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Joined 3 months ago

I am male and have worked in both. Here are some trends I saw, which of course all have their exceptions.

Advantages of mostly male workplaces

  • People are less likely to be offended
  • Straight forward communication
  • People are quicker to feeling comfortable with each other
  • People are quick to forgive each other

Disadvantages of mostly male workplaces

  • Can be rough
  • Can result in hypermasculinity and competitiveness
  • More aggressive toward each other
  • Less compassionate of weaknesses or setbacks
  • Solutions to problems can be intense and aggressive

Advantages of mostly female workplaces

  • More understanding of individual differences
  • Solutions tend to be less harmful/aggressive
  • Individual weaknesses are accepted and accommodated
  • Setbacks due to unexpected circumstances are more tolerated

Disadvantages of mostly female workplaces

  • Gossip and drama
  • People can hold grudges for a long time
  • Shady and deceptive interpersonal interactions
  • People form cliques
  • Indirect communication with double meaning
  • Intentional misunderstanding to play power games
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"brb crying" -> 🥹

Like the cop would even understand that statement


I will never be this clever 😢

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Nothing much. I'm just chilling for next 20 mins. What's up with you?

If I shot everyone my dog barks at, I'd be committing genocide. This motherfucker barks at every single person that walks by the house. Yet, as soon as the doors open, she's their best friend. WHAT IS SHE BARKING FOR?!?!

what should I know about the clitoris before I have sex?

In my experience, the clit is the key to her enjoyment. Every girl is different, so you have to pay attention to how they react to how you touch it. Some girls like light slow touch, while others like very fast flicks. Some like light slow touch at first, then very fast intense flicks towards the end. I've had girls that need a lot of stimulation, and girls that find a lot of stimulation overwhelming. Listen to their moans and how their body moves. If you get a girl that doesn't show a difference either way, then ask her. If she is still being secretive, then don't worry about it too much and just enjoy your time. Don't go directly for the clit at first. Play around with the pussy area first, slowly getting to the clit.

am I right in assuming my partner will tell me what she wants me to do?

It's been my experience that most girls will guide you indirectly. Very few will tell you exactly what they like. If you get one that does, you have won the lottery. Otherwise, they will guide you indirectly.

In general, just have fun. Sex is naturally enjoyable. Above all, communication is key, but some people feel uncomfortable with being direct about it, so they communicate indirectly and that's okay. Listen to the language they choose to use. Regardless, don't take sex too serious, and you'll be okay. Good luck!

Guys, Alex Jones has stated in a legal disposition that he has experienced psychosis when feeling mental distress.

"And I, myself, have almost had like a form of psychosis back in the past where I basically thought everything was staged, even though I'm now learning a lot of times things aren't staged," Jones said

I've got nothing against people that experience mental health issues and believe that they can make outstanding contributions to society, but maybe we should really consider the nature of their issues. Perhaps, we shouldn't give much validity to a person with a history of psychosis professing conspiracy theories, just like we shouldn't give much validity to a person with social anxiety advocating for the end of social gatherings. Maybe we could focus on their strengths rather than exacerbate and promote their difficulties and related unhealthy accommodations.

dang, what that a scary experience considering the history of airliners in NYC?

I am currently working on getting myself into this predicament. I'll be back in a few months sexually exhausted and emotionally destroyed 😎👍

i gotchu fam

I don't know. I saw similar situations recently in the Narcos series on Netflix. Innocent people were placed into situations in which they had to either (a) break the law for considerable compensation or (b) not break the law and suffer horrible consequences. I guess in that situation, the best you can do is to pack up as soon as possible and hide somewhere. There's really nothing else. If someone has the financial means and audacity to bribe a juror with $120k over a case with 70 defendants defrauding $250 million from the government, they likely have the means to order a hit on you and your family. It's a terrible situation to be in, and I would love to know how this has been handled in the past, how they are going to handle it now, and what the outcome will be.

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How would she give it back tho?

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Fix her? You are WORSE than her.

I'm so glad I came

🏴no gods🏴no masters🏴no tyranny🏴no rules🏴

Kvas, a sweet beverage made out of fermented bread. I think it tastes way better than soft drinks so I’m not sure why everyone isn’t drinking it. Maybe it’s an acquired taste?

Interesting! There's a Russian store/deli near my place where I get my loose leaf green tea. I'll swing by and pick some up to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

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Game of Thrones

I like watching it because it's like studying really manipulative jerks. I find it so interesting how they operate. Interestingly, I noticed that I paid lots of attention the first four seasons. However, starting on the fifth season, I was more distracted on my phone. Now that I'm on the sixth season, an entire episode and a half will go by while I'm surfing Lemmy on my laptop. It just gets way too corny, predictable, and the plot armor is blaring. I'm still gonna watch it until the end...or at least play it in the background until the end. I guess I need my fill of disappointment and some practice rolling my eyes. It's still crazy to me that a show that became a cultural phenomenon tanked itself so terribly to the point that it lost nearly all respect.

Edit: Give me the mic! I've got something to rant about.

The fact that the armies of Westeros went from warring each other to caring about the Army of the Dead is ridiculous! The only proof anyone had was based on John Snow's and the Wildlings word from their experience at Hardhome. While John Snow had the respect to be able to convince the men of the Night's Watch, he didn't really do it. He didn't go on a persuasive and descriptive campaign to explain the danger they were in. He did such a poor job, that he was assassinated by mutineers. Yet, he is revived by the Red Woman, and all of a sudden, the families of the North are rallying behind him to prepare against the Army of the Dead. He then goes to Daenerys, a girl that has every reason to mistrust him, with this wild claim about walking dead without giving any sort of convincing argument, hoping she will pledge her armies and dragons to this cause.

So then, the plan to convince everyone that this is real is to send a team of some of the most prominent characters and best fighters they have, including the fucking King in the North, beyond the Wall to catch a wight. WTF. Why would you send the leader of the Wildlings on a suicide mission‽ Even more, Why would you send the King on a a suicide mission‽ If they die, the whole thing is done.

Of course, they find themselves surrounded by the Army of the Dead, and their only hope was to send a kid from King's Landing that hasn't ever seen snow until this trip, to run a damn marathon while sleep deprived, malnourished, and dehydrated. By pure luck, those that stayed behind were able to just chill on the island while the ice was forming. The Night King had long range weapons he could have used to kill them, but he just hung out for 4 days instead. Meanwhile, Snow Team 6 is freezing their asses off and likely starving, dehydrated, sleep deprived as hell, yet have the energy to go full on battle with zombies once the ice hardens.

This is just so ridiculous. I can't even watch it without disbelief and frustration. Thank goodness for House of the Dragon. House of the Dragon still has its ridiculous moments/story lines (e.g. an entire battalion sneaking up on a beach in plain sight of the Crab King's archers), but it's nowhere near as bad as the last 4 seasons of Game of Thrones.

A rusty trombone is not just a handjob. It's anilingus at the same time. The rusty part is because the lips get covered in "rust" from the "mouth piece" of the metaphoric trombone.

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Ahh, okay. That makes sense. Thanks for sharing and explaining it :)

Individuals and groups in English:

  • Beck

  • Green Day

  • Silverchair

  • Busta Rhymes

  • Missy Elliot

  • Eminem & D-12

  • Snoop Dogg

  • Immortal Technique

  • Red Hot Chili Peppers, especially Flea

  • Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne

  • The Beatles

  • Daft Punk

  • Brad Paisley

  • Pitbull


  • Residente & Calle 13

  • Los Van Van

  • Tromboranga

  • Kola Loka

  • Charanga Habanera

I dare you

Pretty much, unless you are independently wealthy, own the real estate in a high traffic location, or already have multiple other franchises, it’s a losing venture that will kill your soul and eat every dollar you have.

So most of these places are ran by a person that got trapped into a shitty deal like a timeshare?

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It is only in the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

because Trump will throw the entire RNC under the bus if they don't give him what he wants.



he nailed it 👌

I like it! Tho personally and no detrimentally, a penguin having a chest like a human seems a bit strange to me.

But it's gonna cost ya. That's right. All the hummus.

Interesting, thanks for sharing! Those pictures of the barren grocery stores look terrible. I went to Russia in the mid 90s, and while consumer goods were not as abundant as in the US, the stores did not look as bad as in those pictures. However, I remember that meat was a bit scarce. We mostly had soup, eggs, bread, and potatoes. In fact, one time we went for an extravagant night out to a restaurant, and I was told that I was really lucky to have some sort of meat entree (like a steak or similar, can't remember exactly).

I don't get it :/

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I would like to evenly split $9,000 between strippers, JFK, and Stalin. -> Strippers get $3,000. JFK gets $3,000. Stalin gets $3,000.

I would like to evenly split $9,000 between strippers, JFK and Stalin. -> Strippers get $4,500. JFK and Stalin get $4,500.

Think of the Internet as being able to send opened letters with a destination address and return address. Anyone that handles the letter to help deliver it can see what it says, who's sending it, and where it's going.

A VPN is like asking a company to help you transmit the letter with more privacy. The VPN creates a secret code between you and the VPN, so that only you two understand what is in the letter. Then, the VPN communicates with whomever while not sharing your identity so that no one knows who you are unless you specifically tell them in the letter.

Say you want to know what the symptoms you're experiencing after a sexual encounter are, but you're embarrassed and don't want anyone to suspect anything in case it's nothing. You tell your VPN you want to send a letter to the medical info center. The VPN tells you to use a code that was created automatically so that no one knows what it means besides you and their code machine, and was sent to you earlier when you signed up for their service or at a regular update. "Use code 5 we sent you last week." You write the letter and address in code 5, then address it in normal language to the VPN, sending it via the mail system. The VPN machine translates the code to normal language but changes the return address to its own address. The medical info center receives a letter saying that the VPN wants to know the info you requested, so they respond. The VPN receives the info, translates it back to code 5, and sends the info to you.

As far as everyone in the mail system is concerned, you sent and received info from the VPN, but only you know what it was because the mail system couldn't understand it, and the VPN handled it through an automated machine. The medical mail system and medical info center then knows what the letter said, but thinks the VPN requested that info, so they don't know it was you. Since the VPN handles tons of mail, no one knows who is requesting what specific info through the VPN.

Note: This assumes the VPN doesn't keep logs. Some VPNs might actually track what you send, so they could keep track of your messages. That's why people that value privacy recommend to use VPNs that don't keep logs.

I think the problem with addressing climate change collectively is that the major countries of the world are headed for direct conflict, so they're preparing by maximizing their economic capabilities. That means they need to focus on oil for energy. Unless politicians can figure out a way to stave off the conflict, there will be no legitimate attempts to reduce the use of hydrocarbons.

Reminds me of a scene from some show. The main character was known for being a rich dude that never developed any practical skills, yet had an inflated ego. Someone asked him what his skills were, and he responded, "People say I have really good taste." That guy's inflated ego rested upon the belief that other's like his choices. He contributed nothing to society.

This AI status reminds me of that. A user will have the AI write some status for them, and then the user will choose to post whichever they prefer. Essentially, other users would be liking the statuses that were chosen, not composed, all for the sake of feeling valued. It's like everyone is unknowingly making the decision to live in a joint delusion where they are contributing, but really they are are just choosing which AI contributions to voice.

I might be odd here. I don't look at myself, and if I could hide my video feed from myself, I would. I think I look strange, so I find it distracting. I also avoid watching myself on video in general.

I'm in the US. For me, I didn't start using Whatsapp over text messaging because I didn't have a need to add and learn another app. I only started using Whatsapp when I joined social groups that insisted on it for group messaging. I still prefer messaging via Google messages over Whatsapp.

wowww, that sounds soooo embarrassing 😦