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No chance, I usually don't care about American politics but I'm not gonna miss the chance to watch 2 geriatric fucks attempt to debate one another.

It was so much worse than I envisioned it to be though. Like one guy seemed to make up literally everything with insane claims that were delivered with confidence only rivaled by how stupid they were and the other sounded like his brain turned to soup if he spoke for more than 5 seconds and when not speaking he looked like a frog seeing a very tasty fly on the wall.

I really hope Europe can get our collective shit together and supply Ukraine once the US shits the bed there.

It hasn't made headlines though. Juststopoil goes after oil terminals, car manufacturers etc pretty often but it's never reported on. The only protest that gets attention is souping painting or spraying cornflour on rocks.

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I'm pretty sure high fructose corn syrup is banned here and when my wife from the US moved in with me she kept complaining how things don't taste as sweet until she got used to it.

Just add 2 things:

  1. Cookie settings are possible to set in the browser for all pages.
  2. There's a reject all button on every cookie banner.
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Is Sony saying piracy is justified by making it not possible to buy this game? I guess if I have to.

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So what Sony is saying is that I should just pirate the game since there is no legal way to buy it?

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To be fair EVs only solve the tail pipe emission problem of cars and not like the 50 others. It's would be much better to focus on public transit and pedestrian and bike infrastructure, that solves more issues and is accessible to everyone.

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In this case it's actually dyed corn starch so this would literally wash off from the first rain. And yea, this actually gets attention, when they spray painted car dealerships of some of the heaviest polluters, protested oil companies and when a guy set himself on fire to protest climate change it gets almost no coverage.

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City design and suburbs. Like if I had to drive 40 minutes to get groceries I would prefer to starve and those suburbs look like death would be the better alternative. Also driving to go for a walk, wtf?

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I get like 99% of my news about upcoming or newly released games from steam. There have been so many games I'm not even aware exist, like last week I found out Saints Row got a new game a while back but it was epic exclusive so I never knew.

Also being a Linux gamer steam has amazing support for Linux while epic has none.

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A much better protection is not to be in the US when it comes to copyright.

Nazies are too stupid to even draw a swastika properly. There is zero hope they are capable of understanding satire.

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They told like half of Gaza to clear out in 24 hours, that's well over a million people, it's literally impossible to accomplish that. It's to get deniability when killing civilians.

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Estonia is a tiny country of a little over a million people and we already took on the most Ukrainian refugees per population and we currently have issues housing them. If Russians need refuge in another country they need to look elsewhere.

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Turns out finding a good lemmy instance is a huge pain in the ass. I started on lemmy.ml but it was full of tankies so I moved to lemmy.world now they banned piracy so I'm on lemm.ee which gets a lot of crap from tankies still, not as bad as lemmy.ml but it's really fucking annoying. Like I'm not interested in Russian propaganda or how the soviet union's genocide was justified actually, please give the user a way to block all tankies and nazies and stop blocking things globally for everyone.

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If your only option to play a game is moving to a different country then I'd say it's the most justifiable. If you only have a PlayStation piracy won't really help you play PC or XBox games though so I don't see how that would help.

Russia and Israel are really competing on who can do more war crimes.

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Ooo, native Wayland support, now only about half my software will be running through xwayland once Proton is updated as well.

It does shit for the environment, no one throws caps away separately while recycling the bottle. Most coloured plastics aren't recycled anyways. Like 80% of all microplastic is from car tires.

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Good. I hope that once companies stop putting AI in everything because it's no longer profitable the people who can actually develop some good tech with this can finally do so. I have already seen this play out with crypto and then NFTs, this is no different.

Once the hype around being able to make worse art with plagiarised materials and talking to a chatbot that makes shit up died down companies looking to cash out with the trend will move on.

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Yea, I have zero hope that Sony has dropped this completely. They will most likely wait for the attention to die down and push it through, that's just how these shit companies work. Even their wording is ambiguous enough to mean that.

Large centralised social media platform should all be banned. I miss the times when all you had was forums hosted in someone's basement, the Internet was a better place. Short form video content is the worst of the bunch though.

If the models trained on pirated works were available as a non-profit sort of setup with any commercial application being banned I think that would be fine.

Business owners salivating over the idea that they can just pocket the money writers and artists would make is not exactly a good use of tech.

Does Google even give results that aren't AI generated? I can only get results I want if I use my native language or add site:reddit.com in the end.

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Can't development just be moved out of the US? Like in my country even downloading copyrighted materials isn't a crime, only uploading so emulators are like double legal.

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Why smell good if not for smelling?

I have had my comment removed and/or banned from the ml worldnews for "misinformation" for debunking Russian propaganda with sources.

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I rawdog every single command, I use no aliases at all.

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This looks so fake, holy shit. Apparently Hamas has a red barrel room straight out of every video game.

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Oh no, I'm so surprised. Such an unexpected turn of events. Flabbergasted I tell you.

Yea, this happens every single time there is any excuse to raise prices. My first time was when my country switched our currency from Kroon to Euro and everyone said that will not cause an increase in prices. About a year later everything was about 30% more expensive.

This is not new and nothing will be done to fix it would be my prediction from like the last 10 times this has happened.

Are those user agreements even legally binding in most countries? They aren't in my country since you aren't signing them, pressing agree doesn't count.

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Threatening legal action against some kid because she is too much of a rich asshole to travel like a normal person. If being a billionaire wasn't it then this is should be the reveal.

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If they are trying to cross the border here they would need to cross about 4 countries before getting anywhere where they can be accepted, Estonia does not have the resources to facilitate that.

There are also security concerns. In the early 2000nds Russia attempted to create a breakaway region in Estonia with an influx of Russian citizens. Viru county already has a high Russian population and we don't need a repeat of that.

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I still remember when the Java edition was supposed to get a modding API...

In the US or Germany: Straight to jail

In Japan: Your organs are now the property of Nintendo to repay this heinous crime.

Rest of the world: it depends.

When the new intern presses shut down instead of disconnect while connected to the production server

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I'm going to be angry about microtransaction once the game actually runs. A 5800X3D and 7900XT should not be getting 20 - 40 FPS with medium settings at 1440p.

It's also that the liberal parties have done fuck all for people and the left parties are basically non-existent, like I have noticed the far right parties are also promising to do something for housing. Thankfully my country has a functional left enough party I can vote for but France and Germany are pretty cooked.

40-70% and 80% for women sounds insanely high. I got a used HTC Vive to have beat saber parties with people and so far none out of about 20 people have experienced nausea even with heavy drinking.

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Let's ban writing! Return to monkey!