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Joined 9 months ago

How do you so consistently have the dumbest takes?

They're especially loud here because Lemmy's developers are tankies. Some are even supposedly former Chapo Trap House peeps that got kicked off reddit. It's the most annoying part of this place trying to be a reddit replacement. But it's getting better with users calling them out.

Yep. Had a profile and pics on sugardaddymeet.

Plus had another profile claiming she was an actress on Explore Talent. Which oddly enough so did Candice Owens. And a few other random people that have become GOP props.

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Right before the war started the now largest known lithium deposit in Europe (and somewhere top 10 worldwide) was found in eastern Ukraine.

Yeah the amount of Finding Out possible from this decision has high schadenfreude potential.

They only care about property loss when it involves rich people.

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You look good. Have interviewed tons of people in my time. What you put together should be fine.

And if that's not good enough for some places you probably don't want to work at them anyway.

Had pancreatitis because of his diet. A diet in which he thought would magically avoid creating body odor.

It turned into cancer. He lucked out that it was a rare form of treatable pancreatic cancer with a 90% survival rate 5 years out. Which is abnormal as most forms of pancreatic are essentially a death sentence. Survival rate past 3 years is under 10% for the more common variants.

Stuck to his diet anyway. Ignored his doctors. Died to an illness he had a 90% chance of beating because he knew better.

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It started while Trump was trying to act like the pandemic was a hoax. So I'm not that surprised. Article also says Biden shut it down in spring of 2021 which wasn't long after he was sworn in.

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Oh he could see it too and didn't care because he's a self proclaimed libertarian.

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Yes. Customer. Was clearly smooth talking con man others aspire to be. No one else believed me. Or questioned how he was going to set up the kind of construction operation he claimed to run. Literally weeks after moving to the area.

Boss took the bait. Even introduced the guy to other friends and customers. Guy promised them all a bunch of work but needed down payments for materials. Vanished about a month after the checks cleared.

Hope it works. Fuck Scott Walker and the Koch family. Those assholes have done so much to mess up Wisconsin.

Older gentleman walked into the lobby of our office. None of us knew who he was or had seen him before. He looked confused and lost. Someone went over to ask if they could help him. He tried to but didn't respond. Then fell over. Hit his head on a table on the way down. Was dead before the pandemics arrived.

We were all in shock. Poor guy was starting into a stroke when he walked in. Maybe even walked into our office to try getting help. But it was already too late.

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New Hampshire having a state law that they always get to go first, for a national election, that's been around for 100 years, is dumb as fuck.

It's good this change is happening. The primary orders should shuffle around more often. No state declaring "we're always first" within their state laws should be recognized at the federal level.

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Russia's air defense had a backbone of Cold War era tech before the war started. Ukraine has been consistently plinking away at it. Most of it is naturally positioned near borders to prevent penetration. If you sneak past the coverage thins out quickly. Russia is a huge country so it's also understandable to not have high density coverage throughout.

At one point Russia had a great setup. But that time was long ago. And oil money going to modernization efforts means less yacht money. Air defense also isn't that critical when you're mostly concerned about beating up on small countries like Georgia and Chechnya that can't fight back.

My favorite are the couple openly trans people who consistently simp for regimes that would gladly disappear them.

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It's not even clever. It's the same strategy as 2016 promoting Jill Stein.

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He fired his PR team a few years ago. That's been the difference.

He said plenty of dumb shit prior with people cleaning it up. One of my favorites was probably 10 years ago now. He claimed Model 3 assembly line automation would move so fast they'd have to worry about wind resistance.

My friends and co-workers still laugh about that one now. It's such an absurd "business" mentality of go fast = good. So go crazy fast = more good. With a technology that doesn't exist and kinda doesn't need to. It makes more sense to increase system capacity (multiple lines) when you're chasing throughput like that. But what makes even more sense is accurately forecasting your production so you don't have to slap a full car together in 30 minutes to keep up with demand.

Finance too. They're almost always first from the multiple I've personally been through. The new owners want those hands out of the pot asap.

My serious answer guess; it's a demo of what can happen if fall prevention harnesses are not properly worn. Would help if there are a few more pixels.

That $10k Chinese car cost $20k to make. A competitor undercutting the market that much leads to monopolization. When that competitor is being bankrolled by a foreign government it's potentially even a hostile act.

People have been mad for decades about what Walmart did to retail in the US. Taking steps to prevent that from also happening with the auto industry should be appreciated.

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That's not true though. This happened in their EVs regardless of price range. Even the Porsche Taycan which requires using a screen to adjust HVAC vents. Other than some steering wheel buttons the Taycan is all screens.

The Audi E-Tron GT (same chassis as the Taycan) oddly enough has more buttons. But that's because VAG makes sure Porsche and Audi interiors are slightly different for different market segments.

It's more about VAG thinking (like many automakers) copying the Tesla trend was what people wanted. The mistake made was not considering Tesla early adopters often being techy people who might not match broader market opinion.

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Layoffs after this size of merger are pretty typical. The number of people seems high, but it might be due to Activision's own acquisitions over the years.

First round of layoffs after a merger is consolidation of corporate administrative functions. ActiBlizz finance, accounting, HR, etc is no longer needed. Microsoft already has all those needs covered. And it wouldn't surprise me to learn ActiBlizz had a lot of administrative bloat.

Most of the knowledge workers will be kept for now. Will be future cuts there as objectives are finalized and staff needed becomes clear.

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I'm impressed. Was expecting it to be sensationalized title.

That whole house is ready to be scooped into a dumpster.

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That happened in 1963. The war only got worse and went on 10 more years.

It's not new. Is also not a Max. Airframe is from 2015.

Immediately thought Lancia when I saw it. And kinda want.

It doesn't. They know that. They'll say either throw away your vote/don't vote. They know either helps Trump win.

Also, tag the account and help keep calling them out.

The main thing here is that falsified paperwork means the source of the titanium is suspect. The raw titanium could have been sourced from a sanctioned nation. Or the subcontractor changed their titanium source and did not update their documentation.

Titanium was certainly supplied and used. The audit is questioning other aspects of where it came from.

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US Navy trains dolphins too. They act like guard dogs for our naval bases.

Harris appoints a new VP. Majority of Congress has to approve that appointment.

Check out Article 25 of the Constitution for more details.

Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller to be VP after Nixon's resignation.

Shitting on Boeing is getting clicks. So the news keeps reporting on every bit of anything they can find related to them. The incident rate isn't going up. At the same time there have been a few issues with Airbus planes but that's not getting engagement as much so the news isn't focusing on them.

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Similar reason to why I've backed way off to mostly lurking. That and most of the subs I was on in like aviation, space, other technology and engineering things don't exist here. But I'm happy to give it time. Reddit took a long while to build those communities too.

That take on Pearl Harbor is not historically accurate though. US Naval command had Japanese radio transmissions as well. It was more hubris and incompetence than some secret desire for an excuse to join the war. The US was already preparing for war with Japan. And Japan was crazy enough to skip straight to attacking US Naval command in Hawaii head-on as an opening move. Whereas US command assumed they'd take smaller targets first and try to stretch the fleet across defending many locations.

Japan ironically was both more and less successful than intended because of US mistakes. US carrier groups were sent west out near Wake Island and the Marshall Islands to cut off the attack that was thought to be coming. But Japan sailed around Midway approaching Hawaii from the North. They even had their planes loop around to fly in from the East to cause extra confusion until it was too late. What they found was less resistance than expected because the carriers weren't there. It didn't end up being the kinda suicidal knock out blow Yamamoto was going for.

Congress demanded multiple investigations over the years after. They all bore out a similar conclusion that US command and intelligence fucked up. They went looking for the fight in the wrong place. Assuming the attack on Hawaii intelligence had to be a ruse.

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Already rumors his wife is going to run for Governor in 2026.

The tables have turned a bit though. McCarthy seems to be going for revenge. And he's got friends frustrated enough about what happened to help.

So like usual none of the GOP cared until the actions of a member impacted other important members.

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His pay was $300k something. So it was almost all stock. To convert his ownership stake into shares ahead of the IPO as you mentioned.

He supposedly owns around 3-4% of Reddit. And they're trying to IPO at an initial valuation of $5B. So when that goes to shit like it probably will this theoretical $192M drops dramatically.

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Cars have nearly nothing to do with this. It started with the industrialization of farming.

Farm towns existed at normal intervals because it took a much larger labor pool to manage them. 200 acres was a lot to manage about 100 years ago. By the 1970's 400 acres was a normal sized family farm in the US.

Modern machinery can cover nearly 200 acres in a day. There is no reason to have thousands of people per small town anymore. It takes a tiny fraction of that manpower to achieve the same output.

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