
1 Post – 388 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

This account is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan.

I watched Inside Gaming/Funhaus a lot but after the whole Adam Kovic thing happened it wasn't the same. The new crew of people were some cool dudes but didn't seem anywhere near as into the crude humor or constant 80's/90's movie trivia stuff and I couldn't go back to the old episodes for a couple years after knowing what I knew.

I dropped Nerd3 after he played Metal Gear Rising and called it a mindless button masher when he was just mashing buttons mindlessly and didn't even go into the movelist. There were instances before that where he didn't bother learning how to play a game before writing it off as the game being bad because he was bad and that was just the last straw.

I watched InTheLittleWood for a bit but he was just a weenie to be honest.

Can't watch kitty0706 without getting a little emotional still.

There are plenty of other channels that I just got bored of their content, or they changed their content to something I didn't gel with. There's no winning with me.

Ricky says Bill Gates needs to shut the fuck up. You have thousands of times more money than any human will ever need leave the rest of us alone you fucking demon.

Has he come out to say anything or is he sticking to the blue line?

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Resigning from the department tells me enough, thanks.

The difficulty is the experience, home slice. People need to accept that some things just aren't for them.

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Why does anyone NEED to play a videogame? There are plenty of other games out there tailor made for every skill level and abilities.

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Because accessibility is not feasible in every case without completely changing the game.

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Oh lawd he used the g slur.

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• The majority of useful packages are hidden in RPM Fusion

I love hip hop too but music is not the answer.

It's 100° in june.

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Osmosis Jones

Notably unbiased person Internet McJournalist

Hi-Fi rush comes out of nowhere to massive critical acclaim just to be shut down anyway because Starfield sucked ass. Why people ever do business with these shitass publishers I'll never understand

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There was a stretch of time I was looking at videos of budget gaming PC builds and they'd be like "How to build a gaming PC for $150" and a lot of them went like "Buy a used Optiplex for $120, max out its RAM for $30, then use this GTX 2080 I got from nvidia for free because I have two billion subscribers."

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These are the kinds of instructions given for jurors of mafia and cartel trials. Which is perfectly fitting. Hope the jurors stay safe.

Well it's official.

I will not be voting for Hunter Biden in November.

"Nobody bought our game we didn't market. Guess we'll stop making an entire genre of games."

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Why do podcasters hate attractive women

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my man genuinely doesn't understand how steam usernames work

also the implication that steam reviews don't matter? then why are you mad about them?

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imagine relying on a technology made by the company best known in the tech industry for abandoning even extremely successful products

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Stop doomposting and start DOOMposting.

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Why are there only five people voting on important FCC regulations

fuck my life anally

now i've ruined it for you permanently

2007 was 4 years ago.

i am so



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people don't complain to get solutions, they complain so everyone knows how miserable they are

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I've waited ten years for this game and am loving playing it now that it's out but I'm still giving a negative review and not buying any MTX.

The fool you will be revealed to be once I complete my Ethernet Over Audio implementation.

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Because usually these people choose to scamper away screaming incoherent obscenities and slurs. Progress is progress.

But the privileged american women told me hijab is a choice tho.

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I don't see why a robot can't lay bricks just as effectively or more than a human.

Man literally had a dupe glitch for bread and fish.

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when rust

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That's a pretty big bias. Healthy, functioning families rarely need to go to family court.

how can pictures be real if cameras aren't real?

GUI. Stop sounding it out as gooey it makes me uncomfortable.

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The audacity. Do YOU see US going into windows communities to shill linux?

Oh. Yeah. Carry on then.

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