
3 Post – 140 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

ceased to exist as a result of a collision with the surface of the Moon


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Keep in mind that it's in a particular context. It seems a bit ridiculous as a headline, but if they were actively using the branding, it might not seem so ridiculous: imagine Facebook (I will not call them Meta) is already operating a social media site for posting short thoughts called X with the TLD social (hypothetically). And they've been operating it as X for 10 years. Then Elon does this. Clearly Facebook has a suit because that's straight-up infringement.

This is a little more hazy because Facebook isn't actively using their X trademark, and it's not exactly the same as Twitter. But they do hold the rights to it (as far as I can tell from the one tweet (xeet?) about it). And it's not (quite) as ridiculous as it sounds.


Twitter auto-replied to Insider's request for comment with a message saying that the communications department would get back to us soon.

Is this a euphemism for the poop emoji??

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It was a way to view multiple lists at once, your home feed, various accounts, hashtags, your mentions, notifications, DMs, etc. Super useful. I stopped using Twitter altogether when they updated it earlier this year and made it significantly clunkier UX + promised to make it paid.


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Sorry, why would you not see what your competitors' products look like? Why is this a headline???

I don't have a high opinion of this.

What has Jimmy Wales been doing recently?

  1. Losing a bunch of money creating WikiTribune
  2. Pivoting that failed venture to WT Social. Quote, "However, as of November 7, 2019, Wales stated that he had just learnt about ActivityPub and was looking into it." It took him four years to get around to it?
  3. Just now taking advantage of us to start yet another social media network. And what does he do first thing? Ask for donations.

Yeah I'm not going anywhere near there.

A little harsh on /kbin given that it's been released for less than two months and the author doesn't even mention this. Otherwise seems reasonable.

sorry, I X'd out of twitter before X X'd twitter, so I can't actually X about Twitter or X on X,

Yes absolutely. I miss so many subreddits so dearly, and some of them aren't leaving reddit and I feel too guilty to go back there even though I'm a PC user. I'm really sad about everything, and I feel really lonely and awful. I've been super active in both the /kbin and Artemis communities, and they're both wonderful, so I'm making new friends, but nothing's going to fill the void truly.

Everything is not awesome :(

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isn't it pretty hard to determine if it's worthwhile if they aren't going all-in on making it an interesting place with breaking news & accounts for certain types of news etc?

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We used to rent movies every weekend when I was a kid, and we supported our local video rental store instead of Blockbuster. It was so much fun to decide what to rent! The staff there always knew so much about movies too, and we'd follow their recs often. We watched a bunch of classics and silent films that there's no way would get visibility on streaming libraries today. I wish I'd kept a journal of all the movies we watched, I remember almost no titles now.

Controversial opinion maybe, but /r/AskReddit, when they introduced the rule that you couldn't put a story in the question. I absolutely LOVED reading whatever wild story someone had that prompted the question, and then reading the thread only if the story was interesting. Then they didn't want that to be the point of the sub and that ruined the magic for me. So I left.

/r/PointlessStories filled that niche though, and it never decreased in quality.

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Not only this, but most people here creating magazines (including myself) probably have no desire to mod some of the communities they've created. I know I don't. If the reddit mods want to take it over I'm gonna sigh a huge sigh of relief and give it to them without a second thought. (except for the single one where I actually was the mod, lol)

good human

People used to use this attack in League of Legends a decade ago. If they're losing, they guess someone might have Skype open; and moreover, that their Skype is the same as their summoner name. Then they get an ip address and ddos the entire lobby, causing the game to crash (I think it happened in one of my games maybe once, but I didn't really play ranked other than team ranked).

Also, since all pro & semipro players had each other added, this was possible to do at any time during online tournaments (which was most tournaments - TSM invitational etc). So there were always rules that ddossing was disallowed. But it did happen.

Known ddossers were more hated in the community than known flamers, but a few people who did it "reformed" and went on to be pro players anyway.

For anyone who was confused by what "vote to propose" means:

If the FCC issues the notice as expected on October 19th, the next steps would be a public comment phase followed by issuance of a final rule. This process could result in a final rule restoring net neutrality requirements around spring of 2024.

Honestly, save it. It's a nice reminder of a time that was. That time is no more, but times change. Treasure the time that used to be.

greetings from /r/alot

here is an alot of people

ah, seems kbin-only

Oh wow, misread this as Stellaris including for the first couple sentences in the article and was so confused

I think you messed up some copy-paste reformatting there

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Here is an anonymized set of screenshots from a magazine that I moderate, feel free to share if you think it's helpful

edit, huh this preview has a forced aspect ratio? that's not cool, well click it to see the original

If you aren't already a really good writer, Gammarly Plus will make your work worse because you'll accept everything it tells you, and most of its corrections (compared to regular Grammarly) are straight-up wrong. It ignores your voice, your audience, your tone, your context, etc.

That said, my work pays for Grammarly Plus & I put work-related blog posts (which will end up public anyway) through it. I like the plus version because:

  1. It forces me to really reread everything, because it highlights fucking everything. Often I will make changes unrelated to what it's saying.
  2. It often highlights things that can be improved, but not in the way it suggests.
  3. Sometimes, it's actually correct.

But usually it's wrong. For example:

  • It tells you to remove passive voice 100% of the time. This is straight-up incorrect. For example, if you're writing a post in which you talk about a new feature or patchnotes, you will use passive voice all the time. Sometimes the object of the sentence is actually the most important thing.

  • It often says "be more confident!" and then removes any nuance in your writing that you were using to soften the blow of something, or to make something sound more exciting, or etc.

  • It always tells you things like "don't use the word interesting! don't use this other word! they are too common!" Well...

    • Using random fancy words is an anti-pattern. Keep on saying "interesting"
  • It always wants me to say "So," at the start of every sentence. Jesus shut up. This is a thing I'm trying to REMOVE from my writing because it's a bad habit.

Anyway. I'd say it's right about 10% of the time, max. Would I pay for it? Hell fucking no. Am I using it since it's already available? Yes, absolutely. But I'm not accepting many of its changes.

Again, though, REGULAR Grammarly is usually right. Unless you have code snippets HAHAHAHAHAHAHA have fun having your Python code proofread for the rule "comma goes inside the quote." lmao. Literally they could ignore everything inside triple backticks, but do they? No.

They're asking you, "How would you like to proceed in this case?" Respond as follows:


Thanks for replying.

I misunderstood the previous message. I thought it was transparently clear from my initial email that I wanted to cancel my services. You can either refund me for all months billed me or I will contact my credit card company for a fraudulent transaction made. Please let me know how you'd like to proceed.


I have to say, I like discord's reactions quite a bit. But I hated reddit's awards with a violent passion. I'm not sure what the difference is, or if there would be a way to have a reaction-like feature in a public forum. Like, maybe a couple more options than just upvote & downvote (and maybe settable by the mods?) idk.

But anyway, yeah, I agree. I hated the awards, a lot.

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This is how you get bad actors spamming new accounts. But a better idea might be to have a central location for trusted moderators to convene and for overwhelmed mods to request short-term assistance modding, until they can find long-term help from within their own communities.

How to find trusted moderators is a bit hard this early on in kbin's life, it would have to be done based on early comments & perhaps contributions to the issue tracker / the repo itself. Or maybe proof via Discord and/or reddit of good faith.

That said, so far the problem I see seems to be too little content, not anything overrun with bots, so these ideas seem to be solutions in search of a problem, at least thus far.

I'll take this at face value and assume u are asking "why is the EPA involved in this and why did they need to do anything, why is the world stupid"

The answer is that corporations who sell vehicles want more profit (obviously) and so they decided to interpret a clause in the Clean Air Act, which says, "vehicles must be repaired to follow the Act" to mean that, "vehicles must be repaired [by the parent company] to follow the Act [because consumers cannot be trusted to do so themselves]"

So the EPA issued a letter saying "corporations you're totally fucking wrong and being assholes, this is NOT the intent of the law. it just says the Clean Air Act can't have a 'haha i repaired it lol' loophole"

Hi, I opened it and I don't think the sidebar is supposed to be so wide? I'm in Firefox & I checked and no custom styles.

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I don't think you can get better than Artemis and Apollo being twins representing day and night. Night has come for reddit.

no kidding, that's the kind of thing that after the first few times it happens, someone from product should flag this and build in a system with redundant checks if you want to send mail to .ml, like:

  1. The user has to have permission to send to .ml in the first place

  2. Any individual .ml address they want to send to has to be whitelisted in a separate UI from email compose (possibly excluding replies)

  3. Any time they send to .ml (or any external domain), the recipient box turns a different color, and there's a notice, CURRENTLY SENDING TO AN EXTERNAL DOMAIN

    • with a list of all external domains included eg you could also be sending to a contractor
    • and a count of the domains
  4. Any .ml sent mail is auto delayed by a couple minutes and requires you to confirm you wanted to send it (again possibly excluding replies)

I would hope there's also some flags emails can have for whatever sensitive info levels, these should also come with automatic client-side and server-side validation that you're not sending them to someone who you shouldn't.

Just tell them this: "It's like reddit, but multiple devs own different parts of the content. But don't worry, you still use the same software to access it & get it all from one location"

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I would never fucking say s*** on the internet

Will the tags of the magazine automatically apply to every post within that magazine?

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ahhh are you on lemmy? this is a kbin thing

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While I spent the most time on /r/fantasy, I miss /r/vexillologycirclejerk the most by far

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Yeah I mean even like.......at this point you can show them a screenshot of the front page of kbin/lemmy and say "hey, it looks like this. Sign up for this instance & you'll be fine. Here's a link to 10 magazines you should subscribe to, and here's a link to your preferences."

'what you see is what you get' and didn't really take much to figure out how to use it.

Yeah you say that but...do you remember first going there and seeing like "TIL" "AMA" "AITA" "ELI5" etc shouted at you and having NO IDEA what any of these things meant and it made 0 sense at first?

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..........................................glad I gdpr'd my data