
1 Post – 106 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Betwixed and between

All of them.

As an Australian I could not care wjaty the CCP knows about me, happy to send them as many butthole or dick pics photos as they want.

What concerns me is the invasiness of my own national government and its asshole FiveEyes conspirators. They can take my liberty. Those bastards I trust not one inch.

Yes, we live in a world were many serious people with serious credetrials can't see lasting. and people go to a Taylor Swift concert or a Football game

"I see no way out of revolutionary changes to how we live today .... it is too late for non-radical futures" - Professor Kevin Anderson



Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’

I am a stranger in a strange land

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"Surely not everyone was King Fu fighting"


And the other one

"Yes but where on Eileen?"

Books, same as I do now as well.

I take your point but I'd like to say I can't remember being bored since I was a kid and that was because you were forced to and I'm 57 now.

I use a Galaxy Ultra. currently an S22u previously a Note 9.

I use the stylus everyday. I tired a phone.sans atykus (Pixel Pro) for a month and got rid of it. The sylus is so handy

I have gone ----> Note 8, Note 9, S22u.

I draw work sketches all the time eg just this morning my parter sent me a photo of her mother's toilet and asked me how to fix it. I typed a long set of instructions, she said huh... And can you draw me a sketch, stylus out and I did and she said now she understands and fixed it herself.

Someone givea me some info, stylus out, tap the screen and start writing eg phone number, address etc. No unlocking necessary. I have used the stylus as a camera remote on the phone but not often.

The styus makes the phone so useful it still beguiles me how peoplendo without. I use a phone and desktop.

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That I prefer Lemmy to Mastodon.

Am I the only one that never has BT swit he'd on ? 99.9% of the time it's off.

I don't use wirleias headphones and don't have much use for BT at all..

I like your America, you Americas are so unlike your America.


Library, I can walk there. Assuming you also mean no phone hotspotting.at home.

What the actual fuck ?

I'm mindful.of Mastodon leading to GAB and Truth social

Alcohol is a depressant ?

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Snack Trebuchet, for office sharing.

Thr Democrats in the US are center right comppred to most European countires, the Repliblocans are .... Some sort of fucking thing that's hard to describe.

You're going to need to Vote elsewhere in droves for that..

Good luck

After dithering with dual boot for years I jumped ship to Linux only (LMDE) with their incessant reminders about moving to W11 from W10 popped up. Missing a few apps but fuk' em.

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Equal under the law huh?

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I can see you haven't met many christians if you think this is hypocritical behavior.

Ghandi ? I like your Christ, you Christians are so unlike him.

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Surley your time would be better spent practicing self fellatio until you are 10/10 at it ?

Now, I am l assuming here that you're a dude because... well...

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Of Modi, who was chief minister of Gujarat in 2002 when more than 1,000 Muslims were slaughtered in an inter-communal riot, she observes: “The courts, the press, the parliament are not functioning as checks and balances. If they were, he would be in jail today.”

As another user mentioned, I'd suspect because gay is still a death scentence and/or a criminal charge in some places, those would insist anything gay must me filtered ?

Just don't use so many tabs" is not an answer.

Yes it is. If somone is holding a knife upside down and complaining it doesn't cut their steak, are you rude and ignore them? or comment that they're doing it wrong? OP has the knife upside down.

FF (or any browser AFAIK) is not designed to do this , OP is doing it wrong is a valid answer.

On the flip side OP wants FF to change so it can do what they want, which is also valid. After all, a sensible person adapts to the environment around them, an insane person expects the environment to adapt to them, therefore all progess is made by insane people. Have at it OP :)

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Tha makes no sense unliss there was also a hetero tag for homosexuals to use.

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I am not sure the author understands the word threat?

Chinese tax payers subsidising the world's transition to electric mass transit is a good thing.

You can port your goodreads reviews and upload them to bookwhyrn to help populate reviews AFAIK.

I quit work at 35 because there are so many things I wanted to do, and.paid work wasn't one of them, am now 58.

Alas now there are just more things I want to do.


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And Texas

But they always do, always, everywhere.

Even France which prides itself on it's secularism is getting pounded. The US is delusional, "In God We Trust" ? Really, fuck that guy...

If you have church, it's always church and state.

Wait, what ? Trump's Pecker leaks ?

Needs socialised and subsidized; food, water, shelter, healthcare for example

Wants, not socialised

An example?


Hmmm rename to Stabney ?

Too soon

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Boost and Jerboa, the latter via F-Droid.

You've not met many republicans then ?

No.. In my defence...

“Nice people made the best Nazis. My mom grew up next to them. They got along, refused to make waves, looked the other way when things got ugly and focused on happier things than “politics.” They were lovely people who turned their heads as their neighbors were dragged away. You know who weren’t nice people? Resisters.”– Naomi Shulman

And Russia is going to North Korea and China for shits and giggles becase they too need help as well as selling thier fossil fuels far and wide.

The issue isn't Russia stops at Ukraine and it's happy families, that can't occur, millions of Ukranines will conduct partisan operstions for decades if they did take Ukraine at all.

The issues are many, an example, do you help your friends in times of need if they ask ? The US did sign a treaty in '91 saying they'd come to Ukraine's defence if Ukraine gave their nukes up. Another issue, do random countires get to invade other countires and we're all just meahhhh. It will also embolden countires to just say, no one will care and invade a neighbor (China, North Korea are watching) The US is sending a token amount of military, getting rid of their old shit and refreshing thier weapons systems, spending huge amounts of money in the US to do it. Simialry.otjer nations, like the Netherland, Denmark etc was getting rid of the F16s to replace them with F35s etc. The tanks gifted we're old ones as another example..

Russia has already said they won't stop there, so when they take Lithuania, what then ? Try it with Finland and what then ? What if they decide they want to take Poland, what then ?

Fuck Russia, give Ukraine what they want and need. We should be putting boots on the ground ) not at rhe front perhaps but logistics, mechanised repairs etc and military jets in the air.

Yes, it's something we can ban in the necessary transition to a more sustainable life, alas.... Here we are


Ropes I Austriali? Our tongue is stuck so far up Uncle Sam's arsehole we can taste their coffee before they do.