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I am an older millennial born in 83 and I’ve been in IT for about 21 years now and grew up building and fixing PCs for everyone. I think the newer generation is going to be the ones that need the most help. Might be anecdotal but in my years in IT at first it was the older folks with all the problems taking on and using tech. Now it’s the younger kids coming in. In my opinion it’s the way we consume tech now. All tech in the 80’s - early 2000’s required a lot of tinkering and figuring out I always figured the older folks were just set in their ways and didn’t want to learn anything new. My first 15 years in IT I always heard people say “I’m not a computer person” as an excuse to not knowing how to change a signature in outlook, an app they’ve been using for a while, or some other basic business app everyone should know how to use.

Now consumer tech just works. Out of the box you don’t need to tinker or do shit to the stuff. Younger gen is coming us used to shit just working and when anything goes wrong they don’t do well with troubleshooting also companies make anything beyond basic troubleshooting nearly impossible without them so most just don’t try to figure shit out. This type of behavior is getting worse now people get tech that can do a few hundred things and they only use it for two of the few hundred and now you are stuck trying to explain how to do basic tech tasks to an end user who is just going to forget it an hour or so later.

I’ve noticed this with IT employees and the rest of the business. Maybe I’m just a salty IT guy but I do cyber security now and the tech skill levels are just bad and it causes me grief on a regular basis.

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I stopped buying electronics on Amazon after getting bricks instead of a GPU for my PC and they treated me like shit when I went to return it. I filed a complaint with the state about the fraud and their unwillingness to correct it. Complaint didn’t do shit but I was pissed. Now the only stuff I buy on Amazon is random household items and stuff for the kids that’s under 100 bucks.

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I probably check all the boxes. Currently a cyber security engineer have worked in infrastructure for the last twenty years and currently head up the compliance team of the cyber division of the company I work for, I focused mainly on NIST, CMMC, and SOC II compliance. I’ve modded a few forums and discord servers over the last 20 or so years. There is no way in hell I’m dropping private info on a random google doc that’s open to the public. If there is a more secure way send my info send me a message.

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I was waitlisted a while back but because of all the Elon bullshit when I got my email saying it was available I opted to just stick with Viasat.

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Article sounds like it was written by the credit card companies. I use a credit card for all purchases and pay off monthly and I got back 1500 dollars. That isn’t paying for a whole lot of travel for a family of four, which is what my household is. Also 1-2 % investment is a joke. My company pays 3% to process credit cards and if you take Apple Pay it’s higher.

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Who are these senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah that said this? Sounds to me like the article is just war mongering for Israeli attacks on Iran with justifications based on he said she said bullshit with no actual evidence of it. Also article is paywalled.

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Every platform has their “bean” content. I spent enough time on Reddit to have dealt with the constant “the narwhal bacons at midnight” comments we used to deal with.

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According to Google their average life expectancy is 84. So in the next few years they can lose 10% of their population. With birth rates so low would they even be able to make up for that?

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And you’ll probably need Windows Pro to be able to disable it. The average user isn’t digging through a registry so it will stay on for most users.

If they are making it past your firewall and hitting your computer then the firewall is open and it shouldn’t be. Or that’s an outbound connection triggering the alert.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if Reddit pulled a tumblr and banned porn and other NSFW content and just made it a site wide policy that nothing can be NSFW.

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Looks like they are just baiting users to the site to get some traffic. Given how the user base is still pretty annoyed with Reddit I can’t imagine this is going to go well for Reddit.

You can buy Starfield on Steam does it require an Xbox account to play if you buy it in steam? I think most are saying if you can buy it in steam but still need a psn account to play it then pirate it. I have both Xbox and PlayStation but I’m with the masses on this if you offer it on a platform then you shouldn’t require an account from a different platform to be able to play the game.

Couldn’t have happened to a better person. He deserves everything that happens to him.

I’m American and for as long as I’ve been alive I always got the sense that Americans are not respected but just tolerated. Mostly because of our military.

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I use teams for work and have not had a single problem in the almost three years I’ve been with the company. We have teams phones and pretty much all teams licensing. I’ve had lots of problems with zoom and go to meeting. Especially with GoToMeeting when I was managing a citrix environment.

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I travel with and without. I have bags specifically for firearms and ammo. That way when I travel somewhere that having just one round of 22lr might be an issue I use a bag that never had my firearm stuff. It eliminates the uncertainty.

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I’d pay to see that. It would be hilarious if Bill went with her.

I’ve deleted my account way before Elon bought the company and haven’t been back since. When I was super active on Twitter which was many years ago and they said I had to pay a small fee every month I would have stopped using it right away. I don’t see the benefit of having social media and I sure as shit won’t pay for any of them. I’m in my 40’s so maybe it’s just me or my age but I can’t imagine anything on those platforms that would be worth a dollar a month.

Sounds like he’s trying to recoup lost revenue and I can’t imaging this is going to work out well for them.

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Time to loosen your tinfoil hat it’s starting to cut of circulation.

I just had to get rid of a canon printer that I’ve had for the last 10 years or so and I had been looking for a printer that I didn’t have to deal with this. As much as I hate HP I got one of their printers that use the tanks you fill with bottles of ink and so far so good. Good luck on them trying to DRM the liquid ink. I’ve purchased a 3rd party bottle of ink and it still prints like their first party bottles so I think that’s the route I’m going from now on.

Now they have some other bullshit you have to deal with like having a friggin account to manage the printer locally so I just set it up on the screen itself. I blocked its outbound connection to on the firewall so it can’t connect out and I haven’t had any issues. I sniffed the traffic I did see it trying to upload something after a print so they are more than likely trying to steal my data but I’ve been working on IT for 20 years so they won’t get my shit but I wouldn’t recommend it for someone that doesn’t have the ability to do that.

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Microcenter is my go to. I live about 45 minutes from one but any PC parts that are expensive I get there, I also open in store to check for GPUs that were returned to the store to make sure someone didn’t swap out with a cheaper part. I don’t build too often so I don’t make my way over there too often.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if China joined in with Russia especially if they think they can benefit from it.

I see the cops in my city, and a few nearby, at the gas station all the time. They all have gas cards. Some of the larger cities near me have pumps at a few of the city properties that the city employees can use to fill up city vehicles.

I’m confused by this is there a reason they did this with tobacco? Is it illegal to export?

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Seagulls are such a pain on certain beaches. Revere,MA outside the Kelly’s Roastbeef if you don’t eat in your car you may not get to eat all of your food. Those stupid birds will swoop down at you and take that shit out of your hands.

I was born in the early 80’s and I remember a lot more pro America propaganda when I was a kid compared to now. I had some friends from Albania and Poland in high school and I think when their families moved to the US they bought into the pro American media stuff a few moved back pretty quickly. I’ve been to Europe a few times and some people I met told me to not tell people I’m American they will treat you different. Some straight up said they hated all Americans to me.

As someone that flips between Samsung and iPhone they all are selling us the same shit every year. Smartphones in general have gotten stale. I can’t remember anything in the last 5 years that anyone has announced that made me think I have to upgrade my device. Maybe it’s just me but the tech seems boring now.

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I support a few business that have locations in Texas that can’t get fiber or cable internet. We use Viasat for them. I wanted starlink since we were seeing people with the service that had way better speeds and latency compared to Viasat.

Second drop seems like a waste of ammo. First one would have definitely taken him out.

Big box retailers is mostly expensive electronics for me. TV’s and computer parts. After getting bricks from Amazon on a GPU purchase I won’t get anything I can’t open on the spot in a store to make sure I am getting what I paid for. I’ll also drop in for stuff I don’t want to wait on shipping for like console accessories and headphones if mine broke.

What coverage in the US is saying Russia is provoking or escalating? Everything I’ve read was the US was monitoring Russian Warships in Cuba and all have said it’s pretty much a non issue.

My Apple Card gives me 1-3% depending on the purchase type. I average 2% since I use Apple Pay all the time.

I recall seeing some info coming out about porn and other stuff but after Tumblr and that shit show I figured they would be less likely to go forward with it or have some watered down policy that bans it but some things still get on the site anyways.

I’ve definitely got a few things at Microcenter that were obvious repackages. I bought a cpu once to find the pins covered in thermal paste. Clearly someone made a bad choice and just returned it. I believe for the most part their returned items are sold at a discount after a review but people repackage things well and some get away with returning something as unopened. If I’m spending 150 or more I just open in store to just in case I find something odd I can return it and they never question it because I never left.

The toggle showed up on Monday but RCS didn’t start working until yesterday. I have T-Mobile.

Appreciate the advice I didn’t think about the CFPB.

Fraudulent parts on Amazon is a mix clever and just plain dumb I got bricks instead of a GPU. For work I’ve gotten a handful of hard to notice frauds. We got some Samsung SSDs the older sata drives not NVMe. One was a different shade of black and looked altered. It had the guts of a USB drive with a usb to sata homebrew conversion. That one Amazon took back no questions but it was a company purchase so they probably treat those differently.

For Legos if they were frauds I would imagine it would be noticeable. It’s probably a discount because of the volume they purchase.

If you buy legos often I’ve had some good luck going to goodwill stores and getting them super cheap. It’s not going to be a set. Usually it’s mixed pieces in a vacuum sealed bag or bin if there are a lot.

Well shit. I print a few times a year so we will see what kind of crap I have to deal with.

I’ve been lurking and trying to figure it all out so I’m not part of that stat so I’d imagine there are lots of folks like me. I’m not super active on Reddit but not having Apollo means I have to lurk somewhere else.