28 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

When you pause to think that we still use an effectively 120 year technology to move us along yet tech in other areas has soared and superceded others it makes you wonder if it's deliberate to help keep the oil industry going.

This is an interesting read.

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The whole event of 7th Oct, as horrendous as it was, is now completely and utterly overshadowed by these evil events in Gaza. The whole thing is deplorable on both sides. This is pure evil.

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That's one hell of a distance for a drone to fly from Ukraine.

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Yeah right. We've had next to no wage increases over the last 15 years but workers still carry the can. Totally ignore the energy companies raising their prices significantly based on costs yet still make huge record profits. Ditto supermarkets.

This is a remarkable turn around of two years ago when Macron warned about not to humiliate Putin.

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For a few years now I've thought that the food industry will feature as the next controversy as tobacco has been. Years ago I read an article about High Fructose Corn Syrup, its history and its negative effect on the liver. I can't find the original but this one comes close. Ever since I've avoided HFCS.

We then have hydrogenated fats that are considered bad for the body.

The bottom line is that these ingredients are produced to make food production cheaper but at the expense of a healthy diet. Industry sector lobbying helps these ingredients to the market.

That's what the British car industry said in the 60s and 70s about Japanese cars. Everyone bad mouthed anything made in Japan as being poor quality.

The Japanese succeeded through good products and their domestic rivals (in Britain) being arrogant, xenophobic and letting standards slide thinking they were great and couldn't be beaten.

I've a Japanese Honda CRV (ironically built in UK) and a Chinese built MG5 EV. The EV is best built car I've owned in 35 years.

Many established car brands are going to disappear Tesla, I believe, being one.

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Go for it Germany.

Russia comes across as the playground bully smacking kids in the mouth and then cries when they find out that one of the kids is ready to give them a smack down.

Fuck off Russia.

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Who would have ever imagined the US appearing as a pro-Russian country by the Republicans? It truly is jaw dropping.

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Hungary, whilst lead by an Orban government, is the enemy.

54.6% voted for the increase.... turnout was 5.7%. So just over 3% of the eligible Parisian population voted for this.


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The Lithuanian foreign minister sums up the response thus far very well here.

"We declare red lines for ourselves, but not for Russia. We publicly tie our own hands while leaving Putin free to pillage, rape and destroy. We create strategic transparency, not strategic ambiguity. It's time to change course."

This Trump, Orban, Putin triangle makes me think of the TV series The Handmaid's Tale where the US slides into civil war and global isolation. Instead of the Sons Of Jacob you have Trump.

Seriously, if Trump is besties with Orban and he beats Biden to the Whitehouse the US is heading for very dark times.

"All my neighbours are cunts"

I imagine the urge to visit family is strong but what was she thinking? With many young Russians desparate to leave Russia she decides to go there as a dual US/Russian despite being warned, despite the shit that is happening.

The Lithuanian foreign minister has summed up the situation rather well with this Tweet.

" Putin is prepared to cross borders, subvert democratic governments, ignore treaties and rewrite the past in an attempt to legitimise the invasion and annexation of his so-called “lands of historic Russian interest”."

" And what about our response? We have taken every opportunity to declare what we are NOT going to do. We have imposed red lines on ourselves and announced them openly, while our adversary operates without any. "

Catholic Church saying "look over there that's terrible" whilst not doing much about the rape and abuse within its own backyard.

Catholic Abuse Catholic Abuse again And a bit more And more

I think they're amused at the person rather than the action. There's a better chance of finding rocking horse shit than a Brit truly saying "Pip, Pip", unless they're from the US or an actor in a 1950's black and white WW2 themed budget film.

I can see hundreds of small businesses going under along with thousands of jobs because of these stupid import tariffs and fees. Yet they dress it up and justify it as something good. That income stream will dry up damn quickly when the imports stop along with exports.

Brexit has been a vote to repeatedly punch ourselves in the face.

A not uncommon sight in the UK. Councils spend huge sums of tax payers money to regenerate urban areas including stone/concrete paved pedestrianised areas. A few weeks later gas, telecom or electricity companies do this.

The worst is when they dig up stone cobbled streets that are hundreds of years old and refill with tarmac.

Russia will use this as bargaining for Russia to be allowed to compete under their flag rather than the individual neutrals that's has been previously agreed and lob some cruise missiles at Odessa when everyone is watching the 100m final.

In all likelihood Russia will continue its murderous campaign on the region Olympics or not.

T568A White green, Green, White orange, Blue, White blue, Orange, White brown, Brown

T568B White orange, Orange, White green, Blue, White blue, Green, White brown, Brown

There was a time when all this would have been hush hush and we'd find out about it in the following day or so newspaper. Now we and they get a heads up before the event. Are they selling tickets?

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It's time to stop the procrastinating in the hope that this will all die down and have an ending where everyone shakes hands and never speak of this again.

Russia needs stopping.

The Lithuanian PM has summed up the situation here ...

' "Now it seems like Europe understand this is Europe's problem," she said, but added that some countries still seem to have a hope that things will be sorted out by themselves.

Šimonytė also said that European countries must give everything they can from their arsenals, as well as ramp up manufacturing." '

What's that you say? The Chinese economy is collapsing?

He knows he's fucked up and that the writing is on the wall for him. Putin is on borrowed time and so is he.

Will an American please explain what is happening in the US and these Republicans? Reagan must be turning in his grave. Republicans used to be the first in line in wanting a dust up with Russia, now they seem to be the first in line to rim Putin's arse.

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The Tories were scared of the rise of the right wing UK Independence Party (UKIP), particularly their leader Nigel Farage. In order to try to stop losing voters to UKIP David Cameron (the prime minister) promised a referendum on EU membership thinking they would not vote to leave. It back fired, he resigned, and the shit show began. The vultures descended to make political and monetary opportunities despite the damage it would do to the country.

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There was a time that the UK government had China involved in the development of a new nuclear power station, Sizewell C. They corrected their mistake.

When it was reported on the radio news yesterday they said "jumped into the engine". I cannot find anything else to confirm if that's true. Either way it's horrific.

Get a grip UAE. Putin is an arse. Don't be an arse UAE.

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Of course not, that's where most of the fibre is found. I'd avoid the beak though.

Competition was always going to happen it was just a question of when and to what degree. The established car makers weren't going to sit around and watch Tesla take their market share. But the rise of Chinese car manufacturers hitting the EV market has been swift and brutal. These are huge companies that are generally unheard of in the West such as BYD.

Edit, the link is almost a year old so I suspect figures have changed a fair bit since.

Judging by the way wages have dropped since 2008, at latest, it feels as if we're heading for a new era of feudalism.

Is that picture of Eylon Levy real? It looks as if he's been caught red handed, oh wait.

The thing is that Russia Ukraine is history repeating itself.

Finland was invaded by the Soviet Union (pretty much Russia so I'll refer them as Russians) in 1939 resulting in the Winter War . This started Nov 1939 and ended in March 1940.

The Finnish put up one hell of a fight that caught out the Russians despite their superior numbers and military strength. It was the intention of the Russians to take over the whole of Finland but they suffered large losses.

The outcome resulted in Finland conceding land bordering Russia and signed the Moscow Peace Treaty. .

This is why Finland was reluctant to join Nato until now. Finland now in Nato is a big thing when you look at the past.

Consequently, Finland has a military that is finely honed to take on a Russian invasion.

Does this ring any bells?

Neoliberalism, or the pursuit of a small state through privatisation and cuts.

Lavatoryrov throws his dummy out again.

What's a concern here is the lapse in German operational security. The Russians probably already knew that British troops are involved long before this happened.

So yes this is a propaganda information tactic to undermine confidence.

A complete fuck up none the less though.