Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries. to – 336 points –

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Is Sony saying piracy is justified by making it not possible to buy this game? I guess if I have to.

How many are pirating it in solidarity? I'd rather reject their anti-libre software entirely, make them irrelevant.

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What's up with Lemmy and Reddit users having to justify when they pirate stuff? Most of the time I simply don't give a shit. I do keep in mind that it's a "wrong" thing to do though. I don't go around thinking I'm superior and that I'm fighting the evil corporations when I don't. Some Lemmy/Reddit users seriously seem to think that.

I'm sorry you misunderstood what I said. I was saying that Sony is encouraging piracy by making it impossible to play their games legaly in some regions, including mine.

Personally I don't think piracy is wrong with the exception of indie devs. If you think you are fighting corporations by pirating then yea, that's dumb but I haven't heard that stance yet.

I absolutely agree that this will lead to more piracy, and I might pirate it myself for this reason.

Warning: the rest of the comment is just a rambling rant and nothing is directed at you specifically.

But I think it's a terrible justification. If you want to read the worst takes on piracy go to r/piracy or the Lemmy equivalent on the db0 instance. Most users on there really think that they are in some way entitled to a game and they genuinely try and justify their piracy is a million different ways. Usually the argument is basically "company did bad thing so give me your game for free"

It's like they would like to have some moral high ground, which I believe doesn't exist.

I think piracy is wrong because actual people worked on the games and they need to earn a living and a fuck ton of money and resources was spent on making the games. I don't agree that piracy is the same as stealing but somewhere along those lines. I don't need to publicly justify piracy, I just do it when I feel like it's appropriate considering stuff like money and wants For example I have automatic downloads of movies and TV shows and multiple terabytes of pirated movies and shows.

The only time where I could agree that piracy might be completely justified and not bad in the slightest is the piracy of stuff like knowledge like science papers that were published in a journal that demands fuck tons of money and give backs nothing to the author(s)

Well I'm a PlayStation user, are you saying it's justifiable for me to now pirate Starfield, Halo and every Xbox and steam exclusive game?

If your only option to play a game is moving to a different country then I'd say it's the most justifiable. If you only have a PlayStation piracy won't really help you play PC or XBox games though so I don't see how that would help.

Well I'm a PlayStation user, are you saying it's justifiable for me to now pirate Starfield, Halo and every Xbox and steam exclusive game?

How, exactly, will you pirate those games to play them on your PlayStation?

You can buy Starfield on Steam does it require an Xbox account to play if you buy it in steam? I think most are saying if you can buy it in steam but still need a psn account to play it then pirate it. I have both Xbox and PlayStation but I’m with the masses on this if you offer it on a platform then you shouldn’t require an account from a different platform to be able to play the game.

They're not available in your country ? then yes

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