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Joined 12 months ago

Hey get a load of this guy, can't even expose one lousy US war crime. He's basically complicit

He only uses it once a week though, so just catch him after his weekly kill

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me when

I think it is a meme not a text book

If you're implying there's not a fundamental difference between a Republican president and a Democrat president, at this point, that's absolutely hilarious. Delusional.

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I'm confused? Is there a stereotype that all black women wear pearls and flip their hair when they talk? If you told me that was a stereotype of any race I would actually guess white but I kind of thought that was just something that women with a certain personality did, regardless of race.

It sounds like you read their comment and visualized something racist in your own mind. Maybe the call is coming from inside the house?

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Lately it seems like many Taylor Swift fans would slit someone's throat for the opportunity to look at a pan that she might have touched one time

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Can't wait for the governor of my state to vilify this as socialism and block it for her constituents because it might benefit even a single poor person.

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I don't know much about her and I don't watch her press conferences. I'm not defending anyone, your comment has just genuinely confused me because I've never heard of this stereotype in my 33 years on earth, living in a racist state in a racist country.

I'm just asking how a hair flip and pearls is racist? Can you explain that?

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That's literally what they did lol

Can you please just tell me what the racist part is?? Is it misrepresenting her personality that makes it racist? I'm telling you I genuinely do not understand and I'm trying to learn something from you but you seem hell bent on making people out to be racists instead of actually informing people about the topic.

In that case I think you're racist because you have misrepresented my personality.

Old people have a suicide death grip on this country and they would rather die and be buried under the rubble of their own hubris than let the people that have an actual stake in the future change anything.

"not enough people in my state vote D and that's a bad thing"

"I'll never vote for a Democrat in my state unless they're perfect and that's a good thing"

Okay then.

Yes, it's not something that accidentally happens to ingest that much bullshit and take it at face value. There are other TV channels, websites, and people to talk to. By the time you're storming the US capitol building, you have made several intentional choices that put you in that position.

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"Not siding with Israel" is much different than using the largest social media account in the world to post Nazi-baiting comments and imply that Jewish people are ruining America. Most of what Elon is actually saying about Jewish people is entirely unrelated to the current conflict in the middle East.

I literally told you that I would assume it's a white stereotype of any. When someone says wearing pearls and flipping hair, I literally picture a wealthy white socialite in my mind.

Maybe don't gamble on politics

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I think a good term for what you defined in your edit might be "intrusive thoughts"

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Maybe other people just enjoy something and there's no reason to put them down for it. I wish I knew something you enjoyed so I could make fun of you for it. Sad person.

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To be fair, that fella likely committed a heinous crime such as believing that the earth was not the center of the solar system, or speaking to a wealthy person

Lindsey Graham supports Ukraine

Lindsey Graham doesn't hold a single real position on any issue, other than "what currently benefits me the most?"

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One of these things is not like the other

Sounded like you knew. But now it sounds like you're just deflecting 👍

He could also just try asking the courts if he can pretty please not be punished (again). That seems to have continued working every time he's tried it so far.

Ah yes, the incredibly reliable Russian polling data for the totally fair and democratic Russian elections! Surely Putin's government didn't have any reason to directly manipulate or otherwise skew the data to make their least favorite opponent look bad. And certainly all of Navalny's supporters felt safe and sound voting for him, without any fear of repercussions from their permanent ruling party.

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Actually I heard Biden can still declassify them in his mind and it counts

Yep that slid right off the front page in a few hours

Creating a national day of visibility == pandering on Facebook. It's an official act and statement by the president of the United States that acknowledges and shines a light on the struggle of what is currently one of our most oppressed and murdered social groups.

These people really just can't let someone say "hey maybe Joe Biden is obviously the better option to vote for." It just really can't be left alone without someone making a comment like the one I'm replying to right now. I see it in every thread

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They cannot arrest or kill the entire working class, pitchforks or not. I mean, they could, but then who would work for them and make them richer? They need us and it's going to be a very painful reminder when we remind them, one way or another.

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Is he being charged for this? I....thought that was Trump....

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Solely? No. But if the airbag, seatbelt, or self-driving autopilot feature that they created contributed to someone's death, they are partially responsible and should face consequences or punishments. Especially if they market it as a safe feature.

I see one such comment, which is in response to Iran blaming the US, and to me reads as a sarcastic retort to a ridiculous claim by Iran

Dang you should head up NATO. Cannot believe no one has ever thought of talking to Russia, they're well known for being reasonable and keeping their word

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Both can be nuts

Name 5 things, I'd like some examples.

Biden has beat Trump once already, Hilary never did. Maybe he's confident for a reason.

"He shouldn't be confident because a different candidate was confident once and they lost, that means confidence is bad and meaningless"

I'm sure trump is confident too, how does that make you feel? Should he be?

I think you'd be surprised how many people live in cities and have medical expenses. This dude doesn't even have kids.

Okay folks you have $40 to eat on for the next 30 days, and you need as much nutrition as a growing child. What you buying?

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I think you'd get your point across better if you just came out and said which of the two groups of human beings you are okay with being slaughtered the most. Seems like you're stopping short of making your actual point here and I can't quite figure out why....