75 Post – 175 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit refugee...wasting my time at now.

I’m shocked that the first openly gay senator Tammy Baldwin is a co-sponsor for the bill. You bet I’m writing her.

I honestly think the article should have given a little more focus to the fact the API pricing isn't something disagreed upon, but the main backlash is due to the pricing out of 3rd party apps by making it outrageously expensive. Give at least an extra paragraph describing what happened between Selig and Reddit.

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Still responsible for the saddest cartoon episode in history...

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I said yesterday in another thread that this was going to be a shit show because of Huffman...I loved last year's r/space. I can say I miss it, but I gave up that community for what I believe to be a better one. They can have it, we can build better communities in Fediverse

Honestly, at this point I don't see any coming back from this. It's been a damned good effort, but Reddit isn't going to back down at this point. The mods are going to have to put up with it or leave. I'd hope they'd leave, but honestly I don't think there's going to be a mass exodus of moderators.

But maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised

It’s not too hard; they just don’t want you to know how they’re nickel and diming you.

We had a restaurant in Deforest Wisconsin take almost a half million in COVID funds only to close up shop, and then try to blame Biden and the governor for closing the restaurant.

Not even an anonymous threat, which could have been implied by the initial reporting. Riccitiello used this opportunity to cancel a town hall event where he could be confronted with these controversial changes by overblowing the actual threat to his company and his employees. Wow, coming from this sleazebag I'm not surprised.


So now, anytime a CEO or representative uses death threats and/or retaliation against employees as an excuse to interrupt company functions it could be considered entirely suspect. He's not the first to do it recently (fuck you u/Spez), but this doesn't help respond against actual credible threats to people from disgruntled users.

Yes. Back then there wasn't any upvoting or downvoting, so the only way you interacted with a troll is either engage them or ignore them...preferably the latter.

Images like this were typical...yet helpful.

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They lost all trust with the proposed changes. No amount of apologies or non-apologies are going to matter at this point. It's entirely damage control on the Titanic now. I don't believe there's anything that can rescue the sinking ship that is Unity.

Yes, Jurassic Bark. I won't watch it any longer. If it's on, I'll turn the channel.

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This site gives an idea of how Lemmy & kbin are growing.

Isn't that going to happen anyways if Reddit doesn't supply better mod tools by midnight tomorrow?

Yesterday I was receiving a 503 error a few times. I've run into it once today when trying to upvote a post. At the very least kbin seems to be handling traffic pretty well.

That seems to be the case. Ditch IG and let them come to Fedi instead. There's room for sex positive people, positively.


Yet this is also another casualty of shittification, so what would we expect? Meta is all over the place with their moderation. I still have a FB account and occasionally I'll receive warnings for posts I made 5-10 years ago. No link to the post, no arguments, no real recourse. While I kind of don't care, a part of me does. I wonder what innocuous thing someone at FB didn't like on my friends only visible account (which probably really isn't that way because FB sucks).

In this case it wasn't a middle finger to regulation, because no regulation existed. It was a middle finger to the science behind certifying the craft for ad-depth pressures. Additionally, these craft are used in international waters, where no regulatory body has jurisdiction.

Admittedly, I am only a casual user of Reddit (or I should say was). Seeing all this happen over the past few weeks, I have come to realize just how crazy moderation can be in a forum like this or Reddit.

Seeing everyone come together and log issues, problems, work on iOS and Android app accessibility for kbin and lemmy is eye opener. It's an exciting moment for sure, and the collaboration between everyone is humbling.

Idk...the article starts with talking about the history of Google Maps, then talks about Apple's Maps, and then complains pretty much at what looks like desktop features based off the snapshot in the article. Maybe the setup is different on iOS vs Android?

When I use Google Maps in my car, it doesn't pop up all these different asks me to input a destination, and then it gives directions. Granted, I don't use it to include walking or other forms of transportation. The CarPlay interface has options to find gas stations, hotels, restaurants, etc., yet it doesn't clutter the display with those when I'm in transit.

I'm in agreement that the desktop version has a lot of clutter, no doubt. As far as my experience, the mobile app doesn't have a lot of issues where I use it the most.

I would ask why Carlson and Musk would allow Tate to have a platform, considering these revelations, yet I already know they're all fucking absolute monsters. They're devoid of any empathy for anyone.

These are monstrous quotes by Tate...why Musk or Carlson would allow a platform for that piece of work only speaks to their own buffoonery...their own admission of misogyny because they provide a platform for a piece of shit like Tate.

This was one of the communities I came from, a Star Wars fan site I was a moderator for a couple sections of its forum back in its waning days. The site admin devoted a lot of time and energy to the project (amazing her to death), and eventually as people began to migrate to Facebook she decided to close the website's door.

Still miss that place a lot. I made some lasting friendships there because we were a very tight-knit community of about 100-150 active users.

Yeah, that admission kind of makes me pause when considering the results. There should have been a page of the published poll that better described how this was taken. For instance, doing just a LAN line poll skews poll results considerably.

But it's only the beginning of the fed case against Trump, so I'm sure opinion will change.

Huffman gets called out more as a liar every day. I often wonder what the hell that man is thinking, but obviously it seems he's blinded by the color of green.

And that's the thing...Reddit sits on mountains of user data they can't figure out how to monetize. 1800 employees, and they haven't provided proper mod tools, haven't provided a solid app, haven't monetized their data, and finally can't figure out how to engage with their users and the public. Seems about the only thing they have down is how to communicate promises with investors, and yet I'm more confident that Steve is lying through his teeth to them as well.

So what the fuck are they doing with all that investor money? They aren't developing anything useful (e.g. New Reddit, comprehensive mod tools, etc.). Their heavy lifting done mostly by unpaid moderators....still says they're not profitable.

I'm done with Reddit and I wouldn't mind watching it die, and taking u/spez with it.

Are there even 10 restaurants in Harper's Ferry?

It's amazing how he has no control of bots on his website.

Here’s the original article from Ars Technica last May. IIRC this has the details on which drives are suspect.

I for one am okay they didn't mention Fediverse. Why advertise it; let the community grow without a lot of fanfare. The Verge is covering it already.

Artemis is a great choice!

The learning model is artificial, vs a human that is sentient. If a human learns from a piece of work, that’s fine if they emulate styles in their own work. However, sample that work, and the original artist is due compensation. This was a huge deal in the late 80s with electronic music sampling earlier musical works, and there are several cases of copyright that back original owners’ claim of royalties due to them.

The lawsuits allege that the models used copyrighted work to learn. If that is so, writers are due compensation for their copyrighted work.

This isn’t litigation against the technology. It’s litigation around what a machine can freely use in its learning model. Had ChatGPT, Meta, etc., used works in the public domain this wouldn’t be an issue. Yet it looks as if they did not.


And before someone mentions that the books may have been bought and then used in the model, it may not matter. The Birthday Song is a perfect example of copyright that caused several restaurant chains to use other tunes up until the copyright was overturned in 2016. Every time the AI uses the copied work in its’ output it may be subject to copyright.

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The part of the memo where Steve talks about wearing Reddit swag out on town really hit. Like, we love Reddit, but hate you, not your employees. Why would users want to harm Reddit employees?

I mean, it's not unfathomable, but it wasn't imperative to mention it as it only serves to stoke fear among his employees and tries to frame this as an "us against them" thing.

I think I can confidently say Reddit's planning is at Star Wars Sequel Trilogy level of planning.

LED and face mask manufacturers have conspired to improve sales of both appliance lighting, and sleepwear.

The post is 21 days old.

I'm in agreement with you, however I'm going to also add that the creep to a "pay-to-win" game has pretty much been crossed. Not to forget that Bungie decided to drip feed expansion content laced throughout seasonal content this year...that has not been received well.

Destiny players are a salty bunch, but I have to say the current level of furor towards Bungie is pretty legitimate right now. They do overreact; I just feel that this in this current state of the game there is justification behind it.

Regardless, "I hate Destiny; I play every day."

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When I lived in Clarksville, they had intersection cameras to ticket anyone that ran a red light. Couple problems with it.

  1. Drivers started slamming on their brakes; causing more accidents
  2. The city outsourced the cameras, so they received only pennies on the dollar for every ticket.

I think they eventually removed them, but I can't recall. I visited last September to take a class for work, and I didn't see any cameras, so they might be gone.

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Although I didn't use your app, Christian. The work you and other devs have done with your 3rd party apps for Reddit was outstanding. Good luck with whatever's over the next horizon!

Sorry things went sour with Reddit, and wish it could have been different.

Reddit Won

M'kay Gizmodo, whatever you say.

I honestly don't care if a publisher announces a game several years out. In some cases, such as game franchises, I see it fairly pertinent that they do announce them.

What would be a better trend is the gaming community embracing the practice of foregoing preorders. OR understanding what "buyer beware" means. Never trust a publisher to provide you the game they promise on Day 1. Never.

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Absolutely. I do understand continuing the protesting after the first of the month, and I commend the participating moderators for their efforts. However building a new community and leaving Reddit behind is really the only feasible solution that impacts their site in the long run. Eventually those protesting moderators are going to either capitulate, or lose their positions. Reddit is not going to change this. They've dug in.

I've lurked on Reddit since the blackout, but I haven't participated. My comments are deleted and today is the last day I go there to browse (fitting as today is my cake day....RIP 11 years of Reddit). After the first of the month I'm going to see if any of my comments are restored, delete them and/or replace them with gibberish or corny quip, and then delete my account.

"The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years, and I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years."

~Clarence Thomas, 1993

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They used to make their computers with components that could be upgraded. That stopped a decade ago. Hopefully we'll get to see products like that again. It would be a refreshing change.