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Joined 3 months ago

But they hit so many buzzwords. 20 year old buzzwords even!

This is a really odd way of putting it seeing as the Dreamcast came out before the PS2 and was discontinued before the other 2 even came out.

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He could even start some kind of alternative social media site and branded bibles.

But then he wouldn't make any money.

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That's not very useful if there are no more elections.

Yeah I understand they were all 6th gen. My point was just that it doesn't really make sense to blame the Dreamcast failure on its timing. Dates also matter:

Late 98 was release in Japan
Late 99 was release worldwide
Early 2000 was PS2 in Japan
Late 2000 was PS2 worldwide
Early 2001 Dreamcast was killed
Late 2001/Early 2002 Gamecube and Xbox

The meme makes it look like the Dreamcast popped up late, but timing was not the reason for it's demise at all. PlayStation dominating the market, as you mentioned, was probably the biggest one. People knew the PS2 was around the corner and the Dreamcast had barely been out in the EU by the time the PS2 was strutting it's stuff on the Japanese market.

Yeah, I'm of the opinion the Saturn was the real problem. It was not a bad step forward compared to the Megadrive, but compared to the PS1 it was nowhere near as good.

Dreamcast was a great console. It was really ahead of it's time with a bunch of things, the VMUs, the internet connectivity, the range of peripherals and keyboard/mouse integration. It was the first console I ever got relatively near release and never regretted it.

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I would say that's pretty silly.

In life you either cry, laugh, love or succumb to raging nationalism.

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"Also, what are we creating now that will still be valued and discussed hundreds or thousands of years from today?"

Certainly not your vapid tweets, mate.

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What a surprise, the company that has been proven to sway the course of elections for profit might well do it again!

I'm very surprised by the discourse in this thread. I understand that people were given lots of warning, but that doesn't excuse that they just had their purchase recinded. Why not just allow download of an old version of Minecraft Java still?

I'd consider myself a Microsoft fanboy as I've had Xbox live for nearly 2 decades and Game Pass since it came into existence. Removing people's purchases for any reason is a scummy move.

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As most of the other comments point out, pocket TV did exist and you have exposed yourself as:

  1. Younger than the smartphone
  2. Never watched a 90's movie with a security guard in it
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Well he does have Junior in his name

Only the US is allowed to ruin elections.

It's interesting how many of the psychopath suits seem to watch cautionary tales turning into hellscapes and think "yeah, that's a great idea, let's make that".

She wouldn't understand a complexity like that.

It's absolutely just wordplay so they can scam more money out of consumers. Arguably Arena could be considered DLC also, but that's even more of a seperate mode than this. It sounds like there's now just progression tied to the existing offline raid mode, which is obviously just trying to capitalise on the increasing popularity of SP Tarkov.

I don't think it's really possible for them to shut down SP Tarkov (due to BattleState's immeasurable copyright breaches themselves), so it's wild if anyone actually pays $250 for this.

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FPS. Next question.

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If they are undocumented, how does he expect to find them?

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They're pushing the limits of this simulation to see how much bullshit we can tolerate. Turns out it's a LOT.

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Did you? It seems to me the above commenter summed up what has happened quite correctly.

Worrying statement coming from a company known to heavily crunch even after pushing dates and also also had waves of layoffs recently.

I mean, I can see why she's upset. But at the same time, it hasn't made her look worse.

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This site is an awful source. Seems to be a mouthpiece for the Gamergate 2.0 shit.

You'd think that the Prime Minister who implemented the rule to require a photo ID to vote would then not forget his own photo ID at the next time he tries to vote. Smells distinctly oniony.

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About as tender as some beef jerky that's been left out for over a century

Am I the only one that thinks most of them don't look that similar?

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Maybe be thought about leaving the cul de sac for one loop. I imagine the madness would take hold at some point during this.

This is a very weirdly written article. Like the author doesn't know that it's one studio that made the games he's comparing, but that comparison is 50% of the content.

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You unironically think 43 year old shouldn't be on Lemmy?

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This has been the norm for bigger tech companies for a while. I recently went through 4 interviews with a company that went great at every step. Had a chat with a HR folk after that about expectations, laid out my salary expectation, then was suddenly rejected the next day on not having enough relevant experience (I have literally 20 years of relevant experience).

I think they were looking for someone slightly less senior initially, but c'mon. Why waste everyone's time going through that whole process if you have no budget? I saw the post is still open and being refreshed on LinkedIn more than 6 months later.

But my company says it cares for the environment and does environmental things like improving algorithms for patches to reduce computing power needed and therefore save the energy worldwide (an actual example of a recent win by our environment consciousness team right after forcing thousands of people to RTO)

Basically all of the guns in there are real world manufacturers and models without their names changed and not licensed. Aside from that pretty much every item is a branding rip off with one letter changed. For example "Slickers" bars that look identical to Snickers and "Tarcola", which is a copy paste of a Coke can. Even body armour, bags, cases are all identically modelled on real world products.

Because they are based entirely in Russia and only sell directly through their website, no companies can really come after them. I don't see them starting up legal battles to secure their own IP in the US or EU without a shitstorm coming down on them.

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Whatever game they end up putting out, it's going to be Disco Elysium in name only and I hope it doesn't fool anyone into buying it.

Only in Utah

Checks out. If your heart rate is too slow or too fast you're probably doing a sin.

From their own website:

The Entertainment Software Association serves as the voice and advocate for the video game industry. Our mission is to expand and protect the dynamic worldwide marketplace for video games.

Their membership is almost entirely large games publishers and they only look out for their best interests and the market.

Take a look at their open positions, half of them are legal jobs protecting IP.

I understand the sub we are in and that this is a great game. But half of the games articles I see nowadays are what appears to be low quality commissioned articles for games on sale and also often AI written. I can see why someone would downvote that.

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You're posting from but talking about

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