
6 Post – 978 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Lol glad to hear it!

Are you alive today lol

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Yeah if you're a functional member of society, then I don't at all get the stigma. It's the NEETs that should be getting a bad rap.

I've got my own place, but I've asked my mom to come live with me before. She doesn't want to lol (for various reasons, but we have a really good relationship), but I definitely would feel super comfortable doing so if the circumstances called for it!

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I don't really care about Ghostbusters, but I found this to be a really interesting video. He seems very wise with a lot of his tips and explaining why he does things the way he does.

One of the things that he mentioned that I also have personally found helpful is he said something about pre-portioning snacks so you don't eat too much.

It's so incredibly wasteful, but for snacks in my house, I prefer to buy the bulk packages of snack sized portioned snacks (whether it's chips, nuts, etc.). Thing is, I know it's so incredibly wasteful for the environment to have things individually wrapped. But when they are individually packaged like that, it's a hell of a lot easier to see and understand just exactly how much you're eating and usually stop yourself before you get too deep. Sure, it's more economical and wasteful to buy a giant family sized package of chips. But when I have to open each individual 150 cal snack bag, it's a lot easier to stop at only 1 or 2 bags.

Of course, not every snack comes packaged this way. I have thought about buying certain snacks and then pre-portioning them myself like he does, but it involves a lot more hassle and I don't have anything like a kitchen scale.

Oh please. Power hungry? I have no problem with piracy, but you bet your ass I wouldn't want the legal liability of hosting a piracy community. Do you know that in many countries, mods/admins are risking jail time when they participate in stuff like that? God forbid, some people don't want to have to worry about going to jail. Get over yourself. There are plenty of other piracy communities all over the internet you can find on your own.

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Apple isn't alone in this. Samsung's default keyboard does this as well. It's absolutely infuriating. I'm an adult. I should be able to say what I want to say without my phone of all fucking things censoring me like I'm in primary school or at a job interview. It's ludicrous. So I use Gboard instead.

I think the point with standing desks is really you just want one that can convert to either be a standing or a sitting desk. And you switch it up from time to time.

It's odd the people that advocate for standing only all day. Standing in one spot all day is straight up painful unless you've got a nice standing mat. Even then it can suck. Walking all day is different and won't hurt as much. Long periods of immobility in any position aren't exactly great for you, whether you're sitting or standing. Not having the option to sit is also terrible.

A combo of standing and sitting is best, not one or the other.

Why the hell would you spend $12k to update a rental property that you don't own? This is more like /c/midllydumbass

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Maybe a hot take, but I actually DO get why even adults like the theming of Disney World/land and like to visit it so much. The theming is just so intricately done that it's honestly very impressive and great to look at and just take in. When you hear about the way some of these art pieces were designed it just makes it that much more amazing imo.

But why are some of these people obsessed with the people in costumes that are clearly meant for toddlers? I don't marvel at some sweaty tween in a weird furry costume. I don't get it.

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Ehh...I disagree with this if we are specifically talking about what the OP is referring to.

When you're a child, everything is new, making all of it exciting. For example...as a child, OP had only experienced winter a few times. As an adult, they've experienced countless winters. It becomes routine instead of new and so it fades into the background. And with adult obligations to worry about, we don't have that worry free child mind that can drift off like that. It's just part of getting older.

OP, sometimes it's worth making a conscious decision to stop and take a moment to notice and experience your surroundings. There's a thunderstorm outside? Grab a warm cup of coffee and just try to watch and listen for a moment. If possible, open a window (that won't let rain in) or sit outside under an awning and just take in all of your senses. Go out for a walk without any music and without using your phone. Try to look at the trees and birds around you and take it in. Smell the air...has the grass been recently cut? Has it rained recently? Is there mud around? Is someone nearby grilling some food? Are there leaves on the ground? Try stepping on one. Do they crunch or are they soft and wet?

As a child, everything is new. As an adult, it's routine and boring. But you can still manage to capture a small bit of this feeling back if you actively decide to stop from time to time and consciously try to take in your surroundings for a moment. Stop and try to feel all of your senses.

You can never make these feelings new again, but sometimes I find some satisfaction in watching and listening to the world around me.

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Wtf I hate this why

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79 so far. If we could just block instances it would be so much better. OR if we had a distinction between NSFW porn and NSFW non porn. I just don't want porn in all, but I want to be able to discover new communities. And I don't want to block all NSFW because I enjoy some content that is marked as NSFW...I just don't want porn.

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As a lemmy.world user, I'm already essentially banned from there, so I wouldn't notice either.

In the earlier days of lemmy.world, I really enjoyed participating in many of the Beehaw communities. It soured my taste from them when they banned us all without warning when 99% of us didn't even do anything.

I don't know that Lemmy is necessarily suitable for what Beehaw is trying to achieve with their walked garden.

Look, I get it...making a safe space is admirable and can be tricky. But initially putting Beehaw out as an open instance didn't end up being the right move. Going to a different platform entirely like Discord or Tildes seems to make more sense for the intent.

It was one of the phlebotomists (person who draws blood) at the hospital I worked at.

It was her first day going off on her own. She accidentally went to the wrong floor/area that morning. She drew many patients' blood that morning for the morning blood draws. The entire time she was there, she did not double check even a single patient's name at any point. They were all wrong. All were mislabeled. All patients had to be re-drawn and she was fired for gross negligence.

Things happen and I've seen things get mislabeled many tines before. It's not good obviously. But if you do it once and no one ended up getting hurt, you just get reprimanded and move on. You generally don't get fired for a one off. But never before or after have I seen that level of mislabeling.

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People used the chat feature?

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Daily pouring chemicals that require special disposal just down the sink instead.

Another one: inadequate ventilation for hazardous, carcinogenic chemicals that you are exposed to for the entiety of your shift every single day

The problem is I like memes...I just don't want to ONLY see memes. It's just that Lemmy's sorting algorithm is not as robust as Reddit. With Reddit my subscription feed would show me all of my communities, even if there was a large difference in size of them. My small communities still showed up in my subscriptions feed because Reddit had a more balanced algorithm. With Lemmy, the most popular communities flood out all the others. If the devs made the sorting work better we could have a more balanced experience.

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I've literally never had this happen in my life. I also can't imagine how it would even be possible unless the person working at the shop is physically spraying the cups with cologne.

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The real mildly infuriating thing is whoever boxed this hot mess. It doesn't take a braniac to notice that pre-packaged cookies you get in a store aren't just set in a box with wax paper.

I can't turn on the sound while I'm at work so maybe it explains it...but doesn't the idea of adding water to the towel to expand it defeat the purpose of a towel? Like if I'm wiping up a spill, a soaking wet rag isn't going to be super helpful. I guess it depends what you want to use it for. Maybe I'm just caught up on the world "towel" when it's really more like an expandable wet wipe. Idk.

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OP, I know exactly what you're talking about.

I was visiting relatives this Christmas and wanted to watch some of my YouTube videos on their SmartTV. I have watched YouThe with ads on occasion throughout the years...usually when watching some video on a relative's device or school or work computer or something. They are annoying, but mostly fairly manageable. So I started up a 20 minute vid from a youtuber I like.

I shit you not...within the first 5 fucking minutes of the video, there were 5 separate ad breaks. And each ad was going to play for minutes on end if I never hit the skip button.

Yep, you read that right. One ad per minute. I am NOT exaggerating. I counted them and watched the video timestamps.

I almost could not believe what I was seeing. My mind was fucking blown. Never have I ever experienced that egregious level of ads. It made the content I was trying to view literally unwatchable and I switched off the video.

To OP, I'd highly recommend getting an Android tv device like a modern Chromecast (not the old models...needs to run android). They are relatively inexpensive and make viewing content on TVs a sane experience. I think I maybe got mine for $40 or something. Install SmartTube Next and you'll have no ads. Works fantastic. You set it up once and never worry about it again.

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How can you tell that you "come out cleaner"? I don't exactly have motor oil all over my body or anything when I shower.

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You can't just say "perchance"

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When someone who I was supposed to be able to trust kept repeatedly trying to record me naked in the shower, I retaliated once by kicking him hard in the face. I was told that what I did was wrong and violence was never the answer. I disagree.

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Personally, I don't give a shit about all this weird BS and infighting. I moved to Lemmy simply because my Reddit client was killed. I could give less of a shit about FOSS and finding 10,000 different platforms that everyone and their mother is now creating. I hope that lemmy.world doesn't end up going away. All I want is a community to interact with, not a constantly fracturing platform with weird political infighting.

Seems like a no brainier. You'd get used to taking it.

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What an incredibly bizarre prompt.

Your assets can be divided up evenly when you die, making the whole thing moot.

Edit: Wait...OP are you describing your siblings or something? Lol.

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Medical staff actually DO sometimes write on the appendage that they are supposed to operate on as one of their checks.

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People love to hate on popular things for the sake of them being popular. It has happened with other artists and will continue to happen with more artists until the end of time.

What the hell? That should be illegal if it isn't already.

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I don't think you need to leave Reddit. The whole Spez debacle was frustrating, but Reddit just has so many more specific niches. I use Lemmy for most things now, but I use Reddit occasionally for my specific niche subs like that. It's ok.

Kanye had some real bangers early in his career. I still listen to them and have them in my playlist.

I think my job would be understandable at a basic level. My job involves healthcare, which has massively changed since the 1700s, but the basics are still there and would likely make sense to people.

I look at organs to find and document disease.

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Delete this

I don't think OP is necessarily talking about skid marks. By nature of a dark, warm, and humid environment with more sweat glands than other areas, things like your crotch and armpits will start to smell quicker than something like your elbow, even if you exercise proper hygiene. It's just the nature of how our bodies function.

I change to a new pair of underwear daily, but I might use the same pair of pants multiple days in a row. If you do this while going commando, your pants might start to smell and you'd probably need to change them daily like you do for underwear.

And this is a bit TMI, but for women specifically, around time of ovulation each month (mid cycle) can mean an annoying discharge of mucus. This is totally normal and healthy and doesn't mean there's any degree of infection. It happens when an egg is released. It's easy to deal with if you just need to change your underwear. But now if you have to deal with it getting in your pants it's a bit more of an ordeal.

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What does your comment mean?

Edit: Thanks for the answers, guys! I don't really get why some people use abbreviations that the general population doesn't know without any context! Honestly that sounds pretty chill for a workplace to have tho haha

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The Last Airbender.

But to be honest, I never actually made it all the way through the whole movie. It butchers its source content so severely that it is honestly infuriating to watch.

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Not sure why it has to be. Being a superpower, it already defies logic. Why is it necessarily painful? I don't see why the brain can't temporarily shut off pain receptors if it's already doing something fantastical.

I'm reminded of the Animorphs books, where they describe the process as grotesque and the odd sensations they feel.

Those are some sweet shoes but tbh I can't tell what's going on with the hat

I mean, on paper snoozing sounds stupid, but it feels so fucking good. Hard to stop something that feels good like that. Falling asleep at night feels ok, but falling back asleep in the morning after you've just been woken up feels so goddamn good. I don't know what heroin feels like, but I wonder if it's like that.

OP, I haven't done that lately, but I used to be a person who would chronically turn off their alarm while still half asleep. I wouldn't remember doing it and I would wake up late because my alarm was shut off. I tried so many different tricks to help me get up on time and I finally figured out what works for me personally...

What has worked for me for years now is to have two devices with an alarm. The device physically closest to me (my phone, often on the nightstand or in the bed itself) will ring first. As a failsafe in case I turn it off without realizing, I have a second device with an alarm across the room from me that will ring some time after the first. Because you have to get up to shut off the second alarm, it's much harder to do it while half asleep. And because you already woke up at least briefly to shut off the first alarm, you're more likely to hear the second one and not miss it because it's too far away.

I figured this out after years and years of being a frustratingly chronically late person in high school and college. Once I was an hour or two late to a freaking final exam in college and the professor was nice enough to still let me take the exam. It's been a struggle, but after employing my current method, I haven't had many issues.

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