10 Post – 180 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Jesus I have to agree to cookies to be agreed shared with 164 "partners" to read the website

31 more...

Good friend for 5 years or so. He turned into an alt-right fanatic and kept trying to make me upset by spouting "ideas" he knew not only I didn't agree with, by would actually emotionally upset me (e.g. All street animals should be sacrificed without mercy, all immigrants should be returned to their original county, etc). He pulled this shit at my birthday also, ruinning the night not only for me but everyone present. That was the last time I saw him.

Another friend of over 10 years. He met a guy with a very strong personality and started copying everything the other guy did. Started dressing like him, having the same ideas, etc. I didn't play along, so everything about my suddenly became the object of criticism as well. Never talked to him again.

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Just a reminder for those wanting the niche communities of Reddit. Create them here. If you manage to bring just one more user besides yourself you already have a community. After that, it's just a matter of time for it to grow, provided you keep it active

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I recommend reading the letters. Both from X's lawyers and the amazing reply from the lawyers of the CCDH.

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The thing is, if you smoke outdoors, you are violating people's right to live in an clean environment and breathe fresh air. I don't care if you fuck yourself up in your own house, but the moment smokers smoke outside of their own homes, they are messing with the liberties of all other citizens.

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Dude chill. Don't step down to their level. Show the creature some mercy. You've tortured enough by keeping it in that mason jar. Let it go and break the cycle of violence

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Interesting and related: Noam Chomsky, in his work as linguist, has stated that what reaches the ear (or the eye in this case) is not what reaches the mind. What this means is that we experience language as if it was linearly ordered, when at the cognitive level (in the mind) language is actually hierarchically organized. This means that the underlying structure of language has to interface with the sensory-motoe systems in order to transform the hierarchical structure into a linear one. This is why we sometimes also struggle putting our thoughts into words, because in that interface there is a change in structure that doesn't always preserve the 'original' (hierarchical) structure

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I can't read the piece without giving consent to a bunch of tracking permissions :(

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Ok yes but where's our Bob's burgers community then?

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Hard part about being an immigrant. I am permanently detached from all the places from my childhood

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Gimp is really powerful. What are you missing from it?

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This is wrong. The singular of spaghetti is spagheto, not noodle.

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The next genius was Frank Zappa obviously

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Imagine the people who had Kbin accounts before the whole reddit debacle. They will be the true OGs of Kbin.

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Sure there's people that just buy what's cheaper. But there's also people who consciously make the choice of eating meat having the possibility of not doing so. It makes sense to target that part of the population.

Now, if subsidies to the meat and dairy industry was redericted to plant-based farming, then the only reason left to consume animals would be people's choice of personal pleasure over ethical and environmental factors

Can confirm. I persuaded my wife to switch to Linux some 10 years ago. She's still using Linux to this day, but I've been her tech support for all these years. On the bright side, I've become very good at troubleshooting

It's not an either-or. It's both. He also made fun of my veganism and made a point of enjoying eating dead, tortured animals, while making fun of me for caring.

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I think he just is one

I think everyone reading this from kbin or lemmy left out of principle, so they should also stay away from reddit out of principle.

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Kbin interacts with Lemmy and seems to me to contain reasonable people willing to have respectful discussions

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Since I seem to be the only one not getting this, I'm gonna ask: Can someone explain?

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How many souls has these episode crushed omg

Thanks for posting this! Finally a very clear guide to deleting all data from reddit. Being a european citizen, I am happy I can appeal to the GDPR. It's amazing reddit is saying users must delete all their data individually before they delete it from their servers. As the author of the blog says, this is in clear defiance of the privacy law. Still, good to make them suffer some more :D

I heard they were created by the code itself

I love it. Thanks for sharing

Yeah same here. My family doesn't even have any hobbies

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I'm with you on this one. This doesn't amuse me at all

Nice one

Firefox both on my desktop computer and mobile phone

What was the TIHI subreddit about? (I don't want to even go to reddit to find out. Blocked that site).

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Wow I've never seen a map of the universe. Amazing. Is this the known/observed universe, or does it include parts that have only been theorized to exist?

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The driver is giving strong Brock Samson vibes

So what's your point then?I shouldn't worry about abandoned animals living in the street because that is taking away resources I could be directing into animals that suffer in farms/farming industry? All animals that suffer should be object of concern for anyone interested in animal well-being.

Wait Tusky is not the official app? I always assumed it was

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I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. I think what we should do is learn how to sew. I already bought a sewing machine but I haven't had time to learn how to use it. Hopefully I will be able to learn the basics in the few work-free days I will have in the summer. My point being, we (men) need to take fashion into our own hands and start designing what we want to wear.

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Any reason to try something something else than VLC?

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Since Kbin/Lemmy communities are in their earliest stages, you might want to take this opportunity to create your own community for music promotion, helping not only your band, but everyone who wants to promote their music.

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A divorced vampire who smokes a lot of weed, but still a vampire.


Oh I didn't know! I'll start right now
Dndhdjsldndmalz.x xbjaowoeurhdbsdbxbd