1 Post – 638 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There's a lot of money in propaganda. It's everywhere now.

I see we've got some really strong opinions going on here. Just wanna remind everyone to keep it friendly and civil.

And on that note, all you weirdos who place it behind are wrong and I will die on this hill.

Fight me.

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hahahahah ..... I can see how that can be confusing...

Just as the phrase is "for God's sake," the proper grammar is "for fuck's sake." It's possessive. The fuck is the subject here, it's for their sake. For the sake of the fuck.

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Reddit won't actually die, it'll just be a hollow shell of what it once was.

To illustrate my point, Digg still exists.

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"heard you was talking shit." - The Pope, probably

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Restaurant manager here, been doing this for a few decades. You do not want to know just how much leeway we get with basic sanitation. Seriously, be very thankful that you have an immune system.

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This amuses me on multiple levels.

For one, it just looks like the temperature got high and the gum melted.

Second, I've seen enough dumb shit happen in real life that this could legitimately have happened.

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This is a perfect example for this community.

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It's the new beans.

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Then, when they remove it, they offer you a measly $5 gift card only redeemable on their platform.

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.... You were supposed to the whole time ....

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That is a perfect image to describe the term.

My favorite infuriating part is how both lists aren't even sorted the same. First is ascending date, second is descending.

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The trick is to force everyone to sit on the same side of the table.

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Because it sounds like a motor boat.

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I will accept no other possibility.

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That is literally the point of prisons.

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How the fuck are they going to enforce this?

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Why would he even bother to comment, when doing nothing and being the better man requires literally no effort?

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Voting in support of insurrection makes you an insurrectionist. If we're going to move the goal post, we can easily move it back.

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This rule isn't actually necessary, it's an old wives tale. You won't get cramps or anything from doing so unless you're horrifically overeating.

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From what I've heard and seen, there's a massive astroturfing effort to discredit Biden over the actions of an allied nation. It's as if a massive propaganda machine is at work that completely ignores the fact that Republicans would have an even worse stance than Biden on this issue.

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He wants his own Schutzstaffel. These guys are really looking at nazi history like it's a how-to guide.

Anyone got context?

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This is the dumbest part about this whole thing. It's just grandstanding.

Edit: He's already recanted it. Instead saying they are blurring to protect their identities from the public.

Meanwhile, any little suspect from small time crime gets their face plastered all over local news anyways.

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And which one is the most dangerous? That unassuming one on the left.

The DOJ had the footage since day 1. The GOP is blurring to protect these traitors from the public. Meanwhile, pretty crime suspects still get their faces plastered on local news.

Rules for thee...

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If anyone is missing the joke, this is probably a reference to Altered Beast, a damn fun beat-em-up from 1988.


Did... Did you think the moon lander doesn't already have cameras?

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In fairness, this is practically everywhere on the internet.

Fuckin hell, op. This joke is so terrible, I just want to ban you on principle.

Godspeed, you delightful bastard.

Easy there, Satan.

People keep telling me that word is pronounced "byoot."

I'm still never going to say it that way.

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Why bother? It's just driving more engagement to the company. They'll be worthless either way regardless of whether or not you go to the site.

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