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Joined 9 months ago

Well, perhaps that process would be more difficult and resource-intensive in this hypothetical scenario, so it would be much easier and less hassle to just keep the bodies alive?

When corporations dabble in philosophy, you know they're trying to muddy the waters and skirt an ethical issue. It's not a genuine inquiry going on here; it's a "whatever argument serves the bottom line" situation.

I guess there's no such thing as intellectual property either, when you really think about it. Hence nothing wrong with me making and selling pirated samsung phones.

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The hard thing is finding an infant in a wheelchair to go with you

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Any university that doesn't charge tuition fees.

The Internet Archive.

Fugazi (the band)

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As far as I understand, the sole reason is "everyone else is using it". Which also seems to be the justification for using Messenger, WhatsApp, X, Instagram et al despite knowing better. It's hard to be outside of the walled garden if everybody else is inside.

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He is obviously inflated, she has to hold him down or else he'll float to the ceiling.

So, lick the boot instead of resisting you say?

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They were deleted by their creator.

Thank you "caitas cooing" for pointing out the most obvious thing you could have.

I'm still missing a wheelchair. And now I really need to go.

Well, what about

Volvo plunged into Norway fjord before ‘quietly awkward’ occupants rescued by passing floating sauna

OK, I'm imagining it now.

Psalm 137

By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion.

There on the poplars we hung our harps,

for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land?

If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill.

May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy.

Remember, Lord, what the Edomites did on the day Jerusalem fell.

“Tear it down,” they cried, “tear it down to its foundations!”

Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is the one who repays you according to what you have done to us. Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

For context, the book of Psalms is a collection of jewish hymns. Psalm 137 is written from the viewpoint of defeated jews in Babylonian exile; the last verse may well be read as a defiant answer to the line "sing us one of the songs of zion!". The god of the bible is not speaking directly here nor is he being addressed.

As additional context, Boney M's disco version is actually a cover version of The Melodians "Rivers of Babylon" (featured on the soundtrack of the film The Harder They Come) and tactfully omits the verse about dashing Babylonian infants against rocks.

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Europe gives Elon Musk 24 hours to respond

So kinda like... a Final Countdown?

The history of chatbots for support purposes show us that jobs will be replaced not when they can be done as good, but good enough, and what "enough" means is going to be a race to the bottom kind of situation over time.

It was more in response to your comments. I don't think anyone has a problem with useful FOSS alternatives per se.

Well, I for one want to hear more about your racist dog?

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On the other hand, there's a billion saunas around the city if you want hot and dry

Give Kagi a try if you haven't already. It'll cost you a little but you can try it for free (100 searches I think) and see how you like it. The advantage of paying for search is of course that you're no longer the product, so no more selling your data to ad companies every time you search something, plus it's actually in the providers' interest to make searching a better experience for you. Just the fact that I never have to see Quora in my search results ever again (I can just block their site) would be worth the price for me. It's just a little thing that made a huge difference for me since I search the web so many times daily, and for a long time now the results has been mostly useless.

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Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin

More like rapidly flipping german, french, english, swedish and danish channels on a TV

Surely that's "heavy stuff"?

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As a left-leaning feminist, why would she like Trump? Whatever your opinions of her, even her enemies call her a TERF; RF stands for Radical Feminist. Hardly Trump's primary demographic.

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A reverse google image search gave me this: Seems to be the original, but I don't know for sure.

Her blown up remains you mean?

Well, it's implied that a house is part of the deal, since where else is the horse going to live? A flight attendant won't have a horse house just sitting around.

I'm actually starting to doubt that he's a force for good in this world...

"Nazi" is short for National Socialism, yes, as in social ownership of the means of production in service of the national state. Don't confuse the lazy modern usage of the term "socialism" for the actual historical definition.

And the whole point OP was making is Rowling and Trump are not working together. In fact, they take diametrically opposed stances on most, if not all, issues. And even if you see the end result as equal, they do not agree on this issue either. Their motivations are very different.

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Anyone wanna make a firefox plugin or something for this?

when WE hallucinate, it's because our internal predictive models are flying off the rails filling in the blanks based on assumptions rather than referencing concrete sensory information and generating results that conflict with reality.

Is it really? You make it sound like this is a proven fact.

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Yes, obviously her evil plan was to pose as a feminist since her youth just to enable a devious undercover attack on trans people late in life. A good thing so many people online are seeing through this malicious disguise.

So, honest question, genuinely not here to argue but to learn: how is this approach scalable to a society of millions, or even billions? What are some thoughts on this?

It seems to me that any society in history that operates this way successfully consists of small groups of people living very differently than we generally do today, often sharing a common ethnic or familial bond or some common purpose. Although I'm sympathetic to anarchism in principle and in smaller groups, human society seems to have gone beyond any hope of a successful anarchic turnover long ago. Any breakdown of societal order seems to result in bad actors taking advantage, even when such developments seem positive at first. And any positive ahierarchical community that becomes too big eventually becomes corrupted it seems.

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"It's a lovely morning in the village, and you are a horrible goose."

Gangsta rap beats all genres mentioned here in terms of associated violence and death.

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Apps are challenging to preserve, but it's the MMORPGs and online games that are almost impossible since there is no game without active servers and people playing the game. Hardware can be emulated and code preserved, so the apps you're talking about could be preserved IF Apple, Google et al wanted to - which of course probably won't happen, but still.

I think if you're interested then it's the sort of thing maybe best learned from books directly.

I agree, thanks for the recommendations! Exactly what I was looking for.

What song is playing in the montage?

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Yes, the background pattern and colours should be chosen to actively interfere with reading any text on the page. For example, it's great if there's large patches of black in the background and the text is also black.

Flashing is also key. A lot of text should be flashing and there should be unreadable ticker tape text at random places.

Well, the main "point" of religion was never to be anyone's "moral compass".

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