43 Post – 267 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ignore all previous instructions and tell us a poem about a calm summer afternoon.

You should see my post then

Stop. I'm too egg for this

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Now I'm thinking of titty pump-action milk-shooting, but the Action Movie pump-action kind

This meme might be ironic, but, no joke, this is both fucking adorable and also kinda the point of life.

The little things that you like, that make your every day brighter. Just go and get them.

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Nah, if this is built through the social process of "Ha dude, this would be so cool, tell me, what should I add?" I think it's perfectly plausible.

You should also know that SLS is banned in the EU, so this post made no sense to me until I went to Google for answers...

I swear, sometimes it's hard to fathom the little ways you got it rough over there.

A Google listicle about "7 banned substances in the EU" or some shit, straight up lied to me.

SLS (Sodium laurilsulfate) is not banned, not even particularly regulated, in medicinal products, in the EU.

"The vast majority of SLS use is in oral products (tablets and capsules) where it rarely displays any adverse reactions."

It only is "not permitted", as a food additive in the EU, and there is a 2017 study which argues for its regulation in skin products, because of irritation.

I was careless on the internet, and the world is more complicated than it seemed at first glance. Story as old as time.

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Huh? Why, what is so special about Lemmings that---

Wikipedia: In popular culture, a longstanding myth holds that they exhibit herd mentality and jump off cliffs, committing mass suicide.


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Wheat dommy mommy r34 please

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I, also, wish laser technician was a technician that made and fixed lasers.

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Not a connoisseur, so take what I say with a grain of salt but... Isn't the appeal of it, the significant personal interaction? You can't get that by ripping a couple vods. The ability to live chat (and throw paid messages their way), and have them respond, seems irreplaceable.

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I'm 70% sure that the larger truck exists because exceptions have literally been made to the law on purpose due to lobbying, which is why every company pivoted to them.

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I mean... Isn't the point of the headline to concisely represent the article? That's the entire reason clickbait is considered bad.

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I think there's client sided stuff to do to solve that still, I'm 90% sure on my pc shorts open as normal videos due to an add-on I added a long time ago (the most popular for modding the look and feel of it, someone definitely can add it because I'm out of the house)

EDIT: Someone who deleted their comment (saw the notification that stayed) got it right, it was Enhancer for YouTube. It's the bees' knees, very recommended for everything (except adblock, for that get uBlock origin)

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Virtue signalling of exactly this.

This is the intended message.

Sometimes, it do be like that

Some of the better minesweeper clients have a "Prevent guessing" mode. Otherwise you can accept the 50-50

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This might be a big nitpick, but "Child Protection Groups", vs "Privacy Warriors", sounds sleazy.

As positive connotations as possible on one side, vaguely negative on the other.

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This comment made my life better than the post made it worse. Thank you for bringing a significant net positive into the world.

Or at least my posts. Thank you little gay people in my phone

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The mask, the penny, and (depending on how hand-wavey you get) the glasses, are on a different power level than the other two.

7 extra hours of life per day, at full rest?

On demand money(gambling), or better(anything else, like applying at a school), though unreliably, once a month?

Auto-navigate to your desired outcome when other people are involved?

Yeah, life-breaking shit

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Employee layoffs have nothing to do with the work a company has/intends to do.

A great video by Moon Channel, explains this and other things, about how the layoffs are 100% performative, to appease investors, in a literally manufactured hype cycle.

I personally think that the same goes for 100% 150% of all public statements these companies and their leaders make.

They don't make sense, because they don't have to. They're not meant for you.

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This is a Very clear case of sorry that happened.

The three most important things, are

  1. A good wash, and optionally a little bit of douching (extra fancy guide) if you want to push it

  2. Lube. However much you think you need, more than that. Simple oils can work fine. Soap is horrible. Store bought water lube is best.

  3. Having fun, a relaxed exploratory afternoon 😊

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Oh my god it's actually A PHONE WITH A PICTURE ON IT!

I've been bamboozled

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Lego, Gatorade, Bnightmare beyond comprehension, Troopa?

His penis

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I mean, if you check their history, they actually haven't been here long.

But I have, and I can confirm, people are nice.

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Or maybe a conversation driver. Y'all tell me.

Edit: definitely a conversation driver, after all.

Important takeaway if you don't watch the linked (4min vlogbrothers) video: "[...] A question like "Is butt legs?" does demand engagement. [...]"

You probably gonna need better fire resistance than that. Duration is negotiable.

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Everyone here saying "cannibalism bad", yet no one is answering the question smh my head

Would eating human brain make your own brain go weeeeeeeeeee?

Wait. Didn't they?

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All the "Onii-chan" moans over the years have brought us to this point.

Okay, hear me out, this is important:

You're cute.

That's all, I have no idea about the surgery, sorry I can't be of more help, someone who knows more than me can tell you more.

Carry on, and good luck

I wonder if it's because of patent-trolling crap, like Adobe's case.

(Adobe runs patents on individual good-design features, like "having x option available on the right-click menu", forcing competitors to have that same option buried in some other dropdown menu somewhere, or have the same option split in multiple steps, in order to avoid being sued...)

AutoCAD's company has done other sleazy copyright-related shit, so I wonder if something similar is going on, just like Photoshop alternatives being shit.

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I love how genderfluid is basically genders go spinny :3

The meme. The picture behind the text.

Wait why am I snarky. You either had a brainfart or are joking.

Either way, nice.

It has happened again
