
1 Post – 232 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We truly live in the future

Not without login, probably

I think it's a consequence of higher interest rates drying up VC money, meaning that tech companies now have to actually be profitable, rather than just grow.

If the plan was grow now, profit later, then later has come

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BTW, this:

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How it works is that once you start getting these Server Side Ads (SSA), Youtube will create a sort of queue of videos in place of your usual video, with the first few being ads that can't be skipped and have a red bar (not yellow) and in the end you'll get your video. They are not literally part of the original video stream, they are separate streams that get injected as if they were the original video. It's called SSAP, and I've been experiencing it from the last weekend. In the meantime, they've pretty much broken their player to implement this.

Ublock Origin has released a temporary fix yesterday here

Alternatively, you can use this extension to redirect from YouTube videos to piped.video I used it, it works very well, can't guarantee for much more.

edit: fixed wording

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More like

Nobody wants to do business with unstable nazis people

Plenty of businesses ready and willing to do business with stable (and rich) Nazis, dictators and slavers. Look at the line of people and businesses more than ready to make deals with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, China, etc

If you are rich and have a stable government, there's no amount of human rights violations and genocides stopping corrupt fuckers from trying to make deals with you and profit.

I don't think he meant to the consumer. EU countries can negotiate for the price with pharmaceutical companies, so they can lower the price.

In the US insurance companies can try to negotiate, but their weight is quite low, and the federal government (medicaid, medicare) is forbidden by law to negotiate. Whichever price pharma sets, it's that.

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Yeah, I hear you, but what if we add another 7 lane highway that cuts right through the center? I think that would solve the issue

-random US city response, probably

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Isn't that true for humans as well? I know I find it harder to see children due to the small size and dark skinned people at night due to, you know, low contrast (especially if they are wearing dark clothes).

Human vision be racist and ageist

Ps: but yes, please do improve the algorithms

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Does anyone know why the Vatican State exists? The answer is, because of a pact with Mussolini to support his regime in exchange for a state and the involvement of the church in education.

Sp, who's really surprised?

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Pfizer COVID vaccine wasn't researched or developed by them. It was developed by the German BioNTech.

Still, bringing it to market at the required volumes requires extreme amounts of capital, there's a reason no one can enter the club.

  1. China's claim is the same as Italy claiming the whole Mediterranean as their own because at some point the Roman empire claimed it (Mare Nostrum, literally "our sea"). That's not how it works and it's clearly bullshit

  2. I didn't see Taiwan ramming anyone, did I? Also Taiwan is claiming to be China and all that because the PRC wants to keep the status quo. If Taiwan were to publicly renounce their pre revolution status and declare themselves an independent nation it would precipitate a crisis with China.

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Cause I could shoot you on sight, claim you're a Nazi, and it's now on you to defend yourself.. from the grave

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If only that. This is much more invasive

Everything is AI generated and websites made to exploit SEO as much as possible.

At least this is what I'm thinking.

They'll develop their own 7nm chips, with hookers and blackjack!

In fact, forget the 7nm chips!

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You do though. Without legislations, cars wouldn't have safety features by default like crumple zones, airbags etc. Without legislations, companies could do whatever they want to pad their bottom line. You need laws to define what is and isn't acceptable, especially when it comes to safety.

Checked SteamDB, it says the online players are between 20k and 50k, and it's summer (meaning everyone is out and about).

How does one take these numbers and proclaim a game dead? It's like 30th in the overall Steam Chart for number of online players.

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*haptic feedback. The touch and press should be two different actions, not the same action. Otherwise, you need to look at a button to know where it is and if it did what it was supposed to do, which distracts you from driving.

Touchscreens are not that much better in this regard, IMO

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He has too much cash debt to die and his investors won't allow it at this time


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Why? 7zip is just better. Also .7z is the superior compression algorithm

That's because it was entirely voluntary. It should be integrated in the browser by law, and the choice should be binding

The most permanent solution is always a temporary solution

I mean, it's great for audio and video chats. What I never understood is why people started using discord as a forum, as documentation or as some kind of program (like, why is Midjourney on a public discord chat? It's probably the worst possible interface).

Discord is excellent for chatting with your friends while playing games, and that's it.

First of all there's a huge gap between home made hamburger and, well, anything else tbh. Actually, let's expand it, there's a huge difference between home made anything and any other kind of food, be it restaurant or assembly line made.

Backing up a little though, if you make a hamburger at home, with lean good quality beef that you grind up yourself or ask them to grind it for you at the counter, lots of veggies and very little oil, on a home made bun or on actual bread (the kind made with flour, water and salt, that's it), then it's quite healthy. Still wouldn't eat it more than once a week since red meat yada-yada, but still, not that bad.

What you get at a fast food though is very low quality meat with lots of fats, dipped in other fats, sugar and spices to mask the flavor, processed bread, processed cheese, very little veggies and, usually, a side of french fries and a soda, which are a meal onto themselves. Let's take McDonald's, looking at their website a quarter pounder is 500+ kCal, the medium fries are 300+ kCal and a medium coke is 200+ kCal. That's 1000+ kCal for a "meal" full of fats, sugar and processed food. Also it's a huge spike in insuline which will lead you to a huge crash just a few hours later leaving you hungry and craving for more.

Restaurants are also a bit guilty of this. They tend to add much more fats than you'd ever do at home in order to drastically improve the flavor of their dishes. Can't even fault them for it, if I wanted a bland healthy meal, I'd have eaten at home. If I'm going to the restaurant it's because I want a great tasting dish. Ready made meals you can get at a supermarket are also full of fats, vegetable oils and preservatives in order to mask the shitty flavor.

So at the end of the day I'd say the best thing is to avoid as much as possible processed foods, avoid all take outs and deliveries, go out to eat maximum once a week and cook all your meals yourself starting with simple ingredients. It's not that hard either and cooking can be fun.

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I work for a plastic recycling plant manufacturer, specifically for the sorting, shredding, cleaning and drying steps of plastic recycling (after that you usually have melting and extrusion before ending up with small plastic pellets that can be used to make other stuff).

I can confirm you, we have "cycling filtered grey water" cleaning. You don't need to clean up your plastic containers, just empty them. Also various chemicals will be used in the process, when necessary.

We also make de-labelers to remove the labels from plastic bottles, although this kind of label in the picture is extremely hard to remove and, afaik, either requires human labor (aka poor countries with labor conditions you don't want to think about) or just becomes waste. So yeah, this is some of the worst shit.

I think only the player is blocked, and would be shown in the screenshots as a black rectangle

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Well they should have 2fa, but yes, if that's the case I agree with you.

Use Bitwarden or KeePass

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I mean we have entire genres only because people back in the day modded the shit out of game servers. Team fortress and DotA were both mods before becoming actual games.

Doubt that. It's probably the value of the land and building.

Firefox has the same problem with V3, it has nothing to do with the browser

Didn't they say they will implement V3, but change it slightly to allow extensions like ublock origin to block web requests? Also I'm pretty sure there's still no timeline for any deprecation of V2 in FF, unlike for Chrome, which will disable all V2 extensions.

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I've written a pretty big application for my employer in visual studio. Never once have I run a "dotnet build" command. Only ever used the little play button. Guess I'm no software engineer

The real software engineers are those who can 2 minute Google "how to build with cli" their Hello world console app.

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That's the papal state, not Vatican city. The papal state ruled over central Italy for centuries until it lost most of its territories leading up to the unification of Italy in 1861. Then lost Rome in 1870 and ceased to exist. The Pope retreated to the Vatican where he assumed the position of "prisoner in the Vatican" while the Italian government tolerated for the most part the Pope ruling over the basilica and its territories.

The modern Vatican State is a new entity created by Mussolini and Pius XI in 1929 with the Patti Lateranensi. With the creation of this state Mussolini gained the approval from the church, which was extremely important to solidify its grip over Italy, while the Church abandoned all claims from the former papal state.

He did find Jesus and then realized it to be a bit problematic that he couldn't fully control it, so he put his KGB friend at the head of the Russian Orthodoxy so now Jesus says what Putin wants him to say

Yeah, it's already stale and expired by now

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It's not literally part of the video, exactly because of what you describe. They are separate streams that get injected into the player before the normal video. You can't skip them or interact with them in any way (pretty sure it also breaks any purchase links etc). Piped or Invidious don't have them, ytdl also doesn't download them.

As of now, afaik, you won't see them if your account wasn't selected for the experiment, if you are in incognito mode (with uBO on) or if you have uBlock Origin (and other adblockers) off (you'll see the normal ads and then the video).

Otherwise, apply uBO new script if you get them

I dunno, but doesn't like a quarter of the internet kinda run on Azure?

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You don't understand, what users really crave are live-streams, chats, trending topics and avatars. That's what reddit is all about /s

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It's the only way I can see it working. Otherwise, you could just make infinite cheat accounts.

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Well, Vatican city was already an Italian possession after the unification. The fascist regime gave it back to the papal state in exchange for the Church supporting Mussolini and fascism (Patti lateranensi).