
6 Post – 292 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just imagine the outrage and slandering of entire demographics that would be going on if there were a gay couple instead, or if this was something that happened at a drag show.

Just something to think about when you see your 'christian' republican relatives play this down

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Somewhere an Elon fanboy is explaining why this is peak free speech

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Let's play a game, look up the states articles of secession and see how many words you can make before you see a word starting with 'slave'


By my count, Texas maybe goes the longest before mentioning it, but they all do.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery--

Fucking yikes Mississippi.

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Curious if anyone here is still finding a need for X network in their day to day lives?

I was never big on Twitter so had no trouble leaving when Elon bought.

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Let's be specific

Tony Xu - https://www.linkedin.com/in/xutony/ - chinese american billionaire - doordash

Howard Migdal - https://www.linkedin.com/in/howard-migdal-90275142/ - canadian - grubhub

Dara Khosrowshahi - https://www.linkedin.com/in/dara-khosrowshahi-70949862/ - iranian american - uber

Alex Blum - https://www.linkedin.com/in/blumalex/ - american I think, little info - relay

These 4 asshats think their money is more important than people being able to afford to live.

Most women (and men) believe the things their parents teach them.

The thing with conservatives is they want to 1) prevent any other information flowing to these women, religious indoctrination only 2) get these women pregnant young so that they don't have a chance to gain independence

So yeah in those cases you have grown women who believe these things. The Duggars are an example of the 'quiver full' movement in action. Letting their son abuse their daughters young so that they get used to it and defend it as normal.

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You heard the men. If we want a billionaire cage match we're going to have to get off our asses and lock them in the cage ourselves.

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steps down with a golden parachute, all the richer.

We need real consequences for greed that is ruining everyone's lives.

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Unity had made their plans clear. Whether they backtrack a bit now or not doesn't matter. We know what direction they are heading: squeeze more money out of indie devs

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Finally AI does something useful

I'm just curious if you're a tech worker? (or a teenager interested in tech)

I ask because I feel like people who work in tech are basically exposed to the dangers of web privacy all the time. I remember having to implement a facebook pixel on a website, and realizing the network of surveillance that facebook have spread across the web at that time. So I have pretty decent privacy behaviors, still far from great but maybe slightly above average.

But when I go to the doctor and I mention how often I eat fast food and drink alcohol, or when I go to the dentist and admit I don't floss everyday - I'm sure those people are thinking 'most people seriously don't care about their health'. They might stop short of 'fucking idiot', hopefully.

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Capitalism working as expected. 25 flavors of the same bullshit

I generally assume their ratings are gamed, especially for smaller shops. I know I've been asked recently (in the last year) to review the company I'm currently working at on glassdoor by a superior. As you can imagine, I gave the place a good review.

A year later, they've laid me and all but 1 dev (the CEOs buddy) off and failed to do basic shit like send COBRA info and agreed upon severance payments, but their glassdoor doesn't reflect that, because glassdoor doesn't make it possible to edit reviews past 30 days. I suppose I could go delete the review at least

Feels good to be reading this somewhere other than reddit

The CEOs are all professional fall guys/girls at this point. Get the names of the shareholders /board members calling the shots and put them on blast, then avoid anything they touch.

Unity's Chairman of the Board is Roelof Botha, basically a mini musk.

He also sits on the boards of MongoDB, Evernote, Bird, Ethos, Natera, Square, and Xoom - in case you want to know what he might shit up next.

Small businesses using Square are probably the likely target

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Everyone choosing a side between Palestine and Israel, but I'm going to take the mega unpopular stance of fuck both these people. Fuck the fundamentalist followers of Abraham, no matter what branch.

They would visit great violence on you in the name of their god if they had the chance. They are murderously self-righteous.

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how is it any different from now, when they come after us and NOT the rich? Like we never stopped getting policed that was rich privilege only, and only because of the complicated tax structures that open up to you once you start a business that has some cash throughput

total fear-mongering like you say

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Yeah don't have a BBQ. He will have a bond agreement in place before surrendering so likely he will bond out immediately.

If you read a headline that he got convicted in court and sentenced to prison time, then schedule the BBQ

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because conservatives believe everyone thinks like them and are just scared to admit it

just need to preserve this line because its so spot on

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Remember: Democrats are just as dependent on FPTP for power as republicans

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Tim Gurner, Australian property developer.

Get fucked Tim

Well shit, worked on me. Now I want to see this murderous feminist pink acid trip

reddit was always heavily moderated for real piracy discussion, I believe

Meanwhile inside Microsoft: I'll just copy this Xerox GUI aannndddd .... Windows!

  • fire most your staff
  • boost shit content, hide real content
  • force users whove blocked you to see your content anyways
  • refuse to pay your contractors / services

Elon 'the genius' Musk

Check again, conservatives are no longer fiscally conservative and have not been for several decades. That facade has entirely fallen away to reveal the real:

  • fundamentalist christians
  • racists
  • filthy rich people who want tax cuts for the rich (do not confuse this with being fiscally conservative)
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Authoritarian attitudes was the #1 predictor of Trump support if I recall.

I haven't lived through an authoritarian regime, but I lived through a terrible parent - so I've experienced the feeling of 'oh shit the structure that governs my life is fucked up and I must escape'. I think that's what made me anti-authoritarian.

I often wonder if there's a way to get people to shift away from authoritarianism. I think I get the appeal of 'simple, easy, you don't even have to think for yourself!' - but everyone needs to recognize those are trap cards.

lol 'cancel culture' used to be called 'boycotting' / 'speaking with your wallet' used to be called 'having an opinion'

its not new, obviously we should punch nazis, and you can be certain anyone who says the words 'cancel culture' unironically is a tool with less than a 10 year memory span, max.

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Don't mourn social media. It was always too easily astro-turfed.

It's always whatever it takes to help the old. The usa was made for and will die by the hands of 'the greatest generation' aka the greediest generation

All drug prices should be heavily regulated and capped, not just the ones old people need.

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ROFL imagine thinking the establishment hates Trump. Trump family is OLD OLD OLD MONEY, they are part of the establishment, kiddie-fucking Epstein clients and all.

The fact that he convinced you he was anti-establishment just shows that he's a decent con man. I can't think of one fucking scrap of evidence that's he's anti-establishment, and he sure did pass those tax cuts for the rich and run that money printer while in office (even in 2019, pre-pandemic), and he sure did let those Jan 6 people rot in jail.

So if you're STILL thinking he's anti-establishment I have a bridge to sell you.

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The article doesn't say an accident was ruled out. It makes it sound like they do a murder investigation first as a matter of process to rule that out, to me.

Heres another article that mentions police don't think the death is suspicious https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/woman-child-die-falling-ferry-102243820.html

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People could monetize individual instances. They can't monetize the whole thing because its open source software.

I'm kind of shocked how many young kids don't get this.

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I get it. if I was born in Palestine I'd fight too. But if I went to Palestine in the body I currently inhabit, I'd be raped and stoned in the streets for the way I dress.

I've seen videos of children of both cultures calmly telling tourists they should die, that god will kill them, that the children themselves would kill them if they could. The Israeli children are dressed nicer, but the raw hatred is the same. Both cultures suckle their children on self-righteousness. On stories of being 'gods chosen'. If their cultures grow and succeed they wont care that you helped, they'll use their power to subjugate you to their god all the same. Because they're 'special'

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Listen I live in the USA, but if thats your best pushback to all those facts - should tell you what a dire state we are in. And prisons that aren't for profit still send out prisoners to for-profit industries to work, so it's kind of a moot point.

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Can confirm this headline is incorrect.

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What Im realizing is that they still win even if the product gets worse. They don't care about the product. They care about the short term gains that come from fucking around with their bottom line expenses and then presenting that to shareholders as value gain.

Modern day capitalism rewards nothing of value.

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Was she trying to kill herself too or what? How did she survive when they both died at the scene?

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The nice thing about open source is that motivated developers can fill out whats needed.

In for-profit companies there's always some money-making feature that kicks accessibility down the road. The way I get my work colleagues to give a fuck is to remind them that most blind people aren't born that way, some circumstance causes the blindness - and therefore any one of them could end up on the other side of the fence begging for basic access one day, so act accordingly now.

remember when spez tried to throw victoria under the fucking bus? pepperidge farm remembers