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Joined 11 months ago

What 'face' does the penis make when tasting citrussy?

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Kinda burns a bit, do recommend.

But pineapple is better.

Its ... horrible how you treat your elderly in closed wards.

I shall avert my gaze.
Didn't mean to pry, it was just too loud to not notice it.

I'd rather look at our ... increasingly hard-right EU politics ... wait, that can't be right, wtf.

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Oh nyoo.

Thank you Grapher, really nice to know Im not the only one that found it weirdly polished kind of funny (not taking credit, purely accidental quality on my part).

I mean, in previous years we did pass some environmental laws (like banning internal combustion cars), not as much or as strict as I hoped, but change was there. Sure hope that doesn't all get undone 'to boost the economy' (in the USA sense - so help the existing big corps to boost their profits & do nothing for the majority).

Hell, I rally like the vast majority of EU regulations (various directives and delegated acts) that were passed & are being constantly updated (to keep up with the times/trends & tech) over the last 20 years, I think its a rally good balance between protecting the people whilst at the same time working with the market to actually achieve a meaningful & painless change over several years. That's why we have representatives. The added "bureaucracy" as companies call it is just extra reporting & testing (to confirm compliance with standards). This benefits us all & is of unbelievably marginal cost when you look at the economy, regardless of what lobbyists say.

There is no official anything when two duopolic corporations (with wildly similar interests) decide which candidates to bring forward. They decide which two will be the only viable choices.

Afaik there are no legal requirements binding them except the restrictions who is eligible ("being born in USA", that sort of arbitrary weirdness).

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So vaguely USA flag styled placenta & a gun, got it.

I remember the McCain debate, yes, it makes sense for the 'citizen' part. Not sure why does it have to be from birth tho. But it was prob written in colonial times or something.

No meritocracy at all.

Hard agree.

Some evil cabal intolerant to vast variety of species orchestrated mass extinction so that now we are all this uniform fish-bird things.

I want to go back.

Bird, doing bird things, on his way to file a report at the agency.

In a helmet, suit and everything, holy shit.

thank mr skeltal

Early yesterday.

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Like, it must have been a (horrible) style choice right?
Can't fuck up that much on accident.

I don't wanna see how the inside looks. Maybe those windows use just one continuous foil ...

Doesn't matter, memorised your house keys pattern.

(Be ready for surprise titty piercing at 3am, after the cat is done with the zoommies, so like 15-ish minutes past 3am.)

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Tell me you never sucked tiddies pierced with house keys by providing me with a picture of tiddies pierced with house keys.

Oh, so you let just anyone suck on your house keys?!

Well, now Im not doing it.

Gotta love my fellow millennials - battered old souls that only the offer of getting murdered gets us properly motivated.

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VLC is one of the greatest achievements of the modern era imho (along with Linux, Wikipedia, etc).

A good dev who didn't sell out, fully FOSS, always up-to-date before-the-date, no nonsense or bloatware, no UI changes every month to get more engagement, etc.

This is how all products of humanity with our level of tech should be like (even non-software).

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Oooohhhhh!! "Sounding", now I get it!

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Being free from megacorps let's humans be humans, to express themselves, I love it, the jokes are nice (and are jokes, unlike the nightmare abominations like Clippy and their AIs).

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Doom port pls, it's the law.

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Healthcare can't be left to the free market. Simply because the demand part of the market isn't free.

My country screens like 10% of total (mostly) boob-havers per year for free (the number would heve been higher if more ppl decided to get tested). So basically everyone is invited, with mobile test units (just big containers/trucks) roaming around the country for the elderly, or for a bit more remote villages, or just to spread awareness & make someone get screened out of convenience.

Wait ... is there a perception (or reality?) that most Linux users are programmers?

I'm an introvert, but all programmers I know use Windows (and badly in the sense they aren't power users).

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Its hella insensitive to tell your boner its unwanted.
Be better.

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How does someone come to a point where police going around with an AR-15 is even legal, much less common?

What kind of large field ops with trained & organised counterparty are they expecting to encounter on a daily basis outside of an active warzone? And in a store?

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... so dumb ... but I desperately want to experience the tactile feel of inserting one of these bad boys into that deep tight little jack ... :|

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Saying the rich are (just as or even more) unhappy than humans is just rich ppl propaganda, or at best a coping mechanism ('See, Im better of poor than thev rich, I should be thankful!').

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... and thats why Wikipedia is non-profit.

Seeing human (even shitpost) achievements get monetized (in the most sucky manner) one by one is sad af.

On the open meadows of the freeinternet,
where the gentle breeze touches all equally,
where the people are friends,
and the money is spent on FOSS devs & smol gaming studios.

Whatever distro is the exact opposite of Hanna Montana Linux?

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were intelligent

planned for weeks

stabbed with a knife

I know the sadistic part is about enjoyment (probably the planning process too), but ...

... you can't seriously build a system that is meant to take advantage of every situation, praise if for taking advantage of every situation, align it's interests in taking advantage of every situation and then be surprised it took advantage of a situation. We should be better than Pikachu.

smaller, cheaper

Just say better.
They are better vehicles and the ad campaigns for 'bigger, more expensive' vehicles are finally hitting their stupid wall.

Now lets do SUVs next.

Nah, you can tell from the bones what kind of muscles were (& how they were) attached to it.

... the artist ...

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USA: The government is the corporations.

Skynet: The government is an AI filled 4chan board.

Borg: The government is the collective.

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