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Joined 12 months ago

Oh man this just awakened the memory of the "Big Dawg" stores. Actual stores that were ONLY big dawg merch shirts, hats, and pants.

After reading all the comments about wanting his life to be over and the counters about feeling bad for him etc. I think ive come to a conclusion on how to ethically handle him.

I'm going to laugh. I'm going to laugh at how foolish he looks having a stroke on stage. How despite all of the terrible things he has done to this country on a socio-economic level trying to line his pockets and stay in power, he is standing up there, feeble and barely coherent, looking like he simultaneously shat himself and forgot his name, I'm going to laugh.

Because if he wants any semblance of dignity, any ounce of respect, he needs to admit that he is done and bow out.

"But he is still human, have some empathy" No, why should I? This man has engineered tearing the country apart so he can put his grubby hands all over it and smear it in his own grease. And he is still trying to keep doing it!

What I see up there is an old man trying to walk across the freeway, with a dozen people telling him not to. And he is not only ignoring them but lifting his nose high and walking out into the road anyway. So when I see that mack truck hit him like it did on that stage, I laugh.

A smaller switch would be a terrible idea. They're already pushing so hard to have mainstream games on the console, and those games have UI elements that can only get so small before they're useless. You'd have to develop your UI around being used on these tiny screens, which either takes extra work or leaves big screen users screwed.

A smaller screen switch would basically be relegated to phone games, and all other games would lose a lot of detail to size

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Same as every other time he has tried to stir shit with these trials. All they have to do is keep a level head and let the hammer drop. They've got him, the evidence is there, all they have to do is get the trials to go through with as few hiccups as possible. These judges need to keep a level head and they should be able to do so easily because, despite all the petulant whining and diversionary tactics, they've got him.

There's significantly less plastic in them, they only have to have a very thin coating to prevent the metal from oxidizing, vs having to be structurally supportive and retain its own shape. On top of that, aluminum is infinitely recyclable

I've often called Target "Walmart without the stigma". They advertise themselves and nice and clean, but it's just Walmart with clients that don't want to be seen going to Walmart.

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Yeah my best guess here is the possibility of someone being suicidal anyway and deciding to commit a hate crime to go out as some sort of half-assed martyr, or as some idiot that spent too long on the message boards and decided to "defend America" by committing a hate crime. Either way, an idiot that has signed a receipt for "I won't be missed"

Oh man I just had a thought. If they require an ID for auth, someone at the news agency has to validate their ID. If that person gets fired, and decides to use their ID to validate ownership and change the password on the account, malicious activity ensues.

Is that a neo-mazi hand sign? Looks like he's just doing the devil horns or something to me.

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I feel like even the smart ones who built rockets and bombs saw us killing nazis and were like "yeah that's probably for the best"

Mine is Succ Boi

Without going on a whole dissertation, there are a lot of aspects that have to be figured out for a government sanctioned execution to occur.

You could in theory just have an officer whip out a shotgun and bang, problem solved, much like you mentioned with suicide. But when it's sanctioned by the government you have to be very discerning with a lot of different details.

Why are we ending this person's life

Because we have deemed their actions excessively heinous and do not want them to drain further on society by being incarcerated

In ending their life should we be causing them pain?

Huge debate, but the main reason we use lethal injection or gas executions instead now is to end their life without pain or torture. Ideally a person would just be turned off like a light without them even noticing.

How can you be sure you got the right person

Big question, but we are talking execution

What if the execution fails or goes incorrectly, now we've maimed someone and caused undue suffering, which as a people we have decided we wouldn't do.

Exactly. That's why there are so many issues surrounding lethal injection chemicals and sources. How do you create these chemicals properly and precisely, without spending excess money or profiting off govt sanctioned murder.

Why not carbon monoxide?

Short answer, it's flammable and dangerous to the people performing the executions. That's why nitrogen is a decent possibility for something like this, it is inert, common, and can be acquired and vented away with little issue.

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One could only dream

It's not about being accomplished for most of them anymore. It's about not letting go of their power. They won't admit to themselves that they're old or the world has changed. They grip desperately to their seat and their power because they "can still do it", and they "know what's best".

People who have had a senile friend or family member have seen similar stuff plenty of times. Older adults who can't even close their hands all the way or remember that they dont have shoes on will argue and fight, sometimes violently, that they can still do something. For example, still cook with an open flame despite catching their house on fire three separate times. Or that they can still drive despite not seeing past their fingertips and not knowing what city they're in.

There is a thing called aging gracefully that involves accepting the difficulties of getting older and passing the torch, and clearly a large number of politicians are having a serious problem with it.

Linen cloth, time to start making bandages again.

It sucks because there's a lot about the ending (I'll be as spoiler free as possible) but the ending basically being "And then nothing happened" is kind of the point. It's meant to be bittersweet, because the story is about escapism but that ultimately you have to come back to reality eventually. The ending does the big lead up of oh man there's a big fantasy and heres the happy ever after. but throughout the whole game it repeats over and over that things aren't as magic and wild as you want it to be, that sometimes there's a simple, boring, and sometimes sad explanation, and at the end of the day reality is the only thing that stays.

Firewatch is definitely more of a "reflecting philosophy" game than a straight up "gamer story" game.

As someone else said, recovering alcoholics, but also they market towards sustainability. Infinitely recyclable aluminum instead of single use bottles and all that. I'm still just gonna drink from the tap most of the time, but I'll pick one up on a road trip or if I'm going on a picnic or something

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Nonono you see God raises up all the "good" people, all the "bad" people were godless heathens.

See the "good" people appeal to Gods followers by claiming to be a prophet of gods wisdom and telling them to vote for them on faith. The "bad" people tricked and manipulated others into gaining their power by posing as false prophets and liars.

Do you see the difference?

It sucks, but there is a lot of precedent in the US for "you are allowed to be as stupid with your money as you want, as long as you're sane."

He may have delusions around his religion or beliefs, but he has the rights to have those delusions and beliefs, and if he wants to place bets on his beliefs because he holds them that strongly then he can. If someone else spots him as a mark and takes advantage of him, sure it was dumb of him, and they may not be in the cleanest moral area, but that's America, learn your lesson and move on.

You go to New York and some guy sells you a newspaper that helps raise money for charity and the homeless for $5 and you believe him then find out it's a free paper all over the city, that's life.

We can protect you when you don't know any better, but when you bet everyone in the room that you can fly and you can't? That's a hard bet to make buddy, and a harder bill to pay.

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Problem is things will have to get worse for a lot more people for that to really happen en masse, I support the idea but I wouldn't probably stop because none of my debts are debilitating. I have a good savings and my only payment is my mortgage and whatever I put on my credit card that month. I'm not going to just stop paying my mortgage for a political movement, and a lot of other people won't either, supporting or not, people don't like risking their homes when they don't technically have to.

All the banks have to do is make examples of a few good people and all the others will likely fall back in line. Finances and debt is something that is very personal to a lot of peopl so people are hesitant to let that flag fly and unite publicly as well.

Wow twice now. That's...well maybe throw in the towel buddy.

Literally the reason I started regularly using Firefox

To elaborate for the curious, basically a community sets up a committee that will handle these things. You would normally pay HOA fees to cover things like paying for the streetlights in a private community, the pool or fitness center, or whatever a long those lines. Basically for a private community it's a way to say "Hey, we need some things done to keep things nice, everyone pay in so the flowers look good this year". Normally, not a bad idea. There are usually two things that go wrong though. One, the money is mismanaged and/or people are heavily overcharged and the extra money disappears. The other is that HOAs also have rules for the community to keep things orderly on their own property. No cars in your yard, no blaring music after 9pm, etc. But you hear about a lot of cases where this stuff gets out of hand and suddenly people are getting fined for having trash cans out too long or the wrong colored curtains.

Because of this, people have justifiably built up a lot of hate for HOAs. Imagine buying a house, your own property, then paying +$100 a month to keep the neighborhood nice, then some picky Karen comes by to tell you that you can't hang up your sports team flag and if you don't take it down they'll fine you $50 a day.

That's why I had the "and heinous actions" part. Life in prison is already a thing, we don't execute people who got life, as you said it's more expensive. But I suppose I could have better phrased it as "their actions were heinous enough that we don't believe they deserve to have the right to life within our society".

I prefer "affective managers" as in "that managers attitude has affected employees desire to work here"

Alright who's going to tell me this is some terrible sign of climate change, poison in the water, or some dickheads on yachts chasing it with a minigun or something.

People still remember handbanana??

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In universe I want to guess they added pressure to the back side of the system to balance out the water vs air pressure since it's part of the training system. That said, it was probably just movie magic bs.

Came up in a discussion about it yesterday, "The loss of the potential is a shame, but the loss of a reality is worse". You can argue that fetus is a potential life sure, but to sacrifice an actual in progress life with hopes and dreams is a waste, versus one that currently only knows instinct if anything.

I mean as a career goes, that's about right for a lifetime career though. The problem is that he got into that position when he was almost 50. Additionally, if you take in his whole political career he is WAY over the limit. The age is the biggest problem here though, the man was born when Hitler was still a threat. He came into office before the Berlin wall fell. He's well past his expiration date as far as that goes.

Is it rotating weekly? If this is so common then what is the benefit of this? Like surely just keeping your employees constantly confused/off balance during their shift isn't good

I had a job that rotated, but it was quarterly, and it was so nobody got "stuck" on nights/days.

First comment to get a cringe out of me as I thought of the spiky pedals. Congrats

I see what you're getting at, but the point of keeping this person anonymous is to lessen their ability to be used by people as a symbol or turn them into a martyr. It's far easier for bigots to say "remember Joe Johnson, we fight for him or whatever" and spin it their way than it is to say "remember that guy who shot the guy who hung up a flag? He's our man!"

Not tying a name to the criminal prevents them from being immortalized because they're not "Joe the defender" or whatever, they're "a murderer". There will still be bigots out there for sure, but leaving this person nameless gives them one less thing to latch on to.

Pretty sure you'd have to be "too old" to remember filthy frank (or pink guy) from the early YouTube days. All that happened was he started making music under the name joji

In my experience it depends on the bar. I have a local that I like that is very laid back and relaxed bar scene, you still get some rowdy groups, but it's not like fighting for the bartenders attention or blasting music. Perfectly easy to go in alone or with friends, sit down and shoot the shit for a few hours. Doesn't really matter what's in your glass.