Russia carrying out illegal chemical attacks on Ukrainian soldiers to World – 487 points –
Russia carrying out illegal chemical attacks on Ukrainian soldiers

Telegraph investigation reveals those on front line are being exposed to gases banned during wartime

Russian troops are carrying out a systematic campaign of illegal chemical attacks against Ukrainian soldiers, according to a Telegraph investigation.

The Telegraph spoke to a number of Ukrainian soldiers deployed in positions across the front line who detailed how their positions have been coming under near daily attacks from small drones, mainly dropping tear gas but also other chemicals.

The use of such gas, which is known as CS and commonly used by riot police, is banned during wartime under the Chemical WeaponsConvention.

Ihor, the commander of a Ukrainian reconnaissance team who is deployed near the front line city of Chasiv Yar, in Donetsk Oblast, told The Telegraph: “Nearly every position in our area of the front was getting one or two gas grenades dropped on them a day.”


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Russia and Israel are really competing on who can do more war crimes.

Russia doesn't stand a chance.

Sure, they can try, but their soldiers are still asshole humans at the end of the day.

If they manage to occupy Ukraine they'll probably win the warcrime game but yea currently they can just torture and kill POWs and try to bomb civilians from far away. At the start of the war they were definitely winning on war crimes with the civilian mass graves.

I think what Russia is banking on is the rise of the global far-right, where the newly emerging far-right will remove "political correctness" from war, and also Russia is pretty infamous for information control, so they can just say "Ukronazis did it" or something like that until everyone accepts that as a hard fact.

Look, the Russians are the mike Tyson of war crimes. Even 'boxing isnt shit' guys who are serious fighters are nervous stepping into the ring with him, even in his twilight years. Russia is absolutely a warcrimer for the history books.

But kapostan is the 'Bruce Lee and Mohammed Ali did some anime shit and are somehow the same guy now, and have spikey blond hair for some fucking reason' of war crimes. They're just the best. They do nothing else. It is their whole being; they are pure uncut atrocity.

Nice try Nazi fuck.

For saying Russians will never be as good at warcrimes as the Zionist place, or for saying Russian soldiers are assholes?

See I don't even know what the people who wrote the bots are trying to discourage me from saying when they baselessly call me a Nazi anymore.

It's like those Russian policemen arresting that lady who went to red square to support the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Everyone's a Nazi unless they repeat the propaganda like parrots, and even then...

Fascism doesn't stop killing. You flatten the territory to match the map (with killing) and then you make a simpler map, which is now simpler than the territory...

Fucking Kurt Gödel proved it can't work.

You misspelled "Hamas" there. Russia and Hamas have been having quite a competition. Last time I checked they're still raping hostages to death.

Not really. Hamas has done some awful shit but Israel and Russia are in a different league of bad. I'm sure if Hamas had the weapons and money Israel does it would be worthy competition but as it stands they just aren't in the running.

thanks for outing yourself so I can block you 👋🏻

Hamas would have to commit 20 x October 7ths in order to achieve the cruelty Israel willingly carried out among civilians of Gaza—and aid workers—half of the dead being women and children.

Your response? Something-something, "ends justify the means"?

Last time I checked they're still raping hostages to death.


Kinda hard to negotiate if they run out of hostages no?

They’re not really there to negotiate. I think that plan flew out of the window when they realized that Israel doesn’t care about the hostages.

They're all bad. Including all of the English speaking developed western democracies

War is bad. It's not like this is a new revelation. War has been fucking terrible and also completely avoidable since the dawn of time.