What did you get told as a child that you realised was a lie as you got older?

CalciumDeficiency@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 212 points –

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I was raised christian so basically everything I was ever told was an absolute lie.

Same here friend. But they were lies Their parents told them and so on and so on so it's understandable how they thought they were doing the right thing.

True dat but its fairly easy to see through that nonsense and realise your parents are idiots (at best), one of the trials of growing up. Assuming there are no repercussions for it, like death, banishmanet etc

Spoiler alert: it probably wasn't

spoiler alert: it factually was. Go thump your bible elsewhere, Ive been deprogrammed already

What did they tell you that is factually false?

That gay and trans people are all disgusting perverts who hate me and want to destroy everything good. My queer friends provide more emotional support in a day than I ever got from my family, the church, or anyone else inside the Evangelical bubble I was raised in.

That people in "The World" (those outside the church) are all evil or unknowingly controlled by Satan and will always try to hurt me. Textbook cult programming from the people who were emotionally abusing me.

That God is speaking directly to me through a voice in my head, except when that voice says I'm a girl, then it's actually a demon or something. (It was likely undiagnosed DID as a result of childhood emotional neglect and repressed gender dysphoria.)

That scientists are all part of a massive satanic conspiracy to trick people into leaving the church.

Dungeons & Dragons being a satanic conspiracy. Satanic Panic stuff in general.

Lots of anti-evolution propaganda that turned out to be misrepresentations of science or complete fabrications.

That they actually believed in all that stuff Jesus said about loving thy neighbor, helping the poor and the sick, and being kind to immigrants, instead of spending their whole lives voting to hurt all of those people as much as possible.

Cancer didn't exist until the very modern age. Evolution is fake, a conspiracy. Jews are basically Christians who don't know if Jesus is the savior or not. I could keep going.