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Joined 1 years ago

Well, yeah, why wouldn't they? It's where everyone else is. Poisoning the well is their whole thing.

I think Gab completely broke off from the fediverse at this point. not just from being blocked, but also not bothering to keep themselves up to date on their end as well. That being said. I wonder if Meta would be even aware of that, or if they would care if they considered inviting Gab.

But I imagine it's now likely that at least one person suggested inviting them and someone with some common sense shut that down pretty fast.

Oh, reading that was fun. If Reddit is trying that things must not be going well for them backstage.

I will half heartedly wash it with sponge and a tiny bit of soap because I feel guilty if I don't.

It would be great to have a list of sites so id know whose links I can just immediately ignore.

There's long dead people's very private letters and diaries in museum's and public archives. Really available on the internet now. So that's not even a failing of the internet, if you write something people find interesting, they'll find a way to preserve it.

I'm not sure how they think the fesiverse will be the one to solve that.

I think it can be initially, because it sounds confusing, but I personally feel fairly confident after poking around consistently after a couple of days, that was the amount of time it took for me with reddit all those years ago as well, I believe. Once you figure out how to get to other federations and look up things there, things just run nicely, as long as you're into the old reddit/old internet forums look. Honestly, I found figuring out cross federations in mastodon is way harder, and they're doing it.

But I don't think it will be on the long run to most people once they acclimatise. I'm using both Jerboa and the browser and when I search for new communities to join or look up what's going on on All neither feels like a confusing alien experience. The only part of it that feels weird about it is that after so many years, I very rarely had a need or a desire to use reddit's all, so feels a bit odd.

If we're talking exactly like star trek I'm 90% on board with it. Yeah, yeah, so I'm a clone now, big whoop.

You wanna know the 10% that really fucking haunt me?! Mother fucking Tuvix. Everyone you know can turn into a Tuvix situation real fast, that's the real nightmare.

I have a secondary at, but i don't think i want to keep it after this. I'm definitely looking into dbzer0. Thanks for the suggestion.

Oh, I hope so as well, that sub is absolutely precious. When people talked about nuking their account(which I get it) it was for post like those that I feared for.

The internet is forever, except that one thing you really want to find from years ago. That's the rule.

So it went well for them, huh?

I remeber downloading a cam version of Hunger games without realising at the time and the sound was fine, but the video was so shaky it felt I was hunger gaming myself

This fucker did so much damage here, y'all have no idea, and that's not even a fraction of what he deserves, but it's great news. Last year's election day was a nightmare, we barely made it.(having everything counted and announced day of is fun and zappy, but nerve-wracking)

I was already dreading the next one.

I'm not on Europe, I'm in South america, but if I wanted to cancel prime, the only thing I need to do is to go to subscription on the settings and click a button, that's it. So this could be a US only nightmare.

Terrible news for the trees, great news for us.

Look up the brand Intelbras they have a few residential intercoms that might work for you, I don't know where you are , but i know they exist the US and some parts of Europe and they might be cheaper there since they're a brazillian company (they're the best one we have I think?)

I have their regular câmeras and they fit all our criteria. Ours are online, buy ots by choice it's not a system requirement. At least a few years back a few of those intercoms with screens were compatible with the nvrs i believe.

Ok, but, what if the chaps had an ass but still had the front open? Would those still be pants?

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RIP in peace FMHY instance

Honestly, I was expecting them to try this a lot earlier then now.

That's... incredible actually. Every new bit I learn about Dwarf Fortress is genuinely fantastic.

Didn't felt like an interview at all, I don't think the "what do you want to contribute" question was there when I signed up 2 weeks ago, but I remember the other 2 and it took me 2 or 3 sentences it was literally just "I heard great things about beehaw, people seem great and the ones shitting on lemmy on reddit right now are sounding like the people I'll want nothing to do with in the future and they're making here soumd even cooler, so I want in."

It would take me zero effort to add how a sentence or so about how I like to help and see here grow and not devolve into a toxic mess.

Also, I know a lot of people don't use facebook these days, but many groups now have a vetting process like that now and the chillest ones will always, without fault, have something that with 3 questions and one that will just force you to read the rules to find a random word password in them. The ones that don't turn into a mess real fast. So that's not even a niche thing, the "normies" do it with no problem.

I will half heartedly wash it with sponge and a tiny bit of soap because I feel guilty if I don't.

Same, I ate that video up. Dishwashers are a rich people commodity in my country.

I truly do t understand why so many people in the fediverse are so willing to "give meta a chance". Why?! Why would would get closer to the limbs ripping machine just because they painted it a different color?

Every single Zuckerberg social media venture had "raze everyone else to the ground" as a step, but you think this one won't?? This time the leopard won't eat our faces?!

I deleted some, but not all of my reddit posts and they're not back yet and some people had their garbled posts restored. So to m the trick might be doing it in batches at different times, delete some, garble some, maybe change some to lorem ipsum.

I feel the same, what's even the point of paying for all these fragmented services if turns out the the creators are not really being paid and we can't even share it? On top of it Disney already said they'll be vaulting stuff from the services once the strike ends...

It is very interesting, I'm south american in my country in particular, everyone uses 3rd party as well, mostly WhatsApp and Telegram (although they are on the rocks legally right now), no one really natively texts anymore. That's for company automated texts, like Google verification codes and spam.

Well, is not super common for sure, but Dell sure sell the same laptops with Ubuntu pre installed, they're a bit cheaper too. At least in here South america they do, pretty much every single computer they sell has a Linux option from the box.

But I also can't think of any other big brands that also do that, so you have a point, Asus and Acer have some models, but they're harder to find, even online.

Well, voat is gone (i think), but Saidit is Right there, mostly empty and waiting for them, hopefully they'll go there and stay there. i actually saw people suggesting saidit to other people last week, so fingers crossed.

What a time to be alive.

I love tumblr for lurking, but never really found my footing there for interacting myself, the whole thing of tumblr (and twitter in a way) of having a page and followers and all that always felt a bit intimidating, i guess? I think that's what i like the ost of forums like these or reddit. Just coming up and answering a post on a forum like this feels natural and on tumblr felt so out of pocket for me.

I'm sure that a me problem and i'll figure out , and it'll probably be one those "oh, that looked much harder before" once i do figure it out, i'll just start by talking to myself and see who i find.

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At this point I'm convinced there's no one running PR, it's just Spez and his admin lackeys coming up with random stuff Musk-style.

In my experience lemmy was the most suggested alternative on reddit and then tildes, the only time i ever heard abou kbin was the day before the blackout with the subreddit ban and then during it.

17 more...

Well, I technically still use Boost, though I haven't really used reddit since the 11th.

That looks amazing. I never had the chance to use Apollo cause I'm an android user, in looking forward to it.

Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights feels like an entire different song when sung by Cécile McLorin Salvant

I'm also very fond of Oingo Boingo's version of I'm the Walrus, I like how they do the laughs with the guitars.

I only have tiny stuff, really (some I'm not even sure if the name), but I'll sort them out and post some.

I've been using in for a few days alongside with jerboa and I'm not sure which one I prefer yet, I really like both. I prefer jerboa look wise, but I like some of the little shortcuts connect has.

Connect comes up on duckduckgo tracking attempt block list, the only tracker is google so far, Jerboa has yet to show up.

I... guess? The point of chaps is extra leg protection right? (And some pizazz) And there's one type with all front and no back called Armita. So it probably would be chaps, albeit a poorly designed one.