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Joined 12 months ago

I'm fine with Firefox getting paid for the 2nd step of the install being changing the default search to DDG.

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James Bond: Singlepussy.

James settles down and gets monogamous.

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4 years and $1m fine.

Billions in fraud. Guy is set for life and will absolutely be out of "jail" in a year.

The judge: "Let this be a lesson"

Everyone: fucking what?

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Answering my phone is like answering my door.

If I'm not expecting you, I'm not answering.

Loved my 3a every day I had it, until I "upgraded". My son now rocks the 3a daily and has better battery life and similar performance to my 7.

He also has unlimited Google photo uploads

A 200+ year old document which was designed and written deliberately to ensure that no one amassed too much power, and is now complicating individuals amassing too much power.

Sounds like a problem for governments to figure out

Immigration was always an outsourced bandaid for solving population decline.

As a Canadian who lives in Alberta, this pains me.

I despise our provincial government. I vote in every election. I reach out to my electors who I disagree with. And it doesn't matter because a bunch of old "got mine" boomers rich on oil money, keep voting in their shitty friends who are looting the public in plain view.

Why don't I move? Because the whole fucking world seems to be going this way, and the housing market is insane.

Jellyfin works great in an all Jellyfin environment. It's poor integration with Chromecast ultimately kept me off the platform. But that's on me for letting Google make things too easy.

I will give Jellyfin further credit, that Finamp is really well designed for music use, and it kept me running the server in parallel with other media servers for quite a while.

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My friend was a local and took us to Izu.

No sushi will ever compare.

I played through 'One Finger Death Punch" with a broken arm.

Would recommend.

Do not look away from screen while ad is playing, or playback will be paused for 5 minutes for first offense.


Don't forget to git commit, and git push.

I have used my pi-hole to blacklist all the oculus, meta and facebook domains, so I don't get firmware update pushes on my Q1.

BUT, I did have a weird out-of-sync issue with Virtual Desktop a few months ago when I thought I had properly version locked.

All I ever wanted my Quest to be was a monitor. The fact that they could brick a monitor because they feel like it's obsolete, is asinine.

Television shows are 22-24 minutes, because cable TV should show 6-8 minutes of ads every half hour. 30 second ads in blocks of 3 or 4, multiple times per show.

15 seonds ads are almost too short for a trip to the kitchen. I'm not saying they're good, but if you want to compare to cable TV, you need to remember the dark times.

Meanwhile Google has always just forced you to go to Google Groups to log bugs in production software.

I'll be the guy who enjoyed this.

Beautiful hourglass pattern as I changed over from one time sink to another. Kinda neat.

A few hours? Something about your post tells me that you didn't play past 22 minutes.

Call it a hunch.

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Now there's a name I haven't heard in 20 years. Not sure it qualifies for "downhill very quickly"

I signed up for the first one I saw, and subscribed across instances without ever considering that people might care where you came from.

People are going to judge. I try to not to be like people.

The term you'll get more mileage out of here is Luddite.

The looms are stealing our jobs, so we should organize against them.


YMMV, I treat it on demand, but in most cases it's unused.

Civ: End turn

Driving games: Shift paddle

It's like the 4th mouse button. Sometimes you don't realize how much you might enjoy having it mapped.

This has always been the method. I've worked in startups for years, and there's always a game-changing pivot that causes a staff exodus. They replace the with contractors until the company succeeds in the pivot or crashes and burns.

Return to office is just a pivot. If the talent leaves and gets replaced, hopefully their leadership can right the ship. Otherwise it's those who departed who made the right call.

I waited to get involved until after the Echoes update last summer, and I truly enjoyed 100+ hours of the game.

It still does suffer from inevitably feeling really empty, with billions of copies of the same 4 different coloured/temperatured planets and 8 creature types, but it was still a heck of an experience.

Unbound is going to need some context.

Another Moe checking in!

"Foreign contaminant!"

Considering the needs of others and suggesting behaviours that benefit the larger whole is often scoffed at in the United States. See: History.

I am absolutely some of that NMS time. I just run it at default, and I get about an hour. Which is great, because after that I really should take a break.

GC controller was also the decacto way to pwn in Mario kart Wii.

Sounds like socialism

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Maybe not if you could cross play.

As a recent convert, Bitwarden feels so modern. I'm not 100% comfortable not having my keyfile locally, but I've kept an old copy that I'll maintain with some of the more crucial passwords.

Civ VI and Inscryption required me to use the pads. Basically everything else is sticks.

A Starship Troopers game from 1990s Blizzard Entertainment.

A red dead redemption game from From Software

I gave Jellyfin a full year, and at the end of that year, the problematic Chromecast support did me in. Back to Plex I went.

2 weeks later and I came back to read your beautiful post. Hearing about people's early experiences with the game are my favourite.

I once managed to catch the probe. I was so far from home, and couldn't save them.

No. You can install PiHole on basically any computer. Old laptop, existing PC, RaspberryPi, etc.

Establish that device as your DNS server inside your router.


Grilled cheese sandwich. It's as lazy or as fancy as you're feeling.

Super lazy? Grease bread with cheese slice. Fry flip eat.

Feeling less lazy as you start? Cut a hole in one of the pieces of bread and fry an egg in it while you toast the other side, and upgrade the cheese. Just be careful. When you start eyeing meats and mustards to pair, you're in danger of making yourself a pretty epic sandwich.