impossible, couldn't it be possible to obtain or duplicate someone's token? The crudest example I could think of would be someone just stealing a computer on which someone else's crypto keys are saved, but through hacking there'd probably be more ways to do it...

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I'd switched from i3 to sway, but the click offset in Krita made me switch back.

France, I don't really eat cereals from breakfast anymore, I'm more of a bread person. But as a kid, I used to sometimes eat Chocapik and Crunch. Both of them are owned by Nestle if I'm not mistaken, and I now boycott them. Tho I did find some off brand copy of Chocapik and tried it out a few months ago, it tasted just like the original.

Tuuuuuuuutuuuuuuuuuu tu tuturu tutuuuuu tuuuuu (daaam daaam)

Tuuuuuuuutuuuuuuuuuu tu tuturu tutuuuuuuu...