I'd like to encourage people on the fediverse to comment/upvote/post more than when reddit

Flax@feddit.uk to Reddit Migration@kbin.social – 298 points –

If you are usually a reddit lurker and are on here, it would be cool if you can try and engage with communities for a bit, just to try and get the ball rolling :)


I’ve said it another thread but moderators need to be patient with all of the new people. I made a post trying to get some questions answered and was shit on by a mod for not knowing the rules. I couldn’t even find the sidebar at that point. If that is the attitude new users are met with when making mistakes then new contributions will be limited.

I really feel like "rules" for different magazines should be lax at first and just take out the obvious scum or completely irrelevant posts. Ease everyone in. There isn't even an actual community in most magazines yet because there's so few people. Let the people come first, then figure out the ins and outs of them.


The reason many of the rules exist on reddit is to simplify the management of a glut of users in a single community. When it's small like this, you can afford to be informal until it starts becoming a problem.

I would love to have the problem of a bunch of newbies coming here and flooding communities with questions about rules and stuff. After that happens for a while and starts to get annoying, then you start enforcing the rules a bit more.

I don't think quality filters are needed yet as any post is a bit of a miracle

Yeah. Good point. There will be some growing pains and mistakes in posting with all the newbies, like me. I think it will be a slower growth than some Redditors will want, but I was there for over 10 years so I don't mind a little wait. I think it won't be that long and I'm already enjoying discovering different communities.

Reddit lurker commenting. Still not sure about using kbin or a smaller lemmy instance for the long term but for now I’m here!

Reddit lurker checking in. I have a total of 2 posts and 15 comments in 13 years of using reddit. Not sure about using kbin or one of the smaller lemmy instances, but I'm here for now.

Welcome. It’s good to know that your comments won’t get deeply buried in a thread that was posted 15 min ago. It’s still a small community so there’s a great chance of good interaction (at least in my experience using it for a few days now).

Exactly. Maybe I'm sounding awfully optimistic, but I actually enjoy the slow pace here. Posts can be 1 week old and there are still comments popping up after a while. It also makes interactions more meaningful in a way.

Hmm, 63 upvotes and two comments… there is certain level of irony here.

The problem is, I never really have anything to say that's worth contributing 😢

Haha, that's kind of the point of it. You would suddenly realised you are not alone in how you think or feel

That is usually what happens to me. (<-- This is a pretty useless comment as well xD)

In that case... How has your day been?

Thanks for asking! I've actually been inventorying my mineral collection today, trying to keep fresh content for my magazine, lol. Minerals@kbin.social Started soaking one of my specimen, to clean the rust off of it.

Now I have some French bread pizza in the oven for dinner.

Have you been having a good day?

That sounds like a pretty solid day! I collected minerals as a kid and recently found a handful in storage. I'd love to get back into it.

My day has been solid. I think I finally organized all my digital files, across everything I own and all services I use. I even made some proper backups. It's a massive source of stress gone so I'm planning to just relax the rest of the day. Oh, and trying to not be too jealous of you for having fresh bread to look forward to, lol.

Good job! That can be a ton of work, and rather tedious. I'm sure it feels much better having it done. I recently went through about 10 years of photos, looking to make prints. Not something I'd suggest putting off for that long, lol. Felt great after it was done though!

The pizza was delicious 😊

Hey, thanks for linking the magazine, I was looking for something like that here.

You are more than welcome! I need more people posting, if you have anything from your collection to add pictures of. My collection is only so big and eventually I'm going to run out of things to post, lol!

I only have tiny stuff, really (some I'm not even sure if the name), but I'll sort them out and post some.

Thank you! Might be able to help you identify some of them too.

If people only commented when they have something of value to contribute sites like reddit would be dead

You can still upvote though.

Ahem.. hint hint

I upvoted and boosted you, just because you asked 😉 Boost that reputation!

Lol yeah I heard my rep on kbin is kinda sh.it. I can't see that on the Lemmy side.

Can you minus someone's reputation without downvoting them? Because I feel like I've had like 5 comments that were downvoted, if that.

I ran into some unsavory people when I was first exploring the fediverse and I think they group downrepped(?) me. Just for being smart.

Imma boost some of your comments, and we can see if that changes anything.

Edit: So yeah, boosting counts for your rep. At this point I feel like I'm just playing with your account though. If you want me to remove all the boosts I just did, just say the word. Otherwise I'll leave them.

So I got nosey, and checked out your profile. I'm really confused by your reputation of -31. What I heard was upvotes don't count for rep, but downvotes and boosts do. Do you know, did you get some comments mass reported or something? Maybe reports count against? Maybe it's buggy with non kbin accounts? I'd suggest hitting boost on your own posts, that might help. I know the first day I was active, my rep went up, with me having like 2 upvotes, but also boosting my own posts. It seems weird that you boosting your own stuff would have a positive effect, but I think it might. I included a screen shot of your rep page, so you can make of it what you will... I'm mostly guessing. FYI comments was the only category that had any affect on your rep, all other categories were empty.

I agree, also join me on @Bestof.

That link is malformed - https://kbin.social/m/bestof exists, but when you click that it converts it to https://kbin.social/u/@Bestof@kbin.social that does not. I don't know how to make it not do that.

Linking is still very confusing, that's one of the main friction points we need to solve in order to really unlock our growth.

Apparently that extends to links from our notifications area too, b/c I had a hell of a time getting to see your reply. Maybe the number of pages expanded since then or something, but I had to really hunt for it. Oh well, still better than Reddit argumentative trolling!:-P

Word. I'm on Lemmy mainly and its notification system is actually really great, it usually pops up right in your screen with a little preview of the reply and you can just click it.

Kbin I just started figuring out today and I've also been having a hell of a time navigating that interface. There's a lot to like, for instance I love that you can see the user who downvoted any comment on kbin, and the reputation system is also cool.

But the ability to actually find content so that you can interact is pretty tricky. I think Lemmy makes it a bit easier because you can poke around your home instance first to get the hang of things, before heading out into the larger threadiverse.

That's good to know. I think both are improving technologically so hopefully even as Lemmy pulls ahead, kbin.social won't be as far behind in the future.

I'd like to point out that the upvote/downvote buttons here on kbin don't behave like you are used to on reddit they are a little different.

  • Up arrow = Upvote on Reddit and Favourite on Kbin - This is very different to reddit
  • Down Arrow = Downvote on Reddit and Reduce on Kbin
  • Boost (at bottom) = On kbin this is the equivalent to a reddit upvote.

It kinda confused me when I looked at my profile the other day and my reputation was -2

I'd only made one single post and it had 17 "upvotes" and 2 "downvotes" so the -2 confused me a bit. That's when I realised the uparrow was not an upvote and didn't contribute to reputation. I suspect many others don't understand this either based on the interractions with my other post.

Edit: To be clear while "fake internet points" are not overly important to me. "Reputation" or similar do give me an indication if I am contributing to a community in a positive and productive manner.

Seeing -2 made me think "Who have I pissed off?" Till I realised that "Favourites" don't contribute to reputation.

Haven't posted on Reddit since the blackout, and don't intend to. Only reason I'm still lurking is because I'm loosely keeping up on SubredditDrama, and manually deleting my comments and posts.

Developments in lemmy/kbin have been exciting and I've been focusing my time here instead of Reddit. Cake Day is the 26th. I plan on wrapping up my account then. Seems fitting after 11 years.

I'm doing this as well. It helps a lot that the user base is smaller (in a good way) here, which means posting something relevant/valuable has a better chance of being noticed, which in turn makes me want to post more.

Try posting a well thought-out comment in a huge thread on Reddit a couple hours after it was posted... you'll get lost under all the jokes and puns.

You are right, I will try.

(First comment ever ;)

It took me a few days to realize that I could comment on threads without getting bombarded by every troll on the internet. The reddit conditioning is hard to break.

Things are much more polite over here, for now, and that's nice.

That kinda comes with smaller communities, I think.
I'm sure toxic people will figure out lemmy eventually too, but for now it's been nice.

The only subreddit I still care about has been private from the start and has between 300-400 people in it who have been randomly invited over time.
Post or comment every week and get kicked. On the whole, lemmy reminds me of that place a bit since the communities are smaller and idk how to put this but that feels. .. more human?

Posting as I was once a Reddit lurker who originally made my Reddit account while waiting for my baby to be born… occasionally I wanted to interact with the pregnancy community, breastfeeding community and house plant community. My account was permanently banned/suspended for absolutely no reason at all. It happened when my husband got banned for a comment he made (I would have to ask him the details) but my account was permanently banned a few days after his was. Initially I thought it would be an easy fix! Clearly it was just a simple mix-up! My account was very clearly not my husband’s account. We had much different use patterns etc. plus my username has the word “mama” in it. However, I quickly found that it was not going to be so simple. They basically ignored me. I knew they were reading the messages, but I just kept getting automated responses. At first I thought it would just be the one account that was suspended, since I figured it was tied to my husbands account. So I actually refrained from making a new account as I was waiting for Reddit to tell me the best course of action. It was radio silence on their end. Finally I made a new account and within days it was banned. I knew It was personal when I told them that they hadn’t yet banned my oldest Reddit account made in 2011, which was completely not tied to my husbands account at all… was banned when I told them I had been able to log into that account without issue and that it hadn’t been banned. I never gave them the user name and within a day my account was also permanently banned. They were reading my messages and it felt like they were mocking me. They never could give me a reason for being banned. So, here I am. It was incredibly frustrating and felt embarrassing to be that desperate! At one point I told them I would never stop emailing them until they answered me! Of course I eventually gave up. It feels like they banned be because they didn’t like my husband or me? Who knows. The funny thing is, I had paid for many months for Reddit gold, and could not get legitimate customer service as a consumer- how are they getting away with this??

Ok here's my first comment! Enjoying kbin so far and I love that I can interact with lemmy and mastodon as well.

Kbin is great IMO. Still use Jerboa as that's compatible with Lemmy

Habitual lurker checking in. On kbin and loving the difference in vibe and waiting patiently for the migration to boost the communities I used to frequent.

I'm trying to boost and upvote as I scroll. I've feel like I've commented more here than I have in the last several years on reddit.

Tried to make a beer- themed magazine but I have no clue what I'm doing.

Ha, I feel better about posting here than reddit. I want to encourage more people to come over, but not sure of the best way.

First comment on here! Trying to get the hang of things. So, in theory we can use accounts from Lemmy, Kbin and Mastodon interchangably, right? What's your optimal way of browsing the Fediverse on Android?

I'm very rarely submit a post on Reddit (mostly commenting, only submited a handful of posts in my 13 years of redditing across multiple accounts), but I'm trying to be more active here. We absolutely need more contents!

I agree and I have been. Cheers to making this space better for everyone.

I have been using KBIN since yesterday and Lemmy since the beginning of June. I was completely convinced that the Up Arrow was an Upvote until i saw this post. What kind of bonkers design decision was this? I know that Kbin wants to differentiate itself from Reddit, but this is really counterintuitive.

nowadays I just lurk reddit to see how the dumpster fire is burning. I try to contribute here more.

I used to comment quite a bit on reddit, but that was usually to get into technical discussions or political arguments. So far there hasn't been much technical content for me to sink my teeth into and I have yet to run into posts or comments calling for my extermination so I haven't felt compelled to say anything. I'm glad that people here are nice, but I miss answering questions about electric circuits, embedded systems, etc.

Here's hoping that some day soon when people can't figure out why their op-amp is driven into saturation they don't post about it on reddit first.

Quality over quantity - you are the kind of content creator we need. Do as you please ofc, but fwiw I hope you stay somewhere on the federiverse. I may never need your particular brand of comment, but people like you are what will make or break this place: memes are fun & all, but when you NEED help and you GET said help, that's when you REMEMBER where you got it!:-)

I'll try my best.
I usually lurked, threw the odd vote out there but usually kept to myself on Reddit.
I was already on Mastodon so am familiar with the fediverse, but setting up a kbin instance was a learning curve and a half!
Took me a while to work out how to find and subscribe to magazines on other instances, but shortly after I did I realised that you can subscribe to Lemmy communities in the same way. No more worrying about which app is busier, as it just doesnt matter too much. Just use what you prefer, its the fediverse way.
I'm eagerly awaiting the Android app 👍

Jerboa is a mess but usable

Lifelong lurker here, you can’t force me to post! Oh, wait… shakes fist

I've been a lurker on Rəddit for almost a decade, but I've never been on such a commenting spree as I've been in the past couple of weeks.

Back on there, I was maybe, posting comments once a week on the average. There might be spurts of activity as I get involved in a discussion, but that usually happens once every a couple of months. In contrast, here, I've made a couple of hundred comments in just less than twenty days. That's more comments than I would have ordinarily made in half a year over on the other side.

Also, while my posting over on the other side isn't stellar, only having made a handful of posts over my nearly a decade over there, here, I've already made three--not much, but still way a lot more activity than I'm used to. I find commenting and engaging with others in threads a lot easier than starting my own thread. It's kinda scary.

Having said all that, I think what is needed here is not just "more content" but more quality and engaging content. While a dead community where no one's talking is bad, I also hate to see communities devolve into spamming sessions in effort to push up activity.

EDIT: Added a word for clarification.