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Joined 7 months ago

Just the fact that the author here is using the word "impulsive" in conjunction with canceling services tells me that this is just guilt based propaganda trying to put a negative spin on this. No thanks, you can fuck off.

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hmm its almost like joe rogan is an aboslute idiot and the real life embodiment of a thumb-thumb from spykids

I play a lot of games but Ive never heard of this game before this post

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This stupid fuck doesnt deserve any more attention

or recklessly doped with ketamine

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That is not what I am saying or implying, as I do not have any information on the subject. Please do not put words in my mouth.

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I was raised christian so basically everything I was ever told was an absolute lie.

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I wish he would just die

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I really wish this was a joke but it fucking isnt.

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get fucked loser

I absolutely love this man, I will miss the regular content but he will still pop up in other peoples videos im sure. Cheers, Tom!

If youre a german citizen and you're far-right , you're as nazi as it gets

I dont have the energy to care about this game, just like I dont have the energy to care about George RR Martin or Patrick Rothfuss never finishing their products either.

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I dont want to speak to the social aspect of this issue, but I have to imagine that blocking puberty has some crazy side effects. How long has this medical technology been in use and where can I find studies about it? Again, I know this is sensitive and I am just curious from a biological standpoint.

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Sean Caroll has talked about a few word puzzles he asked chatgpt and gpt4 or whatever and they were interesting examples. In one he asked something to the effect of "if i cooked a pizza in a pan yesterday at 200 C, is it safe to pick up?" and it answered with a very wordy "no, its not safe" because that was the best match of a next phrase given his question, and not because it can actually consider the situation.

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How do I sign up for the position of workplace lorist?

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This scene was a mainstay in 12 year old me's spank bank

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I am the oldest piece of working hardware I own and I am constantly disappointed by it

get fucking bent you propagandist piece of shit

I think its like trying to get a toddler to accomplish a task and it keeps technically doing what you said but in an annoying and counterproductive way you didnt even think of yet and you have to just become insanely specific about what you want the toddler to do and when and in what order with what timing

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absolutely disgusting take

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typical religious nut, dont let them fool you in to thinking that this person is an outlier

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they want you to buy their specific ps5 earbuds. It is absolutely inane, the tech is all there but not available. Personally my smart tv can connect to my bluetooth earbuds so I just do that

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At the risk of showing my ignorance, isnt Quebec in Canada?

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The conservatives want to constantly ramp up the fear factor to keep people in line and this idea of public executions as a spectacle is perfectly in line with their ethos. They are already starting to experiment with new execution methods at the expense of human lives. It is literally the nazi regime again, no hyperbole.

Why people are writing statements as questions?

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Ive also avoided making kids for the last decade or so but I was born with personality-based contraceptives so I dont know that it counts

Slovak PM is assisting the spread of Putin's anti-Ukraine agenda ahead of elections. Slovak PM is firmly attached to putins nutsack by his mouth.

Say it with me folks: ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS Dont forget it

spoiler alert: it factually was. Go thump your bible elsewhere, Ive been deprogrammed already

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did he ask his son if it was okay for him to suck donald off?

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Well that should sort things out dusts hands

Its a pretty good thing to spend money on if you use it on a daily basis. I work in a kitchen and need an insulated water bottle or I will literally die. Instead of using plastic I use a reusable bottle. I bought it a year ago and I have not looked back. Yeah, its more expensive than it needs to be and is a fad, but it's certainly not the most irresponsible thing you can spend $50 on. edit: removed superfluous an

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traitor joes

I dont like jerry seinfeld at all but implying that he is a pedo is completely unsubstantiated. I think the scandals here are gross but everyone is clearly above the age of consent.

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but that sounds like a lot of work

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Just to understand this correctly, prior to this you would have to have a very-personal and VERY-uncomfortable examination of your genitals, and even sometimes see a specialist instead of a gp, but now have a self-test as an option? If so, I can imagine that that would be incredibly preferable

I mean, that seems right on brand