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Joined 2 months ago

You'd think half of Lemmy used to be editors the way everyone obsesses over headlines here.

Who the fuck cares lmao

My ex used to massage the anxiety out of my arms from shoulders to fingers like toothpaste. It was great. If you have someone close, try it.

Playing an instrument works wonders too.

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I finally saw one in real life. On the highway. It's shocking how aggressively dumb they look in person. Photos don't do it justice. It seriously looks like a giant unrendered N64... thing.

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I was curious so I found the article:

The quote is exactly what normal people assume it is, out of context and not the entire quote.

Twentieth Century Television Senior Vice President Michael Giordano was caught on a hidden video saying that Disney explicitly does not hire “white men” for specific roles.

For specific roles. That's pretty fcking obvious. You're not going to hire a white man to play the little mermaid.

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Why? As in why would you waste your time even vetoing this? What does this guy do all day, stand in the shower and daydream about making the dumbest fucking decisions possible?

I agree. Why weren't they all done last November?

It's so bad even toddlers are killing people with them.

18 hours ago:

You can make significant money by trading crypto peer-to-peer. It is incredibly risky but you can make around 6-7% profit after fees. I made around 2,000-3,000 USD monthly, moving around 40,000 USD in volume. The main risks are chargebacks and account closures.

I don't know. You tell me.

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This is the type of bs that should be in a Shower Thoughts comm.

But if a cypto-bro is making up making fun of a Tesla car, at least that's progress.

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Catch and release

Lmao! You're just going to totally disregard what you said yesterday about making money off it?

Love it.

I made around 2,000-3,000 USD monthly, moving around 40,000 USD in volume.

People would ask me to sell them crypto and then I’d buy it on a crypto exchange and then sell it to them.

Are you on drugs?

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Remind us. How much money have you spent on crypto?

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Cool story, bro. Hope it works out for you.

The head of Google *Search right now is the same guy that was head of yahoo search when it was dying. To put all of this in perspective.

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KSP 2 should have been a huge slam dunk. Take everything from the first one, redo the menus, up the graphics, and add some new stuff. It blows my mind they messed it up so badly.

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I'm baffled how anyone that isn't a straight white male with money convinces themselves they're part of the Republican Club.

All these people grasping at party acceptance are doing is screaming "hey I'm a piece of shit too!"

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As opposed to a faster descent? Yes absolutely.

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I was 100% assuming she was arrested. Very relieving that's not what happened.

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Is the Air Force at least going to care about this? When is this shit going to be stopped?

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"Texas law permits a life-saving abortion,” the court wrote in the order signed by Justice Jane Bland.

Under the law in Texas, doctors who perform abortions risk life in prison, fines of up to $100,000 and revocation of their state medical licenses.


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Being a CEO must be amazing. You can fail and even bring an entire company down, and keep on getting the same job somewhere else.

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Rob Schneider. The SNL guy that had one character, then moved on to being remembered as "The Stapler" on South Park.

What an inspiration.

Edit. Now that I think about it, Schneider is actually being a true comedian through and through here. The golden rule is to always punch up, and Schneider is attempting to do just that.

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Also America is a genocidal privacy hating country of scum!!

What? No, China is perfect. Nothing to see here.

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Just say he's lying already.

He did note, however, that senators on the committee have issued subpoenas for some of the “sugar daddies” — referring to the wealthy conservative donors who have plied the justices with gifts.

Not good enough. Do that as well, but that by itself is simply not good enough.

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Even the tires are ugly. That's... kind of impressive. I never once considered tires could be uglier than other tires. But here we are.

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Oh yay, this has finally become askreddit...

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This dude is in over his head.

He just became more public and we know him better. He's always been the same.

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I almost downvoted this post because I hate this so much

Hell yeah, good job North Dakota!

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How many criminal prosecutions do I get waived if, for strictly hypothetical reasons, if I send tens of people into danger by launching them in a metal tube that comes apart midair?

As a side notes, I am starting an aero tube company that 'already' has 'multiple' 'investers'. DM me for info on how to give me money!

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Sure. The Wii is in like every home and rehab already. The biggest concern would probably just be what type of controls are available? RC guy might get used to a gamepad, or maybe a stick and throttle set up.

Motor skill is going to vary wildly from person to person.

Google has either purchased local map data from established companies, or has entered into lease agreements to use copyrighted map data. The owner of the copyright is listed at the bottom of zoomed maps. For example, street maps in Japan are leased from Zenrin. Street maps in China are leased from AutoNavi. Russian street maps are leased from Geocentre Consulting and Tele Atlas.
They also use images from the LandSat 8 satellite.

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If I cared about this guy, or he was important in anyway, I'd feel something probably.

Never heard of this guy before. Apparently he's been around for awhile in California. Definitely worth reading this opinion piece.


Huffman is the only elected member of the U.S. House who openly describes himself as religiously unaffiliated and a secular humanist. Huffman is also the only member of Congress who openly rejects the existence of God.

I like him

My solution is to exercise my right to vote.

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The complaint alleges that Razer only stopped the false advertising following negative press coverage and consumer outrage at the deceptive claims,

Unless you saved a picture of the thing, they stopped advertising it almost immediately. I'll take investigators words over your story though. No offense.

Is this another case of companies use Teams just because it's already bundled, therefore it's "good enough"?

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