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Saw some idiot on Al Jazeera say “stopping weapons transfers really won’t do anything, as the US has given them enough to last years and years.” (they also have domestic production)

Like, he’s right but holy fucking shit, dude.

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You should read about why Hezbollah exists in the first place. You aren’t going to like the answer.

Here’s a hint: Israel. Also America.

That’s how sycophantic and unhinged they’re getting. They’re becoming schizophrenic, imagining tankies everywhere 😳

If I wasn’t describing you, you wouldn’t be so offended.

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I can tell you why I’m mad.

Because I want these atrocities to stop. And you know what I’m not given? That option. Trump has been a scourge to Palestinians and the Middle East as a whole, but Kamala Harris is spewing the same violent, bullshit rhetoric as the very man who was walked out on, that this thread is about.

Where is my option to vote for the end of this suffering?

And that’s just the topic of today. I could go on and on about how the the constitution allows for slavery as we speak, and it’s the reason we have so many prisoners per capita. Or how Hitler idolized America for its genocide of the native Americans and chattel slavery. Or how women were only allowed to have bank accounts in the last 50 years. Or the many, many governments we have overthrown or couped, only to install disgusting violent monsters who commit atrocity after atrocity. Or how we created ISIS and Al Quada. I could go on forever.

There are plenty of reasons to hate the US Government.

They’ll probably start calling grains of sand terrorists.

I bet you do. How inappropriate are school shootings, Mr. Gun Advocate?

Best not think about that, huh

Welcome to America. 🙈🙊🙉

“Good guys with guns” as a slogan was always going to turn out this way.

That’s one of the many reasons Americans are such stupid people, they see the world in a “good guy / bad guy” dichotomy, where they are the good guys. And “good guys” and their actions are all based on beliefs and opinions. It’s justification for YOUR atrocities while acting disgusted at others.

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Well there’s a difference between them streaming things to the public for the sake of transparency, and you taking private videos for god knows what.

Are people still saying Israel is the good guys? Do good guys do this?

Do good guys kill Reuters cameramen?

Do good guys bomb hospitals?

Do good guys commit genocide?

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You know what I don’t give a flying fuck about? Her being a mother of three. Why is this sympathy baiting bullshit in an article about a woman who helped incite violent racist riots all over the country?

Maybe she should have thought about her kids before being a conservative.

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Paywalled mods are debatable themselves. Throwing one of the most protected IPs that’s ever existed in the mix?

Lmao, yeah. Of course this would happen.

I’m surprised it hasn’t happened to Palworld directly.

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It’s the Israeli way!


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Not in the news world. Corrections need to be made so people don’t go around spewing nonsense.

EDIT: And those corrections need to be bold and assert themselves. You can’t simply change your words and expect people to find the corrections themselves. That is too much work for the reader, and stating corrections is VERY easy for the publisher.


Quit eating shit.

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Could have said it a week ago, assholes.

How many Palestinian children died while you held your breath?

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Unless Wikipedia is a public company with fiduciary responsibilities, can’t they just say, “fuck you. No.”?

EDIT: They’re a non commercial 501(c)(3). They can say “fuck you. No.”

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Two reason: Conservatism and Christianity.

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*Patents should be banned.

Fixed it for ya. ❤️

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So weak you can crush them, so strong you’re terrified.

Sounds like a problem for manufacturers. After all, federal regulation seems to be on a down turn thanks to conservative justices.

The interruptions, while “entertaining”, should not exist in a debate so consequential. I feel like high school debate clubs have more decorum than any presidential debate in the last 16 years. Mic cuts are absolutely needed.

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I wonder what ways he thinks liberals made his life miserable. Honestly sounds like this idiot doesn’t even know what the word ‘liberal’ means.

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Define bribe and you’ll start to see where enforcing this becomes a problem. Especially with legalized corruption in the form of lobbying and ‘gifts’.

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He’s not poor enough for consequences though. 🤷🏼‍♂️

And yet, Valve is touted as being among the most ethical and moral of gaming companies.

I think it’s funny that while Stake was getting blasted on Twitch, CS:GO sat quietly in its corner hoping no one would look its way.

There are people who have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this shit.

It’s a problem.

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The genocide essential to America’s foundation would disagree, you dumb ugly cunt.

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This is what you get when you curbstomp conservatives at the polls:


Such an odd and overtly terrible decision to make. This helps literally no one, fixes literally no problems and boosts the community pitchfork economy.

The hell are they thinking?

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Wild to me that you conflated Netanyahu and Trump, rather than Israel and Hamas. But either way, I agree.

I don’t think what Hamas has done is “cool, chill and dope”, but I certainly understand living under the violence of apartheid and becoming violent yourself.

Especially when your prayer, worship and protest are met with military action by your “supervisor”(?)

What else are you supposed to do if you’re a Palestinian? They can’t even live a normal day of peace, that doesn’t exist for them.

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People have been saying it for years. It’s just that once he’s held accountable, it opens the doors for other members to be held accountable for their actions.

Can’t have that ‘round here. That ain’t American.

This guy is so staunch in his toxic capitalism at the cost of everything that he didn’t even stop to consider that this may be a joke.

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It’s Texas. They’ve NEVER been afraid of letting everyone know just how big of pieces of shit they are.

American police put a child in the hospital, but refuse to acknowledge it had been hurt in any way, shape or form.

Typical of those murderous thugs.

Also: There are people who still believe women to be property. I have family like this, who are sex offenders, that still justify their actions to this day.

Pretty much boils down to women having too much autonomy, at least to my sex offender family members.

I’m sure you can guess what side of the political isle they were raised on. lmao

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Same with rap in the 90-00s and even still to this day to some extent.

And I’m pretty damned sure some moderate liberals were wrapped up in it as well. It is America after all, where everyone’s a judgmental bigot.

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If they’re killing witnesses, they’re probably working with the government. This is America after all, where money is the ONLY thing that matters.

Can’t let a big business fail, that would communism.

And they feel proud for it.

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You: Hey government, here’s my vote!

Giant Corporations: Hey government, here’s $1 trillion

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