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Nobody likes people not accepting responsibility for their own actions. Duh.

At the same time, who am I to say that something isn't or wasn't as hard on someone as they say? Shouldn't we believe people when they say a thing is a burden for them? Doubly so if we ourselves don't have first-hand knowledge of it, such as poverty, or race, or gender?

Yes, I have a close friend who sometimes irritates me by how she keeps saying she can't do X because Y, or failed at Z due to Q, but in the end her feelings are true and valid even if they seem irrational to me. And she's so much more than that.

Some of my relatives have a dairy farm. One time they had to put down a young cow and had it cut for beef/veal for themselves, since it was so sudden and unplanned. They told the cow's name, what had happened to it, what its temperament had been like. That was enough to make the eating experience weird and a bit offputting.

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How much my flute cost. (It's from my fun money, and a bargain for what it is, but still.)

Metro. Train go underground, yay! Probably helps that where I'm from they're pretty tidy.

Mechanical items being repaired. It didn't work as it was supposed to, now it does, magical, you healed it! (Sometimes it's even me being the magician.)

IMHO that's a surefire way to burnout and self-doubts later on. My advice would almost be the opposite.

Never too late to change if what you're doing isn't working for you. Recognize when you're about to kill your passion with expectations, and don't do it. There is little to no cross-disciplinary knowledge that doesn't come in useful, so don't force yourself to be single-minded in your pursuits. What you're learning matters surprisingly little, that you're learning matters so much more.

But yea, don't change major pursuits, like, every year. Probably depends on the person which advice they need. I definitely would have needed the latter.

Agreed and agreed. But an addendum regarding mattresses: No matter what the salespeople tell you, most mattresses with pocketed coil springs are pretty much the same apart from hardness, especially with a compensating mattress topper. Just get one that feels right to you, definitely don't think that more expensive=better, mattress-wise.

More money advice: Most things come in two tiers worth purchasing: "nice" and "wow".

"Nice" are the things experts deem good enough, or clothes-wise ones that you can see yourself actually wearing across multiple years, both durability- and appearance-wise. Affordable, and you like them. A useable placeholder, if you will.

"Wow" are the things that you've been steadily dreaming of for years, or ones that catch your eye even if you weren't looking. "Buy it for life" stuff. Solid whole wood furniture, that teapot or coffee maker you've been dreaming of. A designer winter coat that only costs 20 times your old one. 🫣 On these you look at the price tag after; you want it, you get it, and if it breaks, you repair it. If it's affordable, or if you find more than one of these every 1-3 years, consider yourself very lucky.

Nothing below "nice" is worth getting, and very few things between "nice" and "wow" are worth getting.

My cat. Everyone would be played by cats. Untrained cats, just put them together in relevant places and roll camera. It's art now.

All the chocolate is already down the toilet, or on my waistline.

Yeah... I kinda think that's an experience every omnivore should have. Raise something with your own hands, then kill and eat it. If you can't do that, at least you now know your hypocrisy.

I'm a hypocrite, too.

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Condoms aren't 99% effective as contraception even if you use them perfectly, which most people don't.

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There's also "The Walk" from the same makers, for us non-joggers. I tried it long ago and I think it was mostly an audio story that triggered a new chapter at some step counts.


Love you.

I'm sorry.

European here, if my parents needed assistance I'd do my best to help them 100%. But that's because they're my parents, they can be thrifty, I know they're not gambling addicts or spending it all on booze etc. Having to ask (not outright, but no longer strongly refusing my help or no longer dumping money on us at every opportunity to avoid inheritance taxes) would be an indicator that they're already pretty desperate.

Lots of people aren't as lucky regarding their parents.

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I'd love to watch good anime again, same as with any good TV/movie, but no longer hang around people who:

  1. mentioned an interesting anime like any other show, and not as a long list of recommendations or rabid fandom. Talk to me of your favourite anime like you would of The Bear or Fleabag, sheesh.
  2. were ones whose taste regarding media I trusted.

Basically too much shite, no interest to wade through it and no easy/natural filters available.

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I, like most of us on Lemmy, live a better life than almost the entirety of the rest of human history.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the world and by extension you have been so kind to me and I turned out to be just this worthless waste of oxygen, my existence a net negative of epic proportions and yet I'm too cowardly to at least end this miserable experiment.

Life is full of wonders and joy and there's so much more to enjoy!

Life is full of putting on a face and smiling and playing a well-adjusted individual and I'm so tired.

Welcome to depression-ville, population way too fucking many.

The bulls, yeah, that's a planned pick-up to a meat farm or to the slaughterhouse, easy to distance yourself from mentally AFAIK. Not the heifers you've named and intended to keep.

Also mostly using AliExpress, sometimes Ebay. AliExpress has good shops; check the other stuff they sell and the reviews to get an idea. Official company stores are great, but there are also fake company stores. And customer service on those rare occasions when it's just that bad, sucks.

I got a decent CPAP machine for cheap on Wish, but otherwise the stuff just seems flimsier and more expensive.

My first thought was "wtf, once a week, ain't nobody got time for that", but then I realized that when I visit my parents I make a long weekend out of it. And 5x48h is about as many hours per year.

But yea. Out of all the things you are likely to regret later in life, spending more time with the people you love is not one of them.

It comes down to how you define "soul".

Do I believe there's a consciousness that transcends death or exists separately from our physical existence, no.

But if you start talking of ship of Theseus/transponder incident/mind upload -type mental exercises, then yes, I believe "self" is an evolving pattern and a collection of experiences that could theoretically be replicated in another physical manifestation or even in a completely different medium. You could call that, too, "soul".

Depends on the situation, but IMHO you need to at least be willing to accept some responsibility in improving it, and it should affect how you deliver the criticism. (Even more kindly than usual.)

If you're in a position to criticise a finished solution proposal, you're probably part of the team and could have offered your input earlier, when it was potentially even requested. Maybe they knowingly took a shortcut to be able to move on to the other tasks and meet deadlines. Maybe they took on the task outside their core skillset because someone else dropped the ball. Maybe they have banged their head against it for days and simply cannot find a solution that works on all levels, already frustrated. Is there a superior or colleague they could have asked for assistance? Are you the superior?

Ditto. Effing survival instinct.

I think that for most, this was a shift from "mildly opposed" to "mildly supportive, and if you're going to do it, do it now".

At least my pro/con list hasn't changed, just the odds. I still think we're more likely to be dragged into war somewhere far away than being attacked ourselves, and that the US is an unreliable ally. But those are acceptable risks compared to the chance of having the whole NATO having our back if there were to be war on our ground.

My current (Android, custom ROM that still gets updates) phone is 6 years old. I tend to upgrade when the phone breaks, the battery gives up, I hear of some severe vulnerability, or even these updates stop. As a replacement I get something used in the $100-150 range, so at least a couple years old. Maybe every 5 years or so.

Edit: The power bank is my friend.

There are also 12 templar crosses. I did not find an anagram for "OREO" in Latin, nor is it "INRI" transposed directly in alphabet, but there might be something to force there. Both being four-letter words with same beginning and end and all.

Add Finnish to the list, "kirpputori" = flea market.

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During the pandemic I browsed anime again and really enjoyed My roommate is a cat (and not really anything else that came up). My husband and I like old-fashioned cyberpunk, so on his suggestion we watched and enjoyed Edgerunners.

So there's still anime out there that matches my tastes. It just doesn't usually come up, and I don't follow releases or check anything out "just because it's anime".

I mostly drink yanchas/Wuyi rock oolongs. Get them from various sources, no specific brand. Also occasionally reputable sheng pu-erh if I can afford some, non-pu fermented teas, jin jun mei, genmaicha, or anything Nepalese or Malawi whole-ish leaf, in small quantities (max 50g).

Max Richter - The Blue Notebooks
Arvo Pärt - Portrait (Angèle Dubeau, La Pietà 2010) (or anything really)

Ace Attorney (nostalgia). I'm not weird enough to be a witness, the perp, or the wrongfully accused. If I was the victim I'd obviously be screwed. If I was a defence attorney my clients would be screwed. If I was a judge everyone but me would be screwed. Payne seems to make an ok living as a prosecutor although he sucks at it, I could do that. Or I'd just be one of those weirdoes cheering in the gallery, or an unremarkable resident of Japanifornia, which would both be fine.

If it doesn't give her the ick and she likes the classic styles, used jewelry is the way to go. It's already had the "walk out of store" depreciation and I think engravings on most rings are pretty easy to replace.

As a more personal recommendation, when I ahem "outgrew" my own engagement ring and was too lazy/cheap to resize, I got a "temporary" replacement 10? years ago from here. It was supposed to be moissanite in titanium, did an XRF analysis and the band material was some sort of nickel-less maybe steel IIRC. No idea if the moissanite is genuine, but it's held up way better than any CZ has, and the band has kept better than silver so props to that.

Arvo Pärt - Spiegel im Spiegel (full album) 47 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4RmJaP683A

My "fall asleep" list also includes

Arvo Pärt - Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten (8 min).

Philippe Gaubert - Madrigal (4 min).
which would bring it to almost an hour.

Edit: Maybe Fauré - Pavane arranged for flute and piano (6 min) to tide it over.

Ode to Joy flash mob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbJcQYVtZMo

So sorry about your duck.


In my language "thanks" and "please" can use the same word, sometimes it spills over into my use of English. Hopefully the tone of voice carries the sincerity of the hopeful-but-not-demanding request anyway, but that's not available in online communication. Then again, online I usually have time to get my "thank you"s and " please"s in order.

Instead of being guilt-ridden and terrified of making mistakes, especially if they might cause harm to others, I get... antisocial personality disorder? Fuck.

Barry's, speaking as a non-Irish person who loves the idea of two competing tea brands and hasn't even tried Lyon's.

Agreed on Yunnan on all but shu, and sheng at the temperamental ~5-10 age range.

"Food is bad" tells nothing to the chef though, who is now wondering if your tastes are just different, or if there's something that should be changed. Seasoning? Over- or undercooked? Meat tastes rotten? There's a fly in your soup? You should at least be able to say something a bit more actionable.

Variolation (introducing the smallpox virus through the skin, not respiratory tract as its natural spread would be, usually leading to a milder infection and subsequent immunity) had been around for a while. Jenner's accomplishment was successfully using the related cowpox virus to grant immunity to the smallpox virus, based on observations that people working with cattle rarely caught smallpox. This eliminated many of the downsides of variolation (eg. risk of breakthrough disease, and variolated individuals being infectious for smallpox for a while).

(Western concert) flute. Playing, maintenance/repair, collecting, different mechanics and other deviations from the norm, history.

Tea. All teas camellia sinensis/taliensis, and different cultural habits around it. Teapot collecting addiction.

3D modeling and printing.
