
27 Post – 324 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Issue is power imbalance.

There's a clear difference between a guy in his basement on his personal computer sampling music the original musicians almost never seen a single penny from, and a megacorp trying to drive out creative professionals from the industry in the hopes they can then proceed to hike up the prices to use their generative AI software.

If that gets updated, then it will favor big corporations.

I have that issue to a lesser degree, blame my anti-seizure meds' side effects.

Put content that is illegal in China into your code, problem solved!

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But then everything changed when the fire alarm community attacked.

Only the avatar can master all the alarm types, but when the wold needed him the most, he vanished. Years later he returned, and I believe he can finally save the world.

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I personally don't care if someone "steals" my code (Here's my profile if you want to do so: https://github.com/ZILtoid1991 ), however it can mean some mixture of two things:

  1. China is getting ready for war, which will mean the US will try its best to block technology, including open source projects.
  2. China is planning to block GitHub due to it being able to host information the Chinese government might not like.

Of course it could mean totally unrelated stuff too (e.g. just your typical anti-China and/or anti-communist paranoia sells political points).

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A lot of troll accounts are semi-automated. They run a script that detects certain keywords, and posts premade replies to them (nowadays said premade replies are being finetuned with generative AI to look less uniform), also a human is watching over them to ensure both correct operation and to overtake in case of emergency.

Source: My father's ex-girlfriend's ex-boyfriend was (is) a paid online troll for Fidesz. They also had Discord (later Matrix if I recall) servers for organizing mass reports, downvotes, angry/haha react campaigns, often they also did some "private doxxing".

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Fediverse game devs and artists are much better.

Here's the Mastodon account for my game engine is someone is interested: @PixelPerfectEngine@peoplemaking.games

I personally left Twitter, since it not only diminished my reach thanks to the implementation of Twitter Blue, but also was an increasingly toxic place (and it begin with being a toxic place in the first place, thanks to algorithms), which didn't bring the best out of me.

While I agree, the issue is the very moment we become militant we get labeled as "terrorists". The far-right just gets ignored.

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I prefer the Caesar Salad Dressing, does that mean I'm not only support authoritarianism, but also not a real anarchist?

If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it's...

A swan! It claims to be a swan, therefore it is a swan! Swans are beautiful, therefore if you're against swans you're a bad person! You see ducks everywhere and accuse everyone being a duck! The word "duck" lost its meaning. In fact, we defeated the ducks in 1945, therefore any "ducks" we might have today are just edgy teens cosplaying as such.

EDIT: If you ask me, I think conservatives are just "good cops" to the fascists "bad cops" (this gave me an idea for a potential video essay).

In fact, Zionism is built upon the antisemitic myth of "Jews and non-Jews cannot live together".

I found your ballot box:

The only people more cultish than Apple fans are Tesla/Elongated Muskrat fans.

I'm having a beefwith this one!

That's a single instance, they can be blocked and avoided. The FOSS community is way more resiliant to enshittification.

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Deal with them just like regular trolls. You shouldn't be like the Muskrat cultists who think content moderation is useless and thus should be given up on. I understand, I suffered from activism burnout on the regular (one was right in the middle of an election campaign), but one should not give up easily.

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It's illegal, but good luck with the current supreme court!

I have 10 followers on Github.


Here's my account if you want to also follow me. I might follow you back. Maybe we can even cooperate on some projects.

GPL code is the least concern, you can always just say the AI-generated code is GPL. What about training on leaked proprietary code? The training data already known to include medical records, CSAM, etc., wouldn't be surprised if it also contained proprietary code.

They actually plan to use some local stuff in addition to the rest, otherwise I don't trust anything OpenAI/Google.

One problem: not compatible with Windows. Of course you can use Wine and similar stuff, but isn't 100%, especially not when you're developing for Windows. Also there's the issue of NVidia drivers (I won't sell/throw into the trash my GTX1050 just because NVidia doesn't want to make their drivers open source), and also a lot of pro audio stuff isn't available on Linux.

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However, a lot of companies dropped headphone jacks, because they could both save a buck on them, make them even more slightly thinner to the point it starts to impact usability, and create a market for 3rd party accessories (wireless head/earphones, converters, etc.).

No thanks, I don't want to spend days troubleshooting issues with cross compilation, differences between Wine and actual Windows, struggling with the tty-only debugger (I want my debugger to do things on button presses, not by complicated scripts), etc.

Skill issue.

Oh, here comes the gatekeeper protecting their operating system from the "normies"!🤣

Centralized platforms are also prone to the same kind of attacks. Kiwifarms and especially its users' offshoot Discord and Matrix chatrooms are good example for this. Hell, even 4chan was infamous for organizing troll campaigns, first just "4 teh lulz", then people turned the site into their personal army.

To those who don't remember: Windows XP was met with mixed reception due to it's ugly UI, high system requirements, and instability on release. Those who found out how to get around WinME's driver issues stayed for even longer than those who were previously on Win95/98. Kids of that era really liked it though, because it looked playful, and/or it was their first introduction to computing.

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Let's hope this will put a nail in the AI boom's coffin...

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"Toilet was too dirty, I pooped on the floor instead!"

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Please, just give us back the headphone jacks!

Or let us amputate the legs of techbros (they're obsolete in the world of cars and electric wheelchairs).

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If I like getting pegged, should I try New Vegas?

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And now, a new golden age of malvertisement will emerge...

Alternative für Russland

Funny thing is, at one point, there were anti-lesbian feminists (LERFs if you will).

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I put in a tailplug and put on fox ears every time I use Firefox.

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This tweet has been deleted

I smell ratios here.

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"Don't worry Mr. Patient, I'll avenge you!"

The party of "we just want to outlaw third semester abortions and abortions used in place of birth control" wants to outlaw medical emergency abortions too...

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Once I dared to not call a Blahaj a "die Transgenderenhaifisch".

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