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Joined 1 years ago

I use XCancel.

The Imperial Galactic Government.

"I have a female friend." (As in "I have a friend that's a woman.") "I've talked with a female today." (As in "I've talked with a woman today.")

The first one is fine, because isn't using the word as an adjective. The second one is derogatory, because it is being used as a substantive.

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2025 - People with disabilities (?)

I don't know let's see in the next year.

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Does anyone else have a visual memory that doesn't work consistently?

There are days that I can "see" a picture crystal clear high definition in my mind. And there's other days that I "see" everything blurred, or under a fog, or hidden in something like TV static/noise.

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The doctors at the emergency room and the burn victims hospital nurses/doctors: "Ok! Can you tell us how that happened?"

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I miss the 2000s/2010s Google. Now I need to endlessly scroll down the page in an attempt to find something barely useful. and are good sites to spend time on.

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My mom become an avid anti-plastic person after watching videos and reading things about the damages that microplastics do to the health, nature and the planet. She does everything she can to avoid using plastic things!

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Sorry if my question is stupid, but can I use it as a "regular" browser (like Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, etc) on my Android smartphone?

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Not exactly a hobby. But lost media/lost wave.

In a long run, from childhood to adulthood, I switched to communism hater to being communist myself. When I was a kid, I thought that Communism was a ideology for lazy and totalitarian people, I didn't even knew what it was about.

I also was the kind of person who laughed with edgy/uncensored comedy, now my eyes roll everytime I hear or read any joke that targets socially oppressed groups.

Talking with a LGBTQ muslim lady on Facebook 9 years ago. I was an islamophobe/Israel praising person and I had the lucky to find this chill and lovely woman who spent her time talking with me about islamophobia in general and the Palestinian situation as well, despite not being her obligation to do so. Thank you, Maryam for being a teacher for me!

If you like to listen online radios, Open Radio is a nice one!

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Fatal Insomnia.

Cheb Khaled, one of my favorite singers since I was a kid, fleed from France to Morocco after France legalized LGBTQ marriage.

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OpenRadio is a good one if you like radio and music in general. It has radio stations from everywhere and from almost every music style.

I don't know if it counts: but, despite not knowing how to read chords, read musical sheets or play any instrument, I'm a music addicted. Like... I know a lot of musical styles, enjoy obscure genres and oddities and watch videos of people peculiar instruments while etc... My newest obsession is lostwave. I kinda find intriguing about how many unknown songs still unidentified for more than a decade. And, when a lostwave that I enjoy to listen is finally identified, it's enough to make me happy for days! It's crazy, I know.

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And "Zé das Couves" (but this one is used more rarely).

There are 2 types of LW:

  1. Unknown songs (there is a snippet or a full version of audio recorded, but the title/artist weren't identified)

  2. Songs that are lost (there are a title and/or the name of artist, but no one is able to find it).

Anyway... Is kinda of a hobby to wait for the song to be found/identified. And there are times that the time spent waiting worths a lot. There is a brazilian synthpop song that was a mystery for almost 30 years. The song kept the placeholder of Fond my mind while it was unknown. The song was identified (by the artist himself) as "Feels Like a Wish" from the duo Station K on December from the last year. I follow a lot of channels on YouTube about it! It's fascinating.

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Kevin MacLeod.

Political side + first name first letter.


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Tip of my tongue.

I posted my comment based on what I read few years ago, 2015 iirc. But its a nice thing thing to know that I (and the person who gave the info) was wrong.

Edit to add a source, it was in 2013:

Hahahaha! Just edited my comment. Thank you! 😁

Finally someone that thinks like me! I never watched a TV show since I grew up and I rarely watch a movie. I find reading texts, reading books and listening to music way more enjoyable than watch TV/ or going to the cinema!

Na Laetha Geal M'Oige - Enya

Sidi Mansour (any version)

The Vietnam National Anthem

Voyage Voyage - Desireless

Xoris Esena - Despina Vandi

Epic of Gilgamesh

At least, the carpet still intact!

FNAF Mickey.

Genuine question: Can't you save the pic on your gallery or screenshot it? (I never tried it with mine)

Churros! The recipe, by itself, is kinda easy. But, to do a really good one, it needs to be done in a perfect way. A very, very tiny error, while not ruining the recipe, will made a "maybe tasty, but not that good" one! I would rather to buy in a street food place and eat if I want to. I live in Brazil, so it is kinda easy to find one!

I'm communist and I don't see the AI as a villain/bad thing. And, to me, be afraid about it is the same as people in 1970s being afraid of computers.

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Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no.

I would take this bus today if it were possible!

I'm trying to not spend too much of my time online and I'm going kinda successful on that. But I can't say the same about living without smartphone. I need it to study through PDFs and reading EPUB books. I'm 31 years old, so I picked a tiny part of the "pre terminally online era" during my childhood. However, I've became a sort of internet addict in my teens. I should be avoided it, but it's a bit to late. Can't fix the past, but I can fix my future.


I bought 2 ringtones on my Nokia 2112:

Linkin Park - Numb

t.A.T.u - All About Us

It was funny to listen to them over and over!

Recently, I figured out that I don't fit in any religion, but I do believe in spirits and reincarnation. I think I started to believe in spirits and reincarnation in the past 5 years or earlier, I don't remember it right. Then, in 2022, I tried to consider Brazilian Kardecism, Umbanda or Candomblé, but never felt that I was really attached enough to those religions to consider myself part of their believers. So I decided to follow my own individual spirituality and I'm happy with that!
