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Joined 1 years ago

Like most Republican projects, they had the concepts of an impeachment....

Call him a coward. Do it. Or at least imply it: "only a coward would refuse a debate, especially after he thinks he won the last one..."

Innovative solutions to what problems exactly? Problems they created so that AI could solve them?

$20 says this piece of shit starts bitching about "respecting her privacy", while telling others how they should live.


Are these "customers" the same group that retail managers always use as an excuse to not give people chairs?

"Our customers don't like it when register workers sit down"

"Fucking name one..."

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doesn't subscribe to cult of personality

How much are blue check marks again?

Fuck you "Rafael"...

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How to ensure you will never get hired by anyone with the ability to Google, ever again.

Stolen from another post, but what the hell kinda of party nominated someone who has never voted before, to be a delegate!?

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Yup, as soon as they started the mandatory login bullshit, I bounced. Companies keep adding this "feature" as a way to control your stuff: Doom on Switch, Halo Master Chief edition, nvidia, my fucking mouse(!?); all need a login for no other reason than to add a point of failure/killswitch.

Clean Latifah

He's joined Hercules in the great Sandlot in the sky.

I can second the Zimaboard. I've got two HDDs hooked up to the SATA ports, and grabbed a cheap PCIE SATA daughter card for the SSDs.

I also used a PC power supply to run 12v to the board, and i use the built in SATA power cables. Look up "how to use pc psu as power supply", it'll tell you how to get it running without a motherboard.

Here's my setup: PC case network setup

WTF?! In some states, your registered for jury duty when you get a driver's license...

As an introvert, doing a "cart run" was my temporary reprieve from the horrors of retail.

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He's terrified that his employees are going to do to him, what he did at his last place...

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Throw some hard drives on it and baby, you got a stew home media server goin!

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You can only enjoy the perks during your 45 minute lunch break. Food or fun, your choice ..

How the fuck do you stay in business when this is the kind of "investments" you make...?

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When my ex and i would watch Star Trek Enterprise, I would start screaming like Homer Simpson having night terrors whenever the theme song would start.

He'd be laughing so hard, he could barely get to the remote to skip the intro, all the while I was fake screaming basically in his face.

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They hired that cat as a crisis actor and gave him a script!

I'm going to get my popcorn, and watch the Twitter response while listening to Popcorn, which should just be the soundtrack to the Republican party...

Edit: Awesome version of Popcorn :

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Updated WordPress...

Previous Web Dev had a whole mess of code inside the theme that was deprecated between WP versions.

Fuck WordPress for static sites...

Are we bringing back the Scaramucci Scale?

Never interrupt your enemy when their making a mistake.

"You don't need glasses/braces/a new toothbrush (!?), you're just being dramatic!"

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The Nexus One had so many features I miss:

Trackball for scrolling

Notification light built into the trackball with customizable colors depending on the app

Back plate came off, replaceable battery

Small and a one handed wonder, the trackball kept my fingers off the screen

It was a replacement for my jail broken iPhone OG, such a better interface for me than the iPhones and it had very basic multitasking when the other guys could only do one app at a time

Edit: Formatting

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I don't care what celebrities have to say about politics, why the fuck would I listen to a mother fucking bookie!?

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Challenging user interface, fantastic graphics

Reviewed in the United States on June 21, 2012

The first thing that strikes you about Tuscan Whole Milk (I got the fully loaded 128 fl oz model) is the minimalism. I spent half an hour failing to find the power switch, until my roommate, who is much more technical than I am, explained that Tuscan Whole Milk doesn't have one. The user -- he explained the design philosophy to me -- shouldn't have to know whether his Tuscan Whole Milk is on or not; it's not part of what he's trying to do. So the unit is always on: it stays in sleep mode until you use it, and then it goes into full power mode without any further user intervention. Talk about Steve Jobs, only even more so!

But it's not easy on the user. I expected to be able to simply point and click, but I couldn't find a 'pour' icon, and it turns out there isn't a trackpad or even a mouse. Instead, the user interacts with Tuscan Whole Milk through a 'handle', a gripping device built into one side of the unit, that you insert your hand into; it can be lifted or tilted. In a way, it's very elegantly conceived: flow is controlled by angle of tilt, and flow destination by moving the unit as a whole, via its handle, to a target bowl or glass. It takes a little while to learn, but the 'pick up the handle and pour' metaphor is compelling, and radically innovative -- the biggest step forward in interface design since the glove.

Being fixated on the controlling metaphor isn't always a good thing, however. Users are used to point and click interfaces, and these should be provided as an option. And I was curious about what other software packages were available for the Tuscan Whole Milk, and how they would exploit the handle interface. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that there aren't any. That's right, there's no app store, no third party vendors online. And even if you found a third party app, you couldn't install it. There's no internet connectivity, not even a USB port. Tuscan Whole Milk is dedicated single-purpose hardware.

Apropos: Another reviewer says he rooted and bricked his unit. Frankly, I'm skeptical. As far as I can tell, user access to the OS is completely blocked -- I couldn't even get a shell terminal -- and I don't see how he could have done it.

Worse, Tuscan Whole Milk isn't rechargeable. There's no way even to plug it in. Once your Tuscan Whole Milk is 'empty'(indicated by the 'fluid level' on the external display reaching the bottom of the unit), you're supposed to throw it out. So it's not just single-purpose hardware, it's disposable. Elegance is elegance, but this is taking a nice idea way too far.

Although I'm disappointed with what was made of a very promising user interface concept, I have to mention the graphics, which almost make up for it. When you pour, the 'milk' looks absolutely convincing; the algorithm team managed something special here. The animation was so good that it actually fooled my cat, who drank some of the Tuscan Whole Milk.

It's called floam and it's an unholy mix of polystyrene beads and slime...

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But they have spray painted sneakers!? And we all know, because Trump never lies, that black people love sneakers! /s


Texas governor campaigned on "reducing emissions from trucks" so he had them reclassified as "light utility vehicles". Dusts hands problem solved! (ButteryMales)

During the pandemic my car sat in the garage until the battery died. After 7 hours of charging it, turned on the car and found the hybrid battery was almost full.

I get why the high and low voltage systems are separate, but damn that was one of those "Really!?" moments...

The wake on LAN option is an absolute joke too.

Leave computer for a while > goes to sleep

Come back in the morning > computer is on and room is warm

No magic packet was sent, it just decided it was going to wake up and then ignore the "sleep after X minutes" setting and just remain on.

Get your shit together Microsoft...

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I've put in over 2,700 hours into Oxygen Not Included, so that's my vote.

Edit: Oh dip, I just looked it up and I'm slightly over 2,800 now :/

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Yes, same way i say i need a "Kleenex" to open the door to the "Porta potty" so i don't have to shit in the "dumpster".

There's something about a scruffy dude with some guy liner, you should get him to try it once, thank me later.

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Mine was "Lone Pine Village Company"

Offer was through LinkedIn, and they sent me a "you've been selected" email. The interview process was going to be over email 🚩, through some guy that wasn't cc'd on the email 🚩, and had a style email address 🚩.

When i started looking into it, the job posting was removed 🚩, the company page no longer exists🚩, and the only links in the email were the email address to some Gmail address 🚩, no company website even through Duck Duck🚩.

Duck scammers, I just want a job, a ducking purpose other than "purchase product, consume content".

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I'd go back, put my feet on the desk and collect a little walkin around money, basically daring them to fire me again...

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