15 Post – 1272 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I showed pepnis pls show bobs

I hear people love my shit hole

Yes fellow humans I am also a human and enjoy human activities such as consuming nutrient rich bread products and performing my nightly ritual of scraping detritus from my molars. There are no bots on Lemmy, Just fellow human(s).

This place is a shit hole. But it’s MY shit hole.

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How I delete someone else’s account

You are ducking welcome

I’m the problem. I take 30 min+ showers. It’s my best place to cry and think about my life.

Guns don’t kill people. I do.

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It’s your own damn fault for trying to get food at fucking Starbucks, the coffee isn’t even good unless you’re at pikes place

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“Breaking: Giant piece of shit selected by a bunch of other pieces of shit. Nation shocked”

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That’s because it’s a fucking amazing device all around

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Ah yes, one step closer to a totalitarian state. Let’s go.

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I can see the Fox headlines now: "Man dies almost immediately after getting vaccinated"

I would check it here and there the last few weeks. It’s completely barren. Most subs are just gone and the popular page is just askreddit or food posts. It’s awful. This is my new home!

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Acronis Backup charges you for local data backups from one device to the other. So basically if you are using Acronis to move data from your local drive to another local device like a NAS, you pay money for every gigabyte transferred. During the time I worked for them, the script to run the transfer was literally the most simple robocopy command, even simpler than one you could write yourself. And they still do it, charge for local to local data movement. Its fucking insane. One of my clients had a $15k a month bill for local data movement. Straight up highway robbery.

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What's wild to me is this is the first time I have ever heard anything about the financial part of lemmy, I will happily donate

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That is a fun fact. Here's an ever funner fact: Don't give your money to assholes and then take it back. Just like, don't give it to them in the first place.

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$200 to play a console game on a different screen only within the same network is insane. You could spend $100 more and get a full blown handheld console. This is fucking stupid, Sony.

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You dare link me to that vile place?!

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Old millennial checking in. No fucking clue what this is about

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What the fuck can I do? Just be even more depressed about the state of the country

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This article is idiotic. “There are a number of steam deck killers already on the market”

Okay then why haven’t they killed the steam deck? Because they fucking aren’t steam deck killers, you can’t compete with that gaming library built in. I don’t give a shit how much better it performs on paper, if it’s pain in the ass to run games nobody will want it over a deck. Oh I have to install windows? Fuck that. So fucking tired of the “Insert Product Name Killer” thing. It’s bullshit

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Absolutely badass. Slava Ukraini!

Oh wow, who would have ever thought they'd do that? What a fucking surprise.

Can we not push more anti science rhetoric please

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Fucking GOP is going to kill us all much more quickly. It sounds insane written out but it's absolutely true

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I’ll believe it when I see it. And god damn do I hope to see it

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Hot garbage president serves cold garbage food

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God damn is that thing ugly as fucking sin. It’s like they went out of their way to make it as fucking ugly as possible.

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Fortunately only Republicans are stupid enough to listen to their leader when they are told not to vote

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Cool except that’s not what the fucking painting looks like. The fuck is this shit?

Can’t wait for the day when NFTs are relegated to the “shameful history” bin. What a scam.

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This whole article is a load of shit and whoever posted it should feel bad

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Company deserved it if they didn’t have backups and didn’t change the admin passwords

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Holy shit. I just open up Plex and it’s all there, and if it’s not I just add it with a few clicks. I had no idea this was really how thing are these days

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Mac users know that feel

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First wish: all humans turn blue for 24 hours after masturbating

Second wish: reverse all human digestive tracts so food goes into anus and excretion comes out of mouth, trump style

Third wish: reproductive organs are all non functional for reproduction specifically and humans mate by doing The Polka for 6 consecutive hours.

Love, Satan

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Any time you have some inane or mundane thought, type it out and hit send, then everyone can read the boring and useless things your brain ejaculates onto the screen. That's my experience with Twatter, anyway

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If god was real, the sky would open up and he'd smush this stupid fuck for using his namesake to spread lies, fear, and bullshit

Growing up in the 90s, we would always say things were 'gay' even though we had nothing against homosexuals. It was just the thing to say. Yeah, definitely should not have been saying that.

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