Gay Republican candidate melts down when he figured out that his party is homophobic to Not The – 721 points –
Gay Republican candidate melts down when he figured out that his party is homophobic - LGBTQ Nation

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I'm baffled how anyone that isn't a straight white male with money convinces themselves they're part of the Republican Club.

All these people grasping at party acceptance are doing is screaming "hey I'm a piece of shit too!"

I'm a school bus driver and I work with a few Trump-supporting lesbians. It's no mystery why: they really, really hate black people and that hatred blinds them to any possible conception of their own self-interest. For good measure they're also staunchly pro-union.

Bruh, same team, same fight.

How could they not see how hypocritical that is?

Ask yourself the same question. Not trying to pick on you but think of all the people on your side that are only on your side because of they agree with you on like 25% of the issues or because or some quality.

Just an example of something people are relatively calm about: I can be pro-union for lumberjacks but not want the Pacific Northwest to become a dead parking lot and the spotted owl to be extinct. I agree with them on one issue and not others.

It's the idea that one marginalized group could marginalize another group. I get they may not agree on intricate political ideas, but to be racist while being part of a group of people that is constantly treated as lesser for similar reasons... That baffles me.

Criminals can be victims, victims can be criminals. Those are two facts that have nothing to do with each other. Besides the oppressed always punch down. There is a reason why that 12 year old was mean to you when you were 7 and didn't go to the nearest biker bar and start talking smack. If this concept is still confusing go on Blue Sky or Twitter and attract attention to yourself. Watch how fast the oppressed smell weakness on you.

Yep, I know some women who consider themselves very feminist that are supporting the people who want to take away their right to abortions away just because they're really hate trans people.

Most people will not admit to themselves that they are wrong.

It’s as simple as that.

We are all most people about something.