credit crazy

3 Post – 366 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Gotta love how we have parodied loss so many times we have quite literally tuned it into a formula 1 2 2 1-

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One line then 2 lines then another 2 lines and then one line next to a horizontal line and you have Ulta simplified loss formula

I'm 19 dropped out of college and still living with parents. Right now I'm really planning on just saving up to move to Japan because everything in the US is taxed to high hell and our government is barely functional. I'm just fed up with everything so I'm just going to keep myself sane by studying Japanese and minimizing my expenses

Lizard is looking at the camera like you seeing this shit

I think you traumatized even the local deer population

It's called the see food diet

You might even say we ironed that problem out

There's a lot of fantasy settings id like to live in but Warhammer is not one of them especially anything imperium related

I find myself between left top and bottom. Working a manual labor job and still going nowhere in life.

I will admit not much as most the value of Stonehenge is knowledge we don't know yet but here we are getting up in arms over a vandalized public library which 99percent of the time carys 100 percent manufactured books you can go to your local library and destroy their copy of the giving tree and while your community will have to wait to be able to read the giving tree again your public library can always order a new copy of the giving tree and even if somehow every physical copy of the giving tree got destroyed you can go online and find a PDF scan of the giving tree and print it out to make a new copy of the giving tree meanwhile you can think of Stonehenge as a book in a forgotten language that no one can understand yet and before we can figure out what Stonehenge is trying to say someone burns it and while yeah nothing changes in our lives because we didn't understand it yet but now that ass hole just prevented us all from ever getting the chance to understand and read the tail of Stonehenge I'm not even a millionaire but even I want to know the story but if Stonehenge got destroyed then I'd be depraved of the chance to read my version of the giving tree

With a lot of fine art I can see your point but Stonehenge as far as I understand is something we don't understand the propose of and is so old I would hardly call it art anymore and moreso a historical site of study it might've been a art piece when new maybe it was a place of worship or maybe it was a home we don't know so yea Id say vandalizing Stonehenge is absolutely on par with vandalizing a book but at least books in this time have plenty of carbon copies and easily replaced and duplicated but there's only one Stonehenge and we don't have the knowledge to replace or even repair it we don't even know the full history of what it even was there's unknown knowledge yet to be understood

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Looking at people talking about just stop oil I really do think the last thing you said is something a lot of protesters regardless of movement or message if you just annoy people your going to just make people pissed at you rather than with you I don't care what you're protesting get off the road

Id be a bit careless to say they are a hundred percent harmless but over all they are really shy and cerous creatures id probably say you were being just as shy and careful about them as they were being towards you so yeah they have the strength and weight to crush you and rip you apart but they at most accidentally use that capability bulls on the other hand as far as I'm informed are kinda like 100 ton dogs

In my sci Fi that I've been working on has this theory being true but I also play with asking what is the point of colonization. In my story humans have colonized mars to study the fossils and what life used to be like on Mars. However the people there after a few generations separate from earth. Earth doesn't do anything about it because not only can mars use telescopes to see our ipbm years before it arrives and have that time to shoot our ipbm before it arrives but invasion will destroy the fossils we care about. And that's all assuming history won't just repeat itself. Eventually the mars colony expands until it breaks into different nations all fighting echother to become the first martin superpower. So everything that earth cares about gets destroyed by war anyway and earth is pointless to mars without life and water. Eventually the sun becomes so old that everyone feels the need to move their populations to another solar system. And only then de humans discover alien life. Only to discover that it's currently 900 billion years beyond 2024 and aliens are just now figuring out radio waves and rockets and are more concerned about developing eugenics than discovering humans.

While that is true I would counter point that humans have a bit of a handicap as earth got hit by a big astroid that killed just about everything on it making terran life have to start all over again but at the other hand I saw someone else on here mentioned that oil has given us a head start at space ferrang advancement and oil is made from dead life so granted I haven't done much reacerch on how oil forms naturally but I do wonder if we would have oil if earth never got blown up but on top of all that there are theorys that mars used to have life so if astroids haven't interfered with our solar system intelligent life may have formed faster and maybe twice also there used to be multiple species of humans in the past so maybe 4 or five times in the same solar system

If someone can successfully train racoons to do their job I'd probably give them a raise and some deodorant

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You see YouTube is a American company and in America every thing is extreme you ether have a lot of ads or no ads you can have a extremely massive car or a cat that's soo small it doesn't exist

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Believe it or not they do actually

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You'd think they were already blind with all a crappy art they are shilling for

One thing I don't see a lot of people talking about is how nuclear is probably better for the environment due to how you don't have to cut down a Forrest to generate a viable amount of electricity meanwhile nuclear only requires two factory sised buildings to generate more than enough electricity to be viable and that's assuming you have a sister breeder reactor to generate power from the waste

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Did glados write this

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Wait are they charging people for upvoteing

First up is it really that important that perverts can't make ai tits. Two the fact that the only reason it can't make porn is a prompt filter that must mean that there is porn in the training data. Why did they use porn in the training data if they don't want porn coming out of it.

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Genuinely curious what does fanny mean in Australia

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To ad to the first 2 points when a cable is broken often from getting tripped from the cable it's now a electrocution hazard meanwhile with the sockets we have now when you trip from a cable it's just unplugs and there's no risk of electrocution

Technically we all have tails already. However they are made entirely of bone and aren't long enough to stick out. Really all they do is make sitting on hard surfaces uncomfortable and try to dig their way out of your ass when you do situps without a mat

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Classified documents feels pretty illegal to know. Especially when there are cia agents tracking you down. That really hammers in the this is illegal feel.

I actually really like Philips with slot because it's just a Philips with a slot for when the Philips gets stripped so the two on the bottom right corner are the best in my opinion because if one ether the flat head or the Philips gets stripped you can just grab a ratchet or spanner

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It's so ordinary you might even say it's extra ordinary

Considering the state of trucks today I can absolutely buy a cyber truck getting stuck and needing a tow. Like seriously init that thing like 100 grand. It's just a another sedan with a tailgate instead of a trunk.

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Reading your edit not gave me the mental image of a country being attacked and their military just surrounds and protects one singular confused random citizen

Number 5 is probably my favorite mostly because I like talking hyperboles and taking them even further

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Sounds like something a vampire would say ~or a southerner~

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Idk he did win the ultimate showdown

Honestly I'd love to have more you ain't selling it laws but hey I'm just a dude who wants to play Majora's mask without having to wear my N64 into dust fr why are we treating retro games like they are currently being sold

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Proof that no matter what you say on the Internet someone will try to argue with you even when you both agree

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But if we are going by topology logic the vagina isn't a true hole it's caped by the womb init so it's at most a cave

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Get on the type writer shinji

That's cursed

Well you see we store this nuclear waste in what we call breeder reactors and continue generating power

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