Eager Eagle

@Eager Eagle@lemmy.world
8 Post – 952 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

There's a good chance the solar system (or another star system) will be yeeted from milkdromeda, so I guess I'll move to another star. But who knows if I'll afford one with a billion-year scale inflation.

the same happens with BloomZ, and that is listed as open

130,000 units, I don't know how

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neural network weights are just files, collections of numbers forming matrices; how is a partially open collection of weights of any use

the weights are open

$ docker exec -it ollama ollama show gemma:7b
  	arch            	gemma	             
  	parameters      	9B   	             
  	quantization    	Q4_0 	             
  	context length  	8192 	             
  	embedding length	3072 	             
  	stop            	""	 
  	stop            	""  	 
  	penalize_newline	false            	 
  	repeat_penalty  	1                	 
  	Gemma Terms of Use              	  
  	Last modified: February 21, 2024	
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wait, you guys read usernames?

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it needs to collapse automatically, otherwise it just wastes a lot of space

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grabs popcorn

how are the weights partially open?

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guns don't kill people, toddlers do

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Well, what's the problem. They have bacon and they have ice cr... oh I see the error now. Just add a generic response the ice cream machine is broken and move on!

I wasn't even aware this was a thing

The banking system in the US is a legacy mess. Transfers still take business days to go through and making your bank account # and routing information available is actually a security concern, honestly I don't even know why that's still a thing.

Products like PayPal and Plaid try to provide something that is slightly more usable, but with this underlying obsolescence their functionality is very limited.

When paying for services, credit cards are still the way to do it. For P2P payments, people use PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, and others. Nothing even close to a unified system like Pix in Brazil.

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just a bulk purchase

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That's more like an excuse to keep those stupid 5, 6, and even more interview round processes. Basically making you work an entire week for free in exchange of a chance of getting an offer. Make the first or second rounds with AI and only bother after that.

I bet he'll be able to retire at 3 years old with this many jobs

or just block them?

I read this comment several times and I still don't understand it. Stand out for what? What content and patterns?

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Downfall, Inception, Meltdown, Spectre, I hate to see new vulnerabilities, but their naming choices are solid.

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A few weeks after we met, we realized that we had to write a joint paper because the combination of our last names, in the usual alphabetical order, is remarkably obscene.

-D. Cox


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I can subscribe to a hooker for less and have more sex

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if you order elon musk from wish, you get something better

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The emails appeared to show Musk acknowledging the need for the company to make large sums of money to fund the computing resources needed to power its AI ambitions, which stood in contrast to the claims in his lawsuit that OpenAI was wrongly pursuing profit.

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Let me get this right... they're lobbying their way out to not even list what they're charging for?

I hope FCC doubles down without lube.

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As if they needed to check for ""compatibility"" at all - just let the users try their makeshift coded-in-a-weekend browsers, or their 2008 version of IE.

The better question is why some websites even bother checking for the browser when the vast majority of people uses mainstream options that follow web standards and self-update.

Checking the browser version kind of made sense 15 years ago when updating the browser depended on the user's awareness and willingness of doing so, and the lack of standards across browsers was blatant. Nowadays that's pretty much useless. The maximum these sites should be doing is displaying a banner letting the user know their browser might be incompatible (because it's likely not in a way that prevents usage), then fuck off.

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and the options are sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, or water

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Cable execs: I see your point. In 2024 we'll be introducing trash reality shows that feature the weather.

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Not this one, every one. The only difference is that they bother to put this info on the label.

the "see also" lol

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Italy is the first nation in the world to be safe from the social and economic risks of synthetic food

more like the only nation to consider all cultivated meat a problem and prohibit it instead of regulating it.

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you should use linux

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And it's also red. I hate red turning indicators, they should be amber.

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when will people learn that search results change all the time and are different for different people

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xfinity will advertise 100 Tbps lines with the abysmal 1.5 TB/mo data cap anyway

"you can drive this super sport car for $ per month - but only for 10 miles"

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OP dies and leaves wife and kids

After 10 days the dead man switch protocol activates

Wife receives an encrypted email. She knows what to do.

Using the emergency flash drive she deciphers the message. It's a link.

YouTube opens. Tears roll along with Rick. OP's never giving up.

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I support game producers being free to implement whatever tech they choose to work with. That said, I find it kind of stupid to side with NVIDIA promoting their exclusive DLSS over an open standard when the quality difference is only noticeable in side-by-side comparisons.

The game has both DLSS and FSR? Great. The game only has FSR? Well, that's more inclusive than DLSS-only. Everybody benefits with open standards.

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Reddit is an open platform, and we love that


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finally touching some grass

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