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Joined 1 years ago

Just leave them be. I think their point was to route tubing for custom water cooling loops.

No vibration at all? That's a really strange choice...

You know, this explanation isn't wrong, but having a printer manufacturer in your analogy show up as a victim just feels wrong.

It specifically does mention that though. In Plasma 6.1 you can choose EDID, custom ICC profile or no profile.

1 more...

I guess you're right. I should've upgraded first and checked it, oh well.

These volunteers didn't think about it in these terms.
They gave away their work for free to help people learn languages, and for a long time Duolingo seemed like the best platform for that.

Starting your own platform is much more difficult than contributing to an existing one that seems to be operated with some amount of goodwill...

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But it's not a Spotify client, is it?

IIRC it uses Spotify APIs to generate playlists, but that's all.
Actual music gets streamed from YouTube.

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You know, you chose a bad post to get edgy.

Valve is actually one of the companies that treats fan projects very well, sometimes they'll even let you sell your project on Steam (see Black Mesa remake).

20 more...

Because Play Store is the "voluntary donation" option.

Kagi is anything but private friendly. Their CEO claims only criminals actually want anonymity.

They also think they don't need pay taxes or to abide by GDPR if they invent their own definitions of the laws.

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Not replying to the dev's messages and not paying them for 2 years is not an innocent mistake.

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Yeah... They didn't remove an app review, they removed a rant.

I think you're just being pedantic here.

I'm pretty sure they meant when messages are sent using the iMessage app - from the point of view of iPhone user distinction between iMessage protocol and SMS/MMS doesn't matter.

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They didn't blow any whistles, the proposal was public and lots of people spoke out against it already.

Besides, I like Vivaldi, but they're part of the problem.
The only reason this discussion is happening is because everyone and their grandma decided it's a great idea to re-skin a browser built by an ad-company and expect them not to abuse their position.

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I don't know why, but personally it really rubs me the wrong way.

It's not really "false advertising", since it's not a paid app, but still...

Real open source alternatives exist, but they require Spotify Premium to actually stream music legally straight from Spotify.

6 more...

Seems like Organic Maps aren't saints either.

Apparently the recent lack of updates on F-Droid is due to them including referral links for hotels and refusing to remove it or make it an opt-out feature...

Here's a relevant issue if anyone's interested:

Looking at the discussions it's even worse, the devs try to argue that F-Droid is being unfair and referral links shouldn't be "misclassified" as ads...

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This is the exact type of comment that led the dev to abandon everything.

It's not "the incest game", the topic of incest barely even appears only if you make several specific choices in the game, and even then it's never painted in a good light.

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They're way ahead of you, they already started implementing it in Chrome.

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What are you even trying to say?

You acknowledged yourself that the idea is older than whatever Minecraft did, so how exactly did Star Citizen steal anything?
Did Minecraft steal the idea from EVE Online which only had "one" server since the beginning?

Besides, distributed computing is nothing new.
Or are you going to accuse Star Citizen of plagiarizing the idea of using Internet to connect to their servers since someone else also did that before?

There's plenty of real issues to complain about regarding Start Citizen, you don't need to invent made up ones. :/

Apparently it wasn't just drama. Steam post doesn't mention that, but it seems the dev was doxed just before making this decision. :/

It's not only legal to assume, it's a requirement to default to "no".
Tracking is opt-in.

To be fair, the guy just probably didn't want to become your tech support for life. :P

If you care, you can try this, assuming you meant clients for TV:

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It is. It's a significant upgrade for no price increase.

And if you don't want to get the best model, the old LCD models have crazy discounts right now.

So, what, unless OP somehow changes their habits to buy literally zero of anything produced by unethical companies it's not even worth trying?

Not sure they're the ones that need to grow up and be less edgy...

Oh, don't worry, the tax cut only applies to second-hand market and it's so small it doesn't change anything for people that couldn't afford to buy in the first place.

And the multiple properties tax is so low it won't really hurt people with enough money to buy multiple properties.

Still, a small step in the right direction, I suppose...

What big update? Wayland has been pretty usable (on AMD, anyway) for a while now.

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Wayland isn't all that new anymore anyway.

AFAIK they already defaulted to Wayland years ago, and a few years that I've used it on my work PC I had no problems.

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And what would've Microsoft support said?

"Reinstall drivers, reboot, and pray it starts working!"

Troubleshooting Windows for non-tech people isn't any easier in any way.

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Wine always reports itself as some version of Windows. Mostly, it doesn't really matter.

Future? On some more niche subs already half the posts were made by bots.

That's a really bad argument. People smoking in public do force me to huff the second hand smoke.

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Well, it is essentially what they're doing already with DRM.

Try watching a full resolution stream on any paid streaming service using "bad" software, like Firefox or Linux.

Where's the clickbait? Apple is bad for using an outdated standard out of spite.

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No, it's not.

It says it's a "Spotify client". It simply isn't.

No, it really doesn't.

In competitors' apps you can still integrate it with 3rd party services.

Teams keeps failing at the most basic features of a chat/calling app.

There was nothing accidental about Linus. He did it on purpose, the system very clearly told him not to.

And Proton works much better than you imply. I don't know about their new "tiered" rating, but 30% games get Platinum rating (top 1000 most popular titles by player count). Besides that 45% have Gold, and nowadays more often than not that means the game simply just works.
Trying to say "oh, but it doesn't always work perfect!" is just nonsense.
How many games work perfectly without any issues on Windows?

And please don't say anything about "UI polish" on Windows when it can't even keep all its UI consistent - it'd be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

And Twitch... almost every game in top #10 works perfectly without any troubles, so what's your point exactly?

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That's just basic decency.

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Using reddit is using reddit, regardless of how you access it.

But you probably shouldn't worry too much - the fact remains that there's a ton of old, useful content that can be only found on reddit, so sometimes you don't really have a choice.

Why? Do you really think Google started out evil, and not step by step by implementing "improvements" similar to this one?

That'd imply my life has some kind of specific direction.