
9 Post – 906 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fediverse Advocate

Overpopulation is a myth. We need more younger people than older people

You have seemed to make it clear that you want to die alone and not even try. If you won't get therapy of some kind, don't try and make other people suffer or justify your situation in front of other people. People are giving you advice here and you're refusing it, trying to justify yourself as some hero over "overpopulation" or something, and it's pathetic. You have plenty of time, you should resolve to want to turn your life around.

Unless you have a severe illness you're receiving government benefits for, NEETs are generally in the position through their own fault because they are lazy



I'm going to be straight to you here: The only thing holding you back is yourself. If you have a neurodivergency, I recommend getting in touch with an agency that helps find work for ND people. Your nature isn't going to change by just sitting in your room all day. I don't want to work either; I don't think anybody does. I don't want to do education. But forcing myself through it as difficult as it was made me a MUCH better person and more capable and gave me a job that even though I struggle with some days, I enjoy. By sitting in your room all day, you're just going to make yourself worse and there'll be no future for you. Don't give up in your 30's. It's not too late to do something. Switch off the news as well, delete social media if you have to. There is bad news about this world as we're a fallen species, but for our own life, we have to make the best of it.

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I think it depends on circumstances. Some people are genuine neckbeard NEETs who need to stop being a drain on society. Some people are just jobsearching or in education and aren't assholes to everyone they live with.

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I don't know what your situation is. Do you go outside much? What's stopping you from getting a job? I basically had to exposure therapy myself to the outside world and it was difficult and took nearly two years but it was so so so much worth it.

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If we're including xmpp and matrix, then we should include Email 🤭

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Nuclear war

I remember a very rude university lecturer called me once when I was in Tesco. He told me to turn off the Tesco self checkout because of background noise. I was in the middle of buying my groceries. Wut.

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I think his wife did. He radiated big "divorced man" energy

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Eh, it's quite leftist here and VERY atheistic but honestly I've seen more insane takes come out of Reddit. Here there is reason and sense to those takes, as well as substance.

He also called me a "fucking asshole" as well which wasn't very pleasant. Basically he made an appointment for me to come to see him, notification of it was sent in the post as a footnote of a larger letter which didn't arrive until 2 days after.

Email in itself is decentralised. You can set up your own email server and send and receive from it. However, your emails will be often flagged as spam unless you perform some form of black magic and allegedly, you are more vulnerable to spam (although I have been running my own email for months now that's on the open web and hasn't been spammed). Some hosts like Hetzner and various ISPs don't allow you to open the ports needed for email, at least without giving them a ring and explaining why you need it.

Jesus never led an army or ruled a country, so we cannot have coins bearing His face or remnants of an army, etc. However, there is plenty of physical proof of the early Church. There is evidence of pilgrimages to Bethlehem early on and Jerusalem as well, such as the church of the Holy Sepulchre, which is a plausible candidate for Jesus' actual tomb.

Here's a whole video covering the topic

Florida man strikes back

If your SSH is using key authentication and you don't have anything silly as an attack vector, you should be grand.

I thought it already did that

Try and find a Christian who doesn't believe this 🤣

But things like church structure, importance of tradition and beauty, exact liturgy formats aren't fundamental to the faith. The fundamentals stayed the same. The only real evolution was Roman Catholicism which adopted additional dogmas over time, but that's it really.

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So you got it from some wiki instead of looking at the source text 🤣 fair enough if it wasn't your mistake I guess. It just goes to show that without lies, Atheism dies.

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Every religion apart from Christianity dies without lies

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I said it was as-is in the context of your statement. Your claim was that the figure of Jesus had evolved over hundreds of years like King Arthur. I said that no, the doctrine surrounding Jesus was basically as-is. Now you're being pedantic about it. The fact is, 99% of the things believed about Jesus nowadays was believed by first century Christians. We can use the New Testament as a source for that, as they are what our beliefs are based on. There are no early records about a Jesus existing that show him not being a divine miracle worker who rose from the dead. Unlike figures - even Christian figures such as St Patrick who had later attributions of legend like leading snakes out of Ireland, or even the Virgin Mary in the Assumption of Mary, Conceived without sin, perpetual virginity, etc. All of which are found centuries later than the original documents actually surrounding Mary, some of which could have even been written in her lifetime.

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I hope he buys reddit next

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They'd hoover up your data regardless lmao. Anything you post here is fair game. It's not the same as Instagram measuring how much you look at a post or your location.

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Linux isn't free because it uses your electricity

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Discuit is not a federated social platform, and we do not plan to support federation in the future either. This is because we do not believe that federated platforms, for a few specific reasons, have a chance of becoming mainstream social platforms one day.


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He'd be turning in his grave if he knew what Reddit turned into

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It also says removed if you type your password

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I unironically think that if marijuana should be banned, then so should alcohol

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Speaking of services, I wonder how much piracy would go down if Netflix and Disney Plus and such would let you rent a film or episode at £0.50-£2 at a time for 24 hours, like how Google Play used to let you. That way if you don't own one of the subscriptions, you can still watch by paying pocket change. Or watch unlimited by paying the monthly fee.

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The only time I ever go onto Reddit is when I google something and it leads there

Hopefully this is resolved quickly. We are stronger together.

Plot twist: God sent the scientists to make the bionic arm

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What devices can't run VLC? thought it was one of those things that even run on a toaster

I bought a bunch of music on Google Play Music, forgot about it. Come back a year later and it's all deleted because they shut the service down.

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Wasn't that Near? I felt completely sick with that situation. Glad someone in Belfast destroyed kiwifarms.

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A volunteer editor seeking to contribute content to the page might use information found on the West Virginia Department of Transportation’s website as a reference source. However, policy sticklers are likely to deny this usage because DOT is a primary source for highways (directly involved in the subject matter). According to the site’s policies, Wikipedia should be based mainly on reliable secondary sources, such as newspapers.

That is a bit silly to be honest

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.io represents the British Indian Ocean Territory 🇮🇴, which is basically a joint UK/US military base as a state. It was formed after natives were forcefully evicted off of those islands to construct it.