
2 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It was refreshing to have a civil debate without yelling and name calling. Compared to the previous debate it's night and day.


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My blocked community list got significantly shorter when they introduced instance blocking. Got pretty tired of playing furry porn community whackamole.

13 more...

Yes. I don't take wildly long showers, so the conservation isn't really worth the convenience of being able to step in/out of warm water at will.

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Never stick your dick in crazy. The sex is great but it's absolutely not worth the drama. That being said ... it was a fun lesson to learn!

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I just finished installing an air horn on my truck. Certainly louder which was my goal, but it's higher pitched than I was expecting. Not sure how I feel about it yet. Still have the OEM horn to replace if it's annoying.

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If she says you don't need to use protection, you need to use protection.

Dave Ramsey got famous for teaching an educational series and books focused on getting financially illiterate folks out of debt and onto a path of relative financial security using his "baby steps." While not bad advice per se, he's not regarded as an expert if you are already able to self regulate your finances. It gives folks a decent starting point and some reasonable first principles, but he should not be considered to be the gospel of financial advice.

We're getting a 3D ultrasound of our first child tomorrow. To say I'm beyond excited is an understatement.

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There's that one guy that HATES sunfish.


Researching around this cause I thought it was interesting, certainly not an expert. Apparently your case is considered an "accidental American" and you can probably search for others in your scenario. The IRS has a tax treaty with Germany that should be able to help you reduce (or maybe eliminate) your tax burden.

https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/tax-implications-dual-citizenship-what-you-need-know-daniel-morris-jfxle https://www.irs.gov/businesses/international-businesses/united-states-income-tax-treaties-a-to-z

It's the Blended Retirement System and it is a blend of a pension and an employer-sponsored retirement account. In the BRS service members went from 2.5% per year of service to 2% and gained a 5% match to their Thrift Savings Plan. So a member retiring at 20 years in the BRS would receive 40% of their base pay as pension vs 50% under the traditional military retirement system.

If all goes well, we will set a release day in the next week or two, most likely on a Saturday around 1800 UTC.

Any chance we get can get a status update?

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As a recovery facilitator for a decade, hopefully you would have developed some skills in empathy. Everyone is approaching their sobriety journey from a different place, and it's reasonable to assume that their world view and lived environment is foundational to their story.

It's unfortunate that you are feeling personally attacked by the recovery community striving to be inclusive of all who struggle in different ways than you do. What happened to "look for the similarities, not the differences"?

It's not lost on us that saw you share your vitriol this morning, have it summarily rejected by reasonable minds, then go shop around for affirmation in different circles. If this is your idea of creating a safe space recovery, maybe you should reconsider your role. I'm sure there's a place for you somewhere, but I imagine your politics are blinding your ability to help others progress on their journey. You're not the leader you think you are.

I left work at noon for what I thought was a 1345 appointment an hour away. Turns out I needed to leave before 1345 for what was actually a 1445 appointment. I feel this hard. Day wasted.


Cradle of Filths' Jesus is a Cunt t-shirt caused a fair bit of folks to be uncomfortable. https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/cradle-filth-jesus-controversial-shirt-rock-history-61183/

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@Thekingoflorda@lemmy.world, we understand this is a volunteer effort, but as the community lead, would you be able to shed some light into the status of the upgrade? I don't think we are asking or pressuring for the upgrade to happen ASAP, just some transparency would be nice. We're two weeks past the proposed update, and almost a month beyond the last communication on the topic. Appreciate what you all do to provide the community for us, we ask because we care.

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I'm gonna build a greenhouse.

Indian Folk Metal -- Bloodywood - Dana Dan

I think the underlying sentiment of the finance gurus in this scenario is not "don't help your family" but rather "you need to put your own oxygen mask on first before attempting to help those around you."

If your financial house isn't in order, helping someone out of their hole first only hurts your cause. (If you only look at finances in isolation and ignore significant relationships...)

My undergraduate education was absolutely invaluable to setting me up on the path I'm on today. In part because of the academics, but also because of the opportunities I was afforded through internships and organizations which have morphed into a career. My best friends to this day came from those experiences. It gave me an opportunity to learn about myself, make some mistakes that thankfully didn't set me back too far, and the flexibility to give me room to grow into who I am today.

My graduate education on the other hand was simply a checkbox for job recruiters. I did the bare minimum to get the grades I needed, but my heart wasn't in it. I figure the hiring manager will see the benefits of my on the job training, and HR will use my degree in their matrix to decide what salary I'm worth.

Vincent the Vacuum

Child 2. If you eliminate the children who have what you described as legal or ethical concerns, child 2 is the only one who consistently pursues their passions and is contributing back to society in some way. The other remaining ones might have lofty and noble goals, but no demonstrable ambition to prove their worthiness.

Lawn Mowing Simulator

Watch F1

Carvings by Orbit Culture

Found this in a Melodic Death Metal compilation video last week and can't stop listening to it.

Another ls alias I'm a fan of is ls -latr which I alias to lt. It gives you a time sorted directory listing with the most recent next to your cursor (helpful for large directories).

There's a real estate bias, but I'm a fan of the Bigger Pockets family of podcasts.


Time units being base 12, 24, 60 are fairly convenient in that you can divide them evenly in many ways. I find this highly advantageous, turns out lots of folks did too and that's why we use it today.

I used to get confused doing arithmetic between AM/PM until I switched my life over to a 24 hour clock. Also why folks who do time math often like in hospitals or military use that system. It's comes down to convenience.