2 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Damn, that's so sad. All I can think of all their combined experience that made them perfect for this job. They were helping as best they could and now they're gone. :(

Try a waterpik, or just go easier on yourself. Also grandma is right, flossing is really good for you and will improve your oral health a lot. I floss basically after every time I eat, it's just automatic and feels so good to have clean teeth

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Your replacement sounds amazing

Is there any benefit to merging if it all just federated between them?

It's not super new, they've been doing that for a while. It's pretty difficult to get a direct source to the image even if you dig into your browser's developer tools.

Maybe it'll help as long as the fine is some % of their net income. Sweden does this, speeding tickets are a % of your income instead of a fixed fine, so someone with $10MM will still feel the burn.

Same here. I bought a big bottle of gummies and cut them up into smaller cubes. Now I can just pop a cube or three for however much I want to feel that day.

I think it depends on the context though. Data mining of environmental sensors might yield valuable insights. Mining anonymized medical data could improve chances of catching a disease early, etc.

Agree on ads though. Nothing like having pharmaceutical ads stuffed down my throat while trying to watch a speedrun or whatever.

Replacing "comment" with "artwork" kind of helps illustrate it. If we all made tons of artwork for Reddit, then they started gating it behind a paywall and while painters and all the behind-the-scenes painting staff earned nothing -- well that's kinda where we are today.

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If I could go back in time I would keep plastic, but make it seem scary/dangerous due to how it never breaks down in the environment, and in turn hopefully cause regulation over how plastic should be produced, recycled, and disposed of before it became such a massive ubiquitous problem (micro plastics, pacific gyre, pollution, etc).

It is really interesting. I posted a comment and didn't even realize it wasn't on kbin until I scrolled up to go back to the home page. It was seamless. Super fucking cool. never fails to impress.

I 100% disagree with the ruling, but this is apparently what the court had to say. They effectively sectioned out "expressive services" as able to discriminate, versus non-expressive services, like restaurants , which are still covered by the first amendment.

The decision suggests that artists, photographers, videographers and writers are among those who can refuse to offer what the court called expressive services if doing so would run contrary to their beliefs. But that’s different from other businesses not engaged in speech and therefore not covered by the First Amendment, such as restaurants and hotels.

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Other examples off the top of my head are Photoshop and Office. It doesn't seem like you can really "own" them anymore, at least not current versions.

Thank you Whale Shark, you as well ✌️

To be fair though, I've never heard of a modern phone battery swelling. That's something that will happen years after it's EOL, and at that point the company is no longer obligated to supply a replacement (as ideal as that would be).

An integrated battery allows the company to minimize the size and design of the phone. It's not 100% greed and planned obsolescence, though its virtually guaranteed those are components of the design decision.

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Walking around the Citadel in Mass Effect 1 is one of my favorite gaming memories. It felt like I really was free to explore a giant space city. It felt so massive and open.

I'm doing this as well. It helps a lot that the user base is smaller (in a good way) here, which means posting something relevant/valuable has a better chance of being noticed, which in turn makes me want to post more.

Try posting a well thought-out comment in a huge thread on Reddit a couple hours after it was posted... you'll get lost under all the jokes and puns.

Use crowbar to save planet.

Massively depends on the content/channel/algorithm though. My friend definitely uses TikTok as a dopamine dispenser for arguably mindless content. On the other hand I've gotten into a sort of mental health improvement/acknowledgment/acceptance of things type of TikTok where I feel like I'm taking a way a lot of small useful insights, even though the videos are only 30-60 seconds long. I keep a note on my phone with the takeaways I've had.

I like kbin a lot already too. I like the highly functional feel. It's close enough to Reddit that I hope it draws in more users. I found it a lot more approachable than Mastodon, and "Lemmy" just doesn't have a nice ring to it IMO.

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Same here. I don't want to wipe out all the valuable info I've contributed over the years just to satisfy a desire to get revenge. The amount Reddit as a company suffers from deleting a single account is negligible, but that account could have exactly what someone needs one day. We've already collectively lost a lot of knowledge and information in just the past 10-20 years due to things not being archived properly - think source code for old games, websites, out of print books, etc.

Duke Nukem II. Also love the first one. Apogee in general made some really excellent DOS games.

It makes me so fucking happy that I'm somewhere in that graph.

I would like to change the title from "a new trend in tipping" to a "a new trend in being an asshole".

I lost my coat somewhere along the way

This reminds me of a friend after a long night out. I let them borrow my (thankfully cheap) coat because it was cold out, and we hopped on a bus to get home. I look over and the coat was gone. Friend had no clue what happened. We were both super tired and out of it but yeah it just disappeared on the journey lol.

I just liked the vibe and name of Kbin. It reminded me of Kerbin, the home planet in Kerbal Space Program.

I later learned it might be the Polish word for magazine. The "subreddits" here are called magazines, but it could also mean like gun magazine. The latter of which I don't really care for (especially as a US user), but in the end, I don't really gaf. It's just a chill place to hang out.

I'm for it if it actually increases adoption. IPv6 has its flaws but it's better than layers and layers of IPv4 NAT.

Nestlé does indeed suck. Here's a list of their properties if anyone wants to join:\_of\_Nestl%C3%A9\_brands

I have massive respect for anyone who plays DDR even somewhat regularly. Nice work!

Hard to choose one, but maybe I'd say Kerbal Space Program 1. It had a really profound impact on the way I understood the world, space, physics, and gave me one of the best feelings of pure exploration. It was amazing to drop into progressively lower orbits around a new planet or moon before finally landing and walking around.

Thanks, I'll check it out! I honestly run into disk space issues with Ubuntu Server a lot. I'll give it a partition and it will fill up with this opaque "ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv" volume pretty quickly.

Here's a df -h on it right now:

/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv 38G 17G 20G 47% /

Need to manually prune Docker and run other admin tasks to keep it under control.

Either way, make sure you have backups (3-2-1 backups if possible) before swapping the hardware. If it fails to boot and there is some change to the drive contents during boot, putting it back in the original system isn't guaranteed to work.

It's important to spend time on the classics of course, but don't underestimate just dumping 100s of ROMs in a folder and playing around with random games. I ended up finding some non-mainstream games that I enjoyed that way.

Same here. The old army green Steam was synonymous of my time in Counter Strike: Source back in the day. The server list was integrated into Steam instead of in-game too.

I would think so. If one is nearsighted and can resolve the display of a camera, then focusing the camera on a distant object should let the viewer see the distant object without any other vision correction.

Came here and was hoping to see this - this is THE video to watch on the topic.

I don't use Linux at work (I wish I did), but I default to Ubuntu Server for at-home Docker needs. I might switch to plain Debian at some point.

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Maybe the knife is too sharp and there's some weird fluid dynamics thing happening at the surface of the toast? Butter knifes are typically pretty smooth and aren't great for cutting, but do well to spread.

Another factor is the temperature of the butter. I leave mine out (in a purpose made container) at room temp and it spreads great, but refrigerated butter is much more difficult to spread no matter the utensil.

EXCITED. Even Update 3 was completely fun and enjoyable to play. I've been putting off playing again because there were so many breaking changes in the later updates.